• The Great Physician!
    Jun 27 2024

    This message is to encourage souls ,all across our nation that are in need of a great physician:Jesus Christ of Nazareth'

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    4 mins
  • There Is No More Time
    Jul 5 2023

    Beloved children of the living,loving. Holy God.

    King Jesus God's only begotten son,is on his way back to judge the nations and gather his children . For those that were walking with the lord and have went astray; Time to repent and ask for forgiveness;. For those who have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, this is a chance for you to invited him in and make you born again

    This is a plea for souls across the world to recognize the times we are living in,

    Seek ther lord now,while he can be found.

    Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve! Please Choose Wisely! Video is based on Revelations Chapter 10 King James Online Bible:https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Revelation-Chapter-10/

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    8 mins
  • Night Workout
    Dec 6 2022

    This epidode was created to encourage those who, are having difficulty loosing weight. You will discover that if you believe and trust the"Living God he will help you with supernatural healthy weight losws

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    1 min
  • Wake Up Call For All Believers
    Nov 22 2022

    This epidsode will challange you to take a stand for your family.

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    8 mins
  • The Great Physician!
    Feb 25 2022

    Supernatural healing is waitng for you!

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    4 mins
  • Pass The Love Forward
    Feb 6 2022

    This episode is about passing the love to the world that is filled with anger and cofusion.

    When you pass the love you are part of a movement that celebrates life with those who are still in the land of the living.

    Passing the love to that homeless person by giving them food,or that co worker that no one invites to lunch be the first to pass the love!

    That kid who doesn't fit in , start your on group with love!Learn to pas the love, right where you are!

    Have you passed the love today?

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    16 mins
  • You Are Not Alone!
    Jan 2 2022

    Encouragement.Motivating and Uplifiting!

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    25 mins
  • Recovering From The Pain And LettingRestorationBegin!
    Dec 31 2021

    This episode is about recovering from lost and starting fresh again!

    The music is to let you know you are blessed and that God gives more than a second chance but many chances!

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    31 mins