
  • When Prayers Seem Unanswered: Finding Faith in the Silence
    Jul 14 2024

    In this heartfelt episode of The God Chaser Podcast, host Evan Evans tackles a deeply personal and often painful subject that many believers grapple with - the feeling of unanswered prayers. Do you ever feel like your prayers are hitting a ceiling, as if God has put you on mute? You're not alone.

    Evan speaks directly to those in the midst of this struggle, acknowledging the real pain and frustration that come with feeling unheard. Drawing on powerful biblical examples like Abraham's 25-year wait for a promised son and Hannah's anguish over infertility, Evan reminds us that God's silence doesn't equate to His absence.

    Discover the reasons why God sometimes makes us wait and learn how these silent seasons can lead to profound spiritual growth and character development. This episode offers practical advice on maintaining faith, persisting in prayer, and finding God's presence in the waiting.

    Tune in for encouragement, scriptural insights, and a reminder that God is working all things together for your good, even when you can't see it. Subscribe, comment, and share this episode with those who need a word of hope today.

    **Tags:** Faith, Prayer, Unanswered Prayers, Spiritual Growth, Biblical Insights, Encouragement, Christian Living

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    18 mins
  • "Overcoming Spiritual Inadequacy: Finding Grace in Your Faith Journey
    Jul 7 2024

    In this deeply personal episode of The God Chaser Podcast, host Evan Evans tackles the often unspoken struggle many Christians face: feelings of spiritual inadequacy and shame. The episode explores why believers sometimes feel they're not "good enough" in their faith or that God might be disappointed in them.

    Key points covered include:

    1. Acknowledging the reality of these struggles and their impact on believers.
    2. Examining what Scripture really says about our worth and standing before God.
    3. Addressing the roots of spiritual inadequacy, including distorted views of God and unrealistic expectations.
    4. Discussing the importance of seeking help for mental health issues, emphasizing that this isn't a sign of spiritual failure.
    5. Offering practical steps for battling feelings of inadequacy, such as renewing our minds with God's truth and connecting with other believers.
    6. Reminding listeners of God's unconditional love and the sufficiency of Christ's work on the cross.

    The episode includes relevant Bible verses and personal reflections, aiming to provide comfort, understanding, and practical guidance for those struggling with these issues. Evan emphasizes that spiritual growth is a process and encourages listeners to embrace God's grace in their journey.

    The host also addresses those who might be in a particularly dark place, reassuring them of God's unfailing love and willingness to restore. The episode concludes with an empowering message about how our weaknesses can actually be channels for God's strength to shine through.

    Overall, this episode seeks to break the silence around spiritual inadequacy, offering hope and a biblical perspective on our worth in Christ

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    20 mins
  • The Fruit of the Spirit: Living Out God's Grace in Daily Life
    Jun 30 2024

    Join host Evan Evans as he unpacks the profound meaning behind the Fruit of the Spirit. In this enlightening episode, we explore how love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are more than just positive traits—they're visible manifestations of God's grace in our lives.


    • The biblical significance of each fruit

    • How these characteristics reflect God's nature

    • Practical ways to cultivate them in your daily walk

    • Real-life applications in family, work, community, and church

    Whether you're a seasoned believer or new to faith, this episode offers fresh insights into spiritual growth. Evan breaks down complex theological concepts into accessible, actionable wisdom, helping you understand how the Holy Spirit works to transform your character.

    Learn how to move beyond mere behavior modification to experience true heart change. Understand the connection between abiding in Christ and producing spiritual fruit. Gain encouragement for the journey of becoming more like Jesus.

    The God Chaser Podcast doesn't shy away from addressing the challenges of cultivating these fruits, offering biblical guidance and practical strategies for overcoming obstacles.

    Tune in for an eye-opening exploration of how God's grace can revolutionize every aspect of your life. Let's chase after God together and discover the joy of living out the Fruit of the Spirit!

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    39 mins
  • What did Jesus accomplish on the cross?
    Jun 23 2024

    Join host Evan Evans as he explores the depths of Christian faith and unpacks profound biblical truths in everyday language. Each episode of The God Chaser Podcast delves into core aspects of Christianity, offering fresh perspectives on timeless questions.

    In this powerful episode, Evan tackles the fundamental question: What did Jesus accomplish on the cross? Through a careful examination of Scripture, he breaks down complex theological concepts into accessible insights, helping listeners grasp the full magnitude of Christ's sacrifice and its implications for our lives today.

    Whether you're a seasoned believer, a new Christian, or simply curious about faith, this podcast offers something for everyone. Evan's warm, engaging style and deep biblical knowledge combine to create an enriching listening experience that will challenge your thinking and inspire your spirit.

    Discover how the truth of the gospel can transform your daily life as you learn to rest in God's grace and live in the freedom Christ purchased for you. The God Chaser Podcast doesn't shy away from difficult questions, addressing topics like the relationship between faith and works, the assurance of salvation, and the dangers of legalism.

    Tune in for an eye-opening exploration of God's incredible love and the life-changing power of the cross. Let's chase after God together!

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    45 mins
  • The Power of Grace: Discover the Liberating Truth
    Jun 16 2024

    Have you ever felt like you're not good enough for God? Like no matter how hard you try, you just can't measure up? In this powerful episode of The God Chaser Podcast, host Evan Evans dives deep into the transformative power of God's grace – the unmerited favor and unconditional love that we could never earn or deserve.

    Discover how grace sets us free from performance-based Christianity and empowers us to live in the glorious freedom of being fully known and fully loved by our Creator. Learn how it sustains us in our darkest moments and enables us to extend the same mercy and forgiveness we've received to those around us.

    Whether you've been walking with Jesus for decades or you're just beginning to explore faith, this message will open your eyes in a fresh way to the limitless riches of God's grace. You'll come to see that there is no sin too great, no past too dark, no failure too devastating for grace to redeem.

    Packed with biblical truth, personal stories, and practical application, this episode will challenge, encourage, and inspire you to live in the light of God's incredible grace. Don't miss this opportunity to have your perspective on God's love radically reshaped.

    Grab your Bible, open your heart, and get ready for a life-changing encounter with the power of grace. Share this episode with a friend who could use some encouragement in their faith journey – you never know how God might use it to impact their life.

    It's time to stop striving and start resting in the finished work of Christ. Tune in now to experience the freedom and joy of a grace-saturated life.

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    26 mins
  • Surrendering to God's Delivering Power: How to Break Free from the Cycle of Striving and Defeat
    Jun 9 2024

    Do you find yourself caught in a vicious cycle of trying harder, falling short, and feeling defeated in your battle against sin and adversity? Do you know in your head that the Christian life is about surrender and trusting God, but struggle to actually live it out? In this episode of the God Chaser Podcast, host Evan Evans takes us to the heart of what it means to fully rely on God's power to fight our battles and break our chains.

    With raw honesty and vulnerability, Evan shares his own story of wrestling with deep-seated anger and learning to let God rewire his responses. He unpacks the futility of white-knuckling it in our own strength and treating God like our cosmic sidekick, instead of the Deliverer He truly is.

    Through diving deep into Scripture and offering practical insights, Evan shows us that the key to lasting freedom is not in trying harder, but in total, no-holds-barred dependence on God. He illuminates the critical difference between legalistic striving and grace-fueled obedience, and highlights the dangers of living with a divided heart.

    Most importantly, this episode offers hope to the worn-out warrior. If you're exhausted from fighting temptation, stuck in a cycle of defeat, or desperate for a breakthrough, this teaching is for you. Freedom is your inheritance in Christ, and it's time to start living like it.

    So join Evan on this journey of exploring the life-changing truth of surrendering to God's delivering power. It's time to break free from the chains of self-reliance and learn to abide in the victory that is already yours in Jesus. Grab your Bible, your journal, and an expectant heart, and let's chase after the Deliverer together.

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    27 mins
  • Seeking God in a World of Deception
    Jun 2 2024

    In a culture where false teachings and shallow spirituality abound, how can we pursue a deep, authentic relationship with God? Join Evan Evans as he dives into Psalm 1, uncovering profound truths about what it means to be a true "God chaser."

    Through verse-by-verse exploration, Evan reveals the stark contrast between the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked. He shares practical insights on delighting in God's Word, meditating on it day and night, and letting it shape every aspect of our lives.

    But this episode isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about experiencing the ultimate reward - God Himself. Evan passionately explains how seeking God with our whole hearts leads to a life of unshakable joy, peace, and purpose.

    Whether you're feeling disillusioned by empty religious rituals or hungering for more of God's presence, this episode will ignite a fresh passion for pursuing the One who alone satisfies our deepest longings.

    Don't settle for crumbs when God invites you to feast at His table. Tune in to discover the life-changing power of being a God chaser in a world of counterfeits.

    "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night." (Psalm Chapter 1 verse 1 to 2)

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    25 mins
  • The Urgency of the Gospel and the Pursuit of God
    May 26 2024

    In this riveting episode of The God Chaser Podcast, host Evan Evans sounds the alarm on the urgency of the hour and the desperate need for the church to rise up and proclaim the gospel like never before. With passion and conviction, Evan dives deep into Scripture to build an ironclad case for why we must share the good news now, as the signs of the end times rage around us.

    But this isn't just a call to more fervent evangelism. It's a clarion cry to pursue the heart of God with single-minded focus and holy obsession. Evan argues that the key to being a world-changing witness is being a sold-out God chaser, relentlessly seeking the face of the King above all else.

    Through a powerful exploration of the lives of Moses, David, and the early church, Evan shows how intimacy with Jesus fuels Great Commission zeal, igniting a reckless compassion for the lost and unleashing the Spirit's power for supernatural ministry.

    Yet he also gives a sobering warning: pursuits and programs that aren't birthed out of the secret place of God's presence are ultimately worthless. The only way to shake the world for Christ is to let His glory shake us first.

    So if you're ready to have your paradigm shifted, your passion set ablaze, and your purpose realigned, this episode is for you. It's a Holy Spirit-empowered invitation to chase the Lover of your soul with everything you've got, and in the overflow, give your all to reach a dying world.

    Don't miss this urgent, timely word for the church in these last days. It's time to seek God like never before, because the destiny of billions hangs in the balance.

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    35 mins