
  • Plantsome Plants: Care for Growth + Green
    Feb 28 2022

    In today’s episode of Glo Says Let's Talk Local Podcast - Season 6 - Special Shorts (a weekly Business, Entrepreneur and Arts Podcast) host Gloria Chong is joined by Kevin Tholenaars, Plantrepeneur and CEO of Plantsome North America. Plantsome is an ingenious solution that helps you buy plants online and more importantly care for your plants using their helpful app!

    Use code TENOFF for 10% off of any products on plantsome.ca
    Glo Says Lets Talk Local Podcast: Apple | Spotify | Instagram | Facebook

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  • The Smith Manouver: Maximize Your Mortgage
    Feb 21 2022

    In today’s episode of Glo Says Let's Talk Local Podcast - Season 6 - Special Shorts (a weekly Business, Entrepreneur and Arts Podcast) host Gloria Chong is joined by Robinson Smith the best-selling author of “The Smith Manoeuvre - Master Your Mortgage”. This could be a smart investment strategy technique that converts your non-tax-deductible mortgage into a tax-deductible mortgage. Check out what Rob has to say about how this financial strategy can help Canadian homeowners.

    Use code TENOFF for 10% off of any products on smithmanoeuvre.com
    Glo Says Lets Talk Local Podcast: Apple | Spotify | Instagram | Facebook

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    21 m
  • Back Home Again Movie: Care for Mental Health + Community
    Feb 14 2022

    In today’s episode of Glo Says Let's Talk Local Podcast - Season 6 - Special Shorts (a weekly Business, Entrepreneur and Arts Podcast) host Gloria Chong talks to guest Charmaine Hammond, professional speaker, author and now Executive Producer of the award-winning short film Back Home Again. “Back Home Again” is an animated short film about the devastating Fort McMurray wildfire featuring a star-studded cast that includes Tom Green, Michael J. Fox, Kim Basinger, Bill Burr, and Marlon Waynes. Listen now to how this movie came to be and get to know Charmaine’s story as well.

    Glo Says Lets Talk Local Podcast: Apple | Spotify | Instagram | Facebook

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    23 m
  • Salt Spring Coffee: Business is Care + Community
    Feb 11 2022

    In today’s episode of Glo Says Let's Talk Local Podcast - Season 6 - Special Shorts (a weekly Business, Entrepreneur and Arts Podcast) host Gloria Chong talk to guest Mickey McLeod (co-founder of Salt Spring Coffee) about his 25 years of coffee roasting in the Vancouver area. Mickey joins Glo to share his humble beginnings, explain Salt Springs life long commitment to sustainability and community, plus learn where he sees the future of coffee roasting for his business.

    Key Quotes:

    The Way to Do Business
    "But to me, that's the only way to do business, you know, you have to care about it, and care about people and the process, and, you know, the planet and all of that, we just have done that forever.  So it's what we do."

    Coffee Is Like Art
    "The thing about coffee, which is kind of interesting is that it's kind of like art, you know, I mean, you can interpret in a different way.  So you could give 10 coffee roasters, the same coffee and you'll probably get a different taste of 10 different coffees because they're gonna do it their own way."

    Sustainability is Broad, Care is Specific and More Precise
    "That's why I don't really like using the word sustainability, because it can be overused, and not really understood. That's why we talk more about caring.  If you start from the first part of the process, and care about the person, the family that grew the coffee, and give them the attention they need, and then they care about they're doing and then you care about the cooperative that's helping them and then you know, you care about the trader that we're working with, you know, got good relations, you just care each step of the way and then you can kind of drill down from there."

    Glo Says Lets Talk Local Podcast: Apple | Spotify | Instagram | Facebook

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  • Special Shorts - Who Makes It + Who Cares, Vancouver?
    Feb 1 2022

    Happy New Year and a brief message about what's on for Seasons 6, 7 and 8.


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  • What ART Thou? Ask a Docent.
    Dec 6 2021

    In today’s episode of ‘Glo Says Let's Talk Local’ podcast - Season 5 - What ART thou? Where ART thou? (A weekly Business, Entrepreneur and Arts Podcast) Gloria speaks to some Docents (Esther, Fides and Ginley) today who lead guided tours on a voluntary basis in a Museum or an Art Gallery. If you ever find yourself staring quizzically at something in a museum and wondering, ‘What Art Thou?!' Go ask a Docent.  They will be happy to help you.

    Episode Highlights

    • 02:40 – Esther says she worked as a Docent in a Creative Art Gallery in Singapore where they specialized in Printmaking and Fine Art Prints and it was quite helpful to learn how they created that art.
    • 04:40 – Gloria asks all the three guests about why they wanted to be a Docent.
    • 06:50 – Ginley says that in Denver they have a preschool program, early elementary program and then a middle and high school program.
    • 17:00 – Esther describes her favourite artists or artworks in an Art Gallery.
    • 19:15 – Fides says that she loves ‘Van Gogh’ and ‘Matisse’ and would love them on her wall.
    • 21:00 – All the speakers give their opinion about the firing of Docents in Chicago.
    • 24:00 – Gloria asks about any current art shows they would recommend to the public to see.

    Some Key Points 

    1. Fides shares that at the Vancouver Art Gallery, it’s not only about giving kids information but also engaging them so they would think critically by using the Visual Thinking Strategy, which is student centred.
    2. Esther says that she had an idea but had no understanding of how much preparation goes into being a Docent in addition to the training, which is extensive, especially if you have no art background.


    • “I appreciate that you guys have a lot of training and passion for this position.” – Gloria
    • “I would recommend coming to Denver to see the new Martin Building.” – Ginley


    • Glo Says Lets Talk Local Podcast:AppleSpotifyInstagramFacebook
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Where ART Thou? In December, For the Holidays, At the End of the Year
    Nov 29 2021

    In today’s episode of ‘Glo Says Let's Talk Local’ podcast - Season 5 - What ART thou? Where ART thou? (A weekly Business, Entrepreneur and Arts Podcast) host Gloria Chong and her co-host Kristin Lim talk about what more art there is to visit and explore in the last few weeks of this year. Kristin has curated this list of places for you!

    Episode Highlights

    • 02:11 – Gloria asks Kristin, if she ever got to imagine Van Gogh? 
    • 05:10 – ‘Polygon Gallery Shop’ is a good place to go right downstairs below the Polygon Gallery.  The gallery is showcasing a solo artist named Steven Shearer, he'd be worth going to see and there's a ‘Nemesis Coffee’ right next door.
    • 06:02 – Kristin shares that the ‘Toque Craft Fair’ is an annual craft fair organized by the Western Front which takes place from December 1st to December 5th. 
    • 08:10 – ‘Combine Art Fair’ is a mini art fair which is collaboration between some galleries including ‘Franc Gallery’ and ‘Monica Reyes Gallery’. and will have all the art projects taking place at Griffin Art Projects from December 1st to December 5th, says Kristin.
    • 09:36 – A strange Christmas market takes place during December 3rd to 5th. 
    • 11:08 – Gloria mentions that ‘Got Craft’ is a big one and is around for much longer. They're running right now, virtually till November 28th and then they will be in person from December 18th to 19th at the ‘Croatian Cultural Centre’.
    • 12:05 – ‘August Studios’ will be hosting this Pop-up Market during the first three weekends in December 4th – 5th, 11th – 12th and 18th – 19th.
    • 14:38 – Gloria shares a little more information from their (Combine Art Fair) social platforms. 

    Interesting Point

    1. The unique thing about ‘Toque Craft Fair’ is that it is the annual holiday fundraiser for the Western Front and vendors who participate very generously donate 30% of sales to support Western Fronts Artistic Programs.

    Host Quotes

    • “Really, there's something for everybody.” – Kristin Lim
    • “Western Front does programs in Exhibitions, Media, Arts and Music.” – Kristin Lim
    • “The first week of December is a hotspot, I would say for checking things out.” – Gloria Chong

    Resources/ Links

    • Glo Says Lets Talk Local Podcast: AppleSpotify
    • Glo Says:Instagram
    • Kristin Lim: Instagram
    Más Menos
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  • Jump Over The Chasm With Ken Lum
    Nov 22 2021

    In today’s episode of of Season 5 - What ART thou? Where ART thou?  host Gloria Chong and her co-host Kristin Lim talk to guest, Ken Lum the creator of the iconic East Van Cross and his connection with Vancouver. He shares generously and genuinely about his background and about his journey to becoming an Artist Extraordinaire.

     Episode Highlights

    • 3:20 – Gloria says, Ken is a world famous artist with roots in Vancouver. He is currently the Chair of Fine Arts at the University of Pennsylvania.

    • 4:35 – Ken states that he went to SFU as he just needed to get a new start.

    • 7:33 – Ken didn’t know anything about Contemporary Art but then he discovered at SFU, there was a Center for Contemporary Arts and they were just starting at that point. 

    • 11:29 – Art wasn't a dream for Ken; it was more of like an escape from lab life or escape from factory life. 

    • 19:21- Kristin asks Ken, when he started to pick-up his camera and go around photographing.

    • 22:29 – Ken’s career started before he started doing a MFA at UBC.

    • 28:15 – Ken went the academic route because having a salary gives you some breathing space in the marketplace.

    • 30:52 – Ken is working towards the show in New York and in January, one of his screenplays is under discussion right now.

     Interesting Points

    1. He thought being a graphic illustrator, and that sort of stuff was basically the extent of being an artist. He didn't know anything beyond that. He didn't know anything about the world of Museums and Galleries but then he accidentally discovered this course at SFU.

    2. Some artists have no problem with the market, but he always had a problem with it because it's always compromising of one's ideals of what art should do and how art should perform and that's one of the reasons he took the academic route.

     Interesting Quotes

    • “My mother was really upset with me especially when she found out I was interested in being an artist.” – Ken Lum

    • “I didn't want to be in a lab coat in lab, for my life. I mean, that's fine for other people but for me, I wanted something more.” - Ken Lum

    Resources/ Links

    • Glo Says Let’s Talk Local Podcast: Apple​​Spotify

    • Kristin Lim: Instagram

    • Gloria Chong: Email

    • Ken Lum: Website


    Más Menos
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