• Episode 6 God's Truth: :Running against the Devil.
    Jul 14 2024

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    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

    Most of you know this verse by heart. It is God's promise that IF we do our part HE will hear us, forgive us and heal us. It's really that simple.

    God provides us a clear roadmap, a blueprint a 5 step solution to ALL our problems. And we will discuss this a bit later.

    But the verse I want you to focus on right now is Verse 13;

    Turn in your Bible to 2 Chronicles Chapter 7 Verse 13;

    “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;”

    This Christian Podcast focuses on God's promise to nations who turn away from Him. The Bible has a clear 5 Step process for a nation to return to Him.


    Our Father in Heaven,

    We know you have promised in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 that if we be your people, humble ourselves as we are doing now, praying to you, seeking your face in repentance for America,

    that God, you will bring to the nation's capital and into our governments those of YOUR will.

    That our nation would humble itself in repentance.

    That our nation would turn from it's wickedness, ending sinful policies.

    That our nation would seek God's face in petitioning YOUR divine intervention.

    That God you would hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our nation.

    In the name of our KING, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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    26 mins
  • Episode 5: Be the Truth Teller
    Jul 7 2024

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    What is Truth? --

    Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor asked Jesus this question during his trial.

    Jesus responds:

    "You say I am a King. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true"

    The God's Truth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    God's truth is just that, it is what is true. We as Christians have to be the truth tellers of the world. We are the only ones who have the truth. All other faiths, all other religions, all other beliefs are false, they are lies. They don’t have the truth.

    No one has the truth except for Jesus Christ the Son of God who said:

    “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

    When someone says they are pro-choice it is our responsibility to tell them the truth. Abortion is murder. The baby while a resident in the females body is not part of her body. The baby has it's own blood type, it's own DNA, its own identity according to God's Truth.

    Todays podcast of God's Truth is focusing on having you become the Truth Teller.

    That's our responsibility. It's our job.

    We have to be the truth tellers here in the world as ambassadors for Christ.

    Because WE have the Book of Truth!

    The Holy Bible is the Book of Truth. It is God's Truth. Written for us so we can be the Truth Tellers of the world.

    You see, the problem in America is not liberal doctrine, it is not the left or the wokeness that is prevalent.

    The problem is Christians. Christians who are hiding under their pews! Afraid to offend anyone. Afraid to get involved.

    Jesus was not afraid to offend someone when they were wrong. We shouldn't be either. We have the truth and it does no one any good to keep it hidden under the pew.

    The Book of Truth needs to be opened and shared with everyone we can.

    As long as we stay with the Word nothing can overcome the Truth. It is only when people do not know the truth that our society decays into decadence and abominations.

    Listen in to this Christian podcast every week New podcasts are released Sunday morning's just in time to get you ready for church!

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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    27 mins
  • Episode 4: Is Donald Trump the Savior of America?
    Jun 30 2024

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    Until God’s people stop putting their faith in mortal imperfect political candidates, no matter how popular they are, our nation will continue to decline.

    We need to put JESUS FIRST as King

    And vote for the best candidate on the ballot for every office available.

    You can’t endorse sin and reflect Jesus Christ, Jesus is not pro-choice He is Pro-Life.

    As He told the prostitute in John 8, “Go and sin no more”. He never said keep it up, He was very clear we all need to stop sinning.

    I admit I am concerned about the direction of our country. And this election doesn’t have the best prognosis for outcome.

    The Bible is clear if you read between the lines that America loses power, for the Anti-Christ rises to power and has a global presence not a national focus. The Anti-Christ wants to rule it all.

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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    27 mins
  • Episode 3: We need a REVIVAL REVOLUTION in America.
    Jun 24 2024

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    The moral decay must stop in America, we need a Revival to purge the wickedness out of our country, for time is running out. ITS TIME for a Revival Revolution in Almost Heaven West Virginia and all across America. Will you join?

    Why Revival? And what is a Revival?

    A Revival is not an event or a moment. It is a spark with the heart.

    The human heart is know to stray and is in constant need for revival. A returning to God and His ways. Scripture tells us this.

    It records periods of sin and devastation followed by periods of revival. The cycle repeats itself during the Old Testament books about the kings of Israel & Judah. Here in America, we are in a period of sin, decadence and abominations.

    A period where there are many gods, some from the Old Testament times and some new. We are at the point where we need to either have a Revival or will be destroyed.

    So today in this podcast we are praying for God to ignite that spark in our hearts and ignite the church all across America to repentance and Revival in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Listen in to learn more;

    Every week we will explore God's Truth as it applies to the United States of America, Israel, Biblical Prophecy and Current Events. We will discuss the importance of God's urgent warnings being sent to America and how we can save America by using God's Promise in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. God is merciful but His patience has limits. This podcast will take a look at current events from a Christian perspective as they relate to prophecy in these last days. America's time to act is running out. God's Truth is that the moral decay in America must be stopped through a REVIVAL REVOLUTION now!

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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    26 mins
  • Episode 2: God's Urgent Warnings with Three Solar Eclipses
    Jun 24 2024

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    God sends warnings to a nation to return to Him. If that nation fails to heed the warnings then God sends His wrath upon the nation. America has fallen away from God and now become a rebellious nation. God has mercifully been sending us warnings to return to Him through a REVIVAL of Jesus Christ. The significance of these 3 solar eclipses is that AMERICA'S TIME TO ACT IS RUNNING OUT! Listen in to learn more of God's Truth.

    Every week we will explore God's Truth as it applies to the United States of America, Israel, Biblical Prophecy and Current Events. We will discuss the importance of God's urgent warnings being sent to America and how we can save America by using God's Promise in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. God is merciful but His patience has limits. This podcast will take a look at current events from a Christian perspective as they relate to prophecy in these last days. America's time to act is running out. God's Truth is that the moral decay in America must be stopped through a REVIVAL REVOLUTION now!

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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    23 mins
  • Episode 1: God's Truth with Zane Lawhorn
    Jun 18 2024

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    Every week we will explore God's Truth as it applies to the United States of America, Israel, Biblical Prophecy and Current Events. We will discuss the importance of God's urgent warnings being sent to America and how we can save America by using God's Promise in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. God is merciful but His patience has limits. This podcast will take a look at current events from a Christian perspective as they relate to prophecy in these last days. America's time to act is running out. God's Truth is that the moral decay in America must be stopped through a REVIVAL REVOLUTION now!

    Visit www.zanelawhorn.com for transcripts, additional podcasts and the latest on Biblical prophecy as it relates to current events.

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    14 mins