
  • Summary - The cycle of life
    Sep 28 2023

    Let us recap the learnings from Gita and co-relate them with new age techniques. "Conflict" is the starting point.

    "Guna" or "Natural Tendency": Each doer has a natural or the default behaviour employed when they undertake action.

    "Yog" or "The Path": Based on our nature, each person selects on a path, a set process towards achieving the goal.

    "Sadhana" or "The Journey": We embark on a Journey of Truth, or Action, or Service.

    "Phal" or "The Fruit": As a result of the actions, we will get the fruit... Either a Success or a Failure.

    "Refinement": Then the loop repeats. We start again, with a new conflict. We keep refining and improving, with application of knowledge. "Perfection" or "Liberation": If we follow the process without getting swayed by distractions, we will achieve perfection, and escape from cycle of rework. That is Six Sigma. In terms of cycle of life, one achieves Liberation or Mokshya, the escape from the loop of birth-death-rebirth.

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    8 mins
  • Co-relation with Modern Techniques
    Sep 28 2023

    Effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing desired result. Let us discuss the following in relation to the Gita:

    • Process approach of Total Quality Management
    • Importance of Collaboration from 7 Habits, and
    • Win-win methodology from Theory of Constraints.
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    8 mins
  • Liberation
    Sep 21 2023

    Liberation is Ultimate Success or Perfection.

    Better results can be achieved if there is Role Clarity. This means defining the roles & responsibilities for everyone. Each person is assigned tasks based on his knowledge, skill, experience, and position. This is the structure or organisation of the team, and it is usually like a pyramid with layers.

    An Individual, a team or the whole organisation acts to produce results. But perfection cannot be achieved in the first run. The PDCA is the key concept in TQM for continual improvement and achieving perfection.

    How to escape the loop of Think, Act, Repeat? The way is renunciation of Temptation & Anger. Performing action without attachment. This will ultimately lead to Supreme Success.

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    8 mins
  • Anatomy of Action
    Sep 14 2023

    There are five factors or 5 Ps that drive any action. *P1* - Participants. These are stakeholders or the Object of the action. *P2* - Purpose or the Doer of the Action. This is the Subject. *P3* - Process or Resources or Instruments. *P4* - Procedure or Method or Application of Effort. *P5* - Perseverance shown by the Doer to achieve the Goal. Those who understand these factors, apply the correct approach, and do not see themselves as the sole contributors, can change the destiny.

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    8 mins
  • Path of Knowledge
    Sep 7 2023

    To decipher between the right from the wrong, to understand the greater good and to comprehend the true nature of the universe takes us on the path of self-discovery. This is Gyan Yog or Path of Knowledge.

    We need to understand that people have three natural tendencies, the Three Gunas.

    Tamas. This is the tendency when we see only the surface and don’t go into the details. It is as if we are blinded by darkness. Rajas. This is the second tendency, and it means grains of sand or Details. This is when we dig below the surface and try to understand all related aspects. Sattva. This is the third tendency, and it means the Core. When people have clarity and do not stop till they reach the core truth they are acting as per this tendency.

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    9 mins
  • Path of Devotion
    Aug 31 2023

    Following a Guru is helpful when we face lot of options and conflicting emotions. These can be very confusing, and we require someone to guide us in our Actions. A knowledgeable leader, an inspiring person, a Guru. In our personal or professional life, we do follow instructions of individuals that we trust. We listen to our Bosses at work, a soldier obeys his commander, a child his parent and students the teacher. Many a times, it is not possible for us to understand everything and analyse all options by ourselves. The leader does that for us. We then follow our trusted leader and simply do as they say. This is Path of Devotion.

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    8 mins
  • Path of Action
    Aug 24 2023

    Here we discuss the Path of Action, also known as Karm Yog, explained in chapter three of the Gita. Action starts with the very beginning of the space-time, right from the birth of the universe. First there was nothing, and suddenly from this nothingness came everything. The Big Bang Theory proposes that initially there was just a point of infinite energy and suddenly it exploded. All the galaxies, star systems, and planets were formed. This starts a series of Action, Reaction, Success, or Failures. And the Consequences as a result of the same.

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    7 mins
  • Cause and Effect
    Aug 17 2023

    In earlier episode of "Gita for New Age" the conflict in Arjun’s mind was explained and a direction towards the solution was given. Here let us discover the first step, which is about knowing yourself and understanding the connection between cause and effect. One's senses, all five of them are the starting point. Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch, all of these interact with objects. When one feels good, they indulge more and start getting attached. This starts a chain reaction. Where does this lead to. Watch to learn.

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    6 mins