
  • Keep Yourself in the Love of God - David Wilkerson
    Jul 18 2024

    In this sermon, David Wilkerson emphasizes the importance of understanding and experiencing the fullness of God's love. He challenges Christians to move beyond a superficial understanding of God's love and to immerse themselves fully in its depth and breadth, fostering a deep, personal relationship with God that empowers them to live out their faith authentically and powerfully. When we grasp the greatness of God's love, it equips us to overcome sin and selflessly lay down our lives in love and service to God and others, just as Christ sacrificed Himself for us.

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    46 mins
  • Las marcas de brujería - Derek Prince
    Jul 18 2024

    Derek Prince en Español - Las marcas de brujería - Ministerios Derek Prince

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    16 mins
  • Atonement, Part 10 👉 Four Decisive Steps / Liberation Through Confession - Derek Prince
    Jul 18 2024

    Derek Prince Sermons: Four Decisive Steps / Liberation Through Confession - By the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice, Jesus cancelled forever the effects of sin and provided complete well-being for every believer.

    Chapters: 00:00 Four Decisive Steps To Appropriate the Provision of God 14:37 What Does Confess and Believe in Jesus Mean? 22:50 What do I need to Confess if I need Healing? 26:53 What do I need to Confess if I need a Blessing? 31:31 What do I need to Confess if I need strength? 34:39 Death and Life are in the power of your tongue 41:32 Appropriate actions to obtain God's promises 48:48 The power of giving thanks to God =============== Table of Contents: =============== Four Decisive Steps VI. How To Appropriate The Provision Of The Cross (cont’d.) E. Four decisive steps 1. Repent (Mark 1: 15; Matt. 4:17 [compare Luke 24: 46–47] Rev. 2: 5, 16, 21; 3: 3, 19)—Total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus 2. Believe 3. Confess a. The way into all-inclusive salvation b. To acquire faith (Rom. 10: 8–10): (1) Right use of your mouth (2) Right response of your heart c. Confession—to say the same as God says (Matt. 8: 17; 1 Pet. 2: 24; 2 Cor. 5: 21) Liberation Through Confession Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we have passed out from under the curse and entered into the blessing of Abraham, whom God blessed in all things. d. Confession (Gal. 3: 13–14; Gal. 2: 20; Phil. 4: 13; 2 Cor. 12: 9–10) (1) Confessing strengthens believing—which strengthens confession (2) No neutrality with the tongue (Matt. 12: 37; James 3: 4–5; Heb. 3: 1; 4: 14) (3) Out of confession comes faith and hope (Heb. 10: 23) 4. Act—an appropriate action (James 2: 26) a. The Holy Spirit will indicate appropriate action, e.g. taking God’s Word as medicine b. Give thanks (1 Thess. 5: 18 [compare Jonah 2: 9; John 6: 11, 23]) (1) You cannot be in the will of God if you are not giving thanks (2) We must align our will with God’s will and purpose—we cannot twist God’s arm (Matt. 6: 9–10)

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    54 mins
  • David Wilkerson - Binding God to His Own Word
    Jul 15 2024

    We are invited to come boldly to the Throne of Grace, "Christ Possessed", knowing He is Our Father and He is also our King. When God speaks and makes a decree He speaks by His Living Word and He is Bound to His own promises and divine purposes. We cannot go into God's presence without a promise from His Word. When God speaks a word to you don't consult with your flesh and don't allow your feelings of unworthiness to effect your prayers. We are to come boldly with a fixed position, believing the truth and power of His Word. We do not try to persuade God, but rather are fully persuaded with a fixed position to the faithfulness of His Word.

    Philippians 4:6, Hebrews 4:16, Ephesians 3:12

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    46 mins
  • Derek Prince Ejercicio de los dones espirituales, parte 1: Recibid el Espíritu Santo
    Jul 15 2024

    Derek Prince en Español - Ejercicio de los dones espirituales, parte 1: Recibid el Espíritu Santo - Ministerios Derek Prince

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    51 mins
  • Atonement, Part 9 👉 From Legal to Experiential / All-Inclusive Salvation - Derek Prince
    Jul 15 2024

    From Legal to Experiential / All-Inclusive Salvation - Derek Prince: By the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice, Jesus canceled forever the effects of sin and provided complete well-being for every believer.

    Chapters: 00:00 You Need To Appropriate of God's Provision in the Cross 10:27 A Picture of the Restoration God's People 14:07 How Can We Appropriate The Provision Of The Cross 22:52 How to receive the Scriptures and Hear God 27:02 What Does Salvation Includes according to the Bible? 35:22 Who opens the treasure House of God and Gives Us What We need? 44:14 A parable to understand the Role of the Holy Spirit ============================= Table of Contents: ============================= From Legal To Experiential Introduction God said, “I am giving,” then “I have given” miracles and then warfare (Joshua 1: 2–3) From legal to experiential “Salvation” through the cross is our “Canaan restoration” (Obad. 17) 1. Deliverance 2. Holiness 3. Possess our possessions VI. How To Appropriate The Provision Of The Cross A. Faith is essential (Heb. 11: 6) 1. Must believe a. That God is b. That He rewards those who diligently seek Him 2. Faith comes by hearing (Rom. 10: 17) B. How to receive the Scriptures 1. Receive God’s Word as God Himself speaking to you (1 Thess. 2: 13) Faith is taking God seriously! 2. Receive with meekness (James 1: 21; 1 Thess. 5: 18) 3. Adjust priorities (Matt. 6: 33) All-Inclusive Salvation C. All-inclusive salvation 1. Sozo—everything that was provided by Jesus on the cross (Ps. 78: 22) 2. With Jesus we have everything (Rom. 8: 32) D. Holy Spirit—administrator of salvation 1. Guides into all truth—He is a person, He glorifies Jesus (John 16: 7, 13–15) 2. Those regularly led by God’s Spirit—not by rules, principles, techniques, procedures, etc. (Rom. 8: 14)

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    54 mins
  • David Wilkerson - Claiming the Power That is in Christ
    Jul 11 2024

    As Jesus spent his last hours with his disciples, he said to them, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you" (John 16:23). Then he told them, "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full" (16:24).

    What an incredible statement. As this scene took place, Christ was warning his followers that he was going away, and he wouldn't see them for a short time. Yet, in the very same breath, he assured them they had access to every blessing of heaven. All they had to do was ask in his name.

    The disciples had been personally taught by Jesus to knock, seek, and ask for the things of God. They were taught firsthand that all of the blessings of the Father—all grace, power and strength—were found in Christ. And they'd heard Jesus declare to the multitudes: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it" (John 14:12–14).

    Christ's words to his disciples convict me: "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name" (John 16:24). As I read this, I hear the Lord whispering to me, "David, you haven't claimed the power I've made available to you. You simply need to ask in my name."

    Here is what I believe grieves God's heart more than all the sins of the flesh combined. Our Lord is grieved by the ever-growing lack of faith in his promises…by ever-increasing doubts that he answers prayer…and by a people who claim less and less of the power that is in Christ.

    No matter how much you have asked of the likeness of Christ, it is nothing compared to the resources of spiritual wisdom still awaiting in his storehouse. Ask largely! Ask for wisdom, ask for guidance, ask for revelation. But it must be asked in faith, nothing doubting.

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    55 mins
  • El Tesoro Del Señor: El Temor Del Señor - Ministerios Derek Prince
    Jul 11 2024

    Derek Prince en Español - El Tesoro Del Señor : El Temor Del Señor

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    55 mins