• Do not feel guilty for leaving! #TDRAKE #GGTHW #ShiftingBillions
    Jul 22 2024
    When you set up boundaries you are taking your power back. Never allow anyone to make you feel guilty for taking your peace and sanity into consideration. If you take time away from certain people there is nothing wrong with that.
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    25 mins
  • The Hunter or Husband
    Jul 13 2024
    00:00:02.188 --> 00:00:03.128 All right, everyone. 00:00:03.267 --> 00:00:06.190 Welcome to our conversations 00:00:06.250 --> 00:00:08.650 with T. Drake and Pastor Jay. 00:00:09.230 --> 00:00:10.090 And I hope you're going to 00:00:10.111 --> 00:00:11.010 enjoy what we're talking about. 00:00:11.311 --> 00:00:12.272 I have God's Gift Through 00:00:12.291 --> 00:00:14.032 His Word podcast and Pastor 00:00:14.053 --> 00:00:15.032 Jay coming from Walk in 00:00:15.053 --> 00:00:15.973 Truth Radio Network. 00:00:16.513 --> 00:00:17.314 I hope you guys are going to 00:00:17.373 --> 00:00:19.175 enjoy this conversation 00:00:19.535 --> 00:00:20.734 that we're about to jump into, 00:00:20.754 --> 00:00:23.216 The Hunter or Husband. 00:00:23.696 --> 00:00:24.957 So let's go ahead and get started. 00:00:24.996 --> 00:00:25.917 Hey, Pastor Jay. 00:00:25.937 --> 00:00:28.217 Hey, T. How are you doing today? 00:00:28.338 --> 00:00:29.798 How's everybody doing out there? 00:00:29.859 --> 00:00:30.518 Glad to be 00:00:31.454 --> 00:00:32.914 Uh available so we can have 00:00:32.935 --> 00:00:33.735 this discussion because 00:00:33.795 --> 00:00:35.936 it's been on my heart Based 00:00:36.076 --> 00:00:37.018 on the past couple of 00:00:37.057 --> 00:00:38.098 months of dealing with some 00:00:38.158 --> 00:00:40.320 people And I think it's 00:00:40.359 --> 00:00:41.801 very important that we uh, 00:00:41.960 --> 00:00:43.002 try to help people and get 00:00:43.042 --> 00:00:44.722 them to understand There is 00:00:44.762 --> 00:00:45.444 a difference between the 00:00:45.524 --> 00:00:50.347 hunter and the husband so 00:00:51.128 --> 00:00:51.747 Me and you were talking 00:00:51.768 --> 00:00:53.348 about that before we got started. 00:00:53.368 --> 00:00:53.789 So yeah, 00:00:53.829 --> 00:00:59.052 we can just jump right on in Do 00:00:59.073 --> 00:01:00.473 you have any questions for me before I 00:01:01.340 --> 00:01:02.420 going then you can chime 00:01:02.460 --> 00:01:04.302 back in you know I always 00:01:04.362 --> 00:01:06.024 have questions but I'll 00:01:06.043 --> 00:01:07.305 save those as we move 00:01:07.325 --> 00:01:08.385 through our conversation 00:01:09.287 --> 00:01:11.228 okay and and guys pardon me 00:01:11.448 --> 00:01:12.629 uh kind of under the 00:01:12.670 --> 00:01:14.772 weather my sinuses so if I 00:01:14.792 --> 00:01:15.793 sneeze or something just 00:01:15.832 --> 00:01:18.614 pardon me because uh just 00:01:18.655 --> 00:01:19.495 going through the summer 00:01:19.516 --> 00:01:23.840 thing uh but let me give 00:01:23.859 --> 00:01:24.600 you the experiences there's 00:01:24.661 --> 00:01:25.540 a there's there's some 00:01:25.581 --> 00:01:27.602 people that I know some 00:01:27.623 --> 00:01:28.263 people that I love 00:01:29.394 --> 00:01:31.236 some ladies that are dear, 00:01:31.757 --> 00:01:34.980 some couples that are dear to my heart. 00:01:35.000 --> 00:01:36.980 And they're going through a 00:01:37.001 --> 00:01:38.361 situation whereas they're 00:01:38.382 --> 00:01:40.823 trying to weigh out their 00:01:40.924 --> 00:01:42.706 faith versus their future 00:01:44.387 --> 00:01:45.408 or their faith versus their 00:01:45.447 --> 00:01:46.448 peace of mind or faith 00:01:46.489 --> 00:01:47.450 versus their happiness. 00:01:48.090 --> 00:01:50.391 And it should not be a either or. 00:01:51.912 --> 00:01:55.896 And what I'm learning is there's a great, 00:01:56.456 --> 00:01:57.878 awesome level of commitment 00:01:59.275 --> 00:02:00.676 That women have towards 00:02:00.736 --> 00:02:03.397 their vows and towards what 00:02:03.436 --> 00:02:04.358 they understand the word of 00:02:04.418 --> 00:02:06.718 God says about never 00:02:06.778 --> 00:02:08.979 divorcing your husband. 00:02:11.161 --> 00:02:15.883 And I see men who are marginal at best, 00:02:15.923 --> 00:02:17.403 but not really blood bought, 00:02:17.484 --> 00:02:19.585 saved men actually taking 00:02:19.604 --> 00:02:20.985 advantage of these women. 00:02:21.573 --> 00:02:22.812 that they will stay in an 00:02:22.953 --> 00:02:24.033 abusive relationship, 00:02:24.093 --> 00:02:26.633 whether it's physical, financial, social, 00:02:27.234 --> 00:02:27.713 mental, 00:02:28.253 --> 00:02:30.534 and even spiritual to a high 00:02:30.574 --> 00:02:33.475 degree of anxiety or even 00:02:33.515 --> 00:02:34.816 just a continuous feeding 00:02:35.075 --> 00:02:37.015 of gaslighting and things like that, 00:02:37.075 --> 00:02:37.816 verbal abuse. 00:02:38.896 --> 00:02:41.437 And they believe in their 00:02:41.477 --> 00:02:43.598 hearts after being abused 00:02:43.717 --> 00:02:44.457 that they should stay in 00:02:44.497 --> 00:02:45.277 this relationship. 00:02:46.443 --> 00:02:48.243 And I, 00:02:48.804 --> 00:02:51.764 my opinion is that there's many 00:02:51.805 --> 00:02:53.906 different kinds of adultery 00:02:55.126 --...
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    56 mins
  • The Hunter or Husband
    Jul 13 2024

    Pastor J. from Walk in Truth Radio Network and T.Drake of God's Gift Through His Word chop it up. We are discussing relationships between women and men. Pastor J. and I just love having conversations about this topic. In this episode we dive into discovering if a womwomwoman has a hunter or a husband.

    We provide information and insight but, the choice is up to you. Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove and move accordingly.


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    57 mins
  • Praise with joyful Lips!
    Jul 13 2024
    All right. Hello, hello, everyone. How are you doing tonight? I hope you are doing well. And you see the lights, we're going to get into our message about making your decision. We're going to talk about it. And first of all, let me get myself into this live on my other device. So I can be part of the conversation with our Bible study. So we're going to do that real quick. Make sure I mute my house. There's no weird noises coming. Take that down. Hopefully that helps out. We'll see what happens. Okay. I think we should be good to go. Turn that all the way down so there's no extra Background noise. Okay. Okay. Well, here we go. Do this here. All right. Boom. Here we go. So let me close this one off for a minute. You just want to get the minute. So right now we're just going to get into this. And before we do, I am going to go ahead and have our music. And then when I come back, we'll get into this message and we'll pray and we'll do our thing. OK, so you know what I'm going to do. Here we go. All right, so I am back. And what I'm going to do right now is I am going to go ahead and pull up my screen. So we're going to talk about making a decision. So we're going to go and jump into James. So let me go ahead and pull that up. Let me present my screen so I can let you guys see what I will be reading. It wasn't working. I can't even say it. So let's do that. All right. And look, you guys, I figured it out. Oh, yeah. Okay. So we are here. So I'm going to go ahead and read that. Hopefully you guys can see it. And we're going to be in, of course, James chapter 1, verses 2 through 8. And it reads as such, my brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, With no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. So let me go ahead and pause the cause. Let's go ahead and pray before I get into the rest of our message and our scripture. Holy Father, Lord, I thank you right now. for this time to be with you, Lord God, to be in your word. I pray that this message, Lord God, would bless someone and help them, encourage them along their way. Lord God, as you show us, Lord God, in your word, what you would have us to do, Lord, let us not have you in our life as an afterthought. Lord, let us consult you in every decision that we make. And Lord, when we make the decision, Lord, let us stand on it. Let us walk by faith and not by what we see, Lord God, and help us to trust Lord God, that you will redirect us if we're going the wrong way. Lord, I thank you for the time and this allowance for God. Just to share a little bit of this word with Lord, these are precious, amazing, and lovely people. Lord, I thank you for the meeting of different people. I thank you for a beautiful day today. Lord, I thank you for the friends and family. Lord, I thank you for the roof over my head and the things that you have provided for me. Lord, it is not lost on me and I don't forget it. Lord God, I don't want to ever Thank you, Lord God, that I did anything on my own. Because, Lord God, that would be false and a fallacy. So, Lord, as I go ahead and share, Lord, let the Holy Spirit have his way on today. In the name of your precious son, Jesus, I pray. Amen. All right. So, as we've read that, let me go ahead and pull up our next set of scriptures. And I will jump in that. We think it will do it better this way. Let me do it. I'll do it like this. Okay. This. Two. Like what? And three. One, two, and three. Yes, okay. So we are going to be in Proverbs 16. We're going to use this passage as well. Only verses one through three. And it says, the preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits. Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established. So let's see what a different translation of this says. Let's jump over to the ESV. Is that ESV? It kind of says the same things. Okay, they kind of say similar stuff. Okay, I thought it would say something different. Anyway, that's okay. Don't worry. Okay, well, we're back to the NKJV. All right, so I just want to see if it says something similar to that same thing. So with that, I wanted to just share about when we have to make decision. When you have to make a decision and you might feel or thinking yourself, well, is this the correct decision? Give me just a second. Okay, here we go. I think I'm going to pull this down now because I have shared it. So I am going to leave. All right. Okay. We are back...
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    48 mins
  • Take time to Enjoy Life
    Jul 13 2024

    Life will always have challenges but, do not let it get you down. Sometimes people will never understand what you have been through. You can only share your experiences. That may help others to understand but, they still may not be able to relate. You just keep showing up being who you are!!!!

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    21 mins
  • Enjoy Life
    Jul 13 2024
    Life will always have challenges but, do not let it get you down. Sometimes people will never understand what you have been through. You can only share your experiences. That may help others to understand but, they still may not relate. You keep showing up being who you are.
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    21 mins
  • Don't get caught up in Sexual Sin #ShiftingBillions
    Jun 28 2024
    Please enjoy this episode. If you have any questions, please email ggthw18@gmail.com.
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    39 mins
  • 💁🏾‍♀Make your decision💭🤔💭
    Jun 21 2024
    All right. Hello, hello, everyone. How are you doing tonight? I hope you are doing well. And you see the lights, we're going to get into our message about making your decision. We're going to talk about it. And first of all, let me get myself into this live on my other device. So I can be part of the conversation with our Bible study. So we're going to do that real quick. Make sure I mute my house. There's no weird noises coming. Take that down. Hopefully that helps out. We'll see what happens. Okay. I think we should be good to go. Turn that all the way down so there's no extra Background noise. Okay. Okay. Well, here we go. Do this here. All right. Boom. Here we go. So let me close this one off for a minute. You just want to get the minute. So right now we're just going to get into this. And before we do, I am going to go ahead and have our music. And then when I come back, we'll get into this message and we'll pray and we'll do our thing. OK, so you know what I'm going to do. Here we go. All right, so I am back. And what I'm going to do right now is I am going to go ahead and pull up my screen. So we're going to talk about making a decision. So we're going to go and jump into James. So let me go ahead and pull that up. Let me present my screen so I can let you guys see what I will be reading. It wasn't working. I can't even say it. So let's do that. All right. And look, you guys, I figured it out. Oh, yeah. Okay. So we are here. So I'm going to go ahead and read that. Hopefully you guys can see it. And we're going to be in, of course, James chapter 1, verses 2 through 8. And it reads as such, my brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, With no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. So let me go ahead and pause the cause. Let's go ahead and pray before I get into the rest of our message and our scripture. Holy Father, Lord, I thank you right now. for this time to be with you, Lord God, to be in your word. I pray that this message, Lord God, would bless someone and help them, encourage them along their way. Lord God, as you show us, Lord God, in your word, what you would have us to do, Lord, let us not have you in our life as an afterthought. Lord, let us consult you in every decision that we make. And Lord, when we make the decision, Lord, let us stand on it. Let us walk by faith and not by what we see, Lord God, and help us to trust Lord God, that you will redirect us if we're going the wrong way. Lord, I thank you for the time and this allowance for God. Just to share a little bit of this word with Lord, these are precious, amazing, and lovely people. Lord, I thank you for the meeting of different people. I thank you for a beautiful day today. Lord, I thank you for the friends and family. Lord, I thank you for the roof over my head and the things that you have provided for me. Lord, it is not lost on me and I don't forget it. Lord God, I don't want to ever Thank you, Lord God, that I did anything on my own. Because, Lord God, that would be false and a fallacy. So, Lord, as I go ahead and share, Lord, let the Holy Spirit have his way on today. In the name of your precious son, Jesus, I pray. Amen. All right. So, as we've read that, let me go ahead and pull up our next set of scriptures. And I will jump in that. We think it will do it better this way. Let me do it. I'll do it like this. Okay. This. Two. Like what? And three. One, two, and three. Yes, okay. So we are going to be in Proverbs 16. We're going to use this passage as well. Only verses one through three. And it says, the preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits. Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established. So let's see what a different translation of this says. Let's jump over to the ESV. Is that ESV? It kind of says the same things. Okay, they kind of say similar stuff. Okay, I thought it would say something different. Anyway, that's okay. Don't worry. Okay, well, we're back to the NKJV. All right, so I just want to see if it says something similar to that same thing. So with that, I wanted to just share about when we have to make decision. When you have to make a decision and you might feel or thinking yourself, well, is this the correct decision? Give me just a second. Okay, here we go. I think I'm going to pull this down now because I have shared it. So I am going to leave. All right. Okay. We are back...
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    28 mins