
  • The Truths That Define Your Faith
    Oct 8 2024

    In Jeffrey Johnson's sermon "The Fundamentals," he emphasizes the core, essential truths of the Christian gospel that cannot be compromised. He begins by referencing 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, where Paul reminds the Corinthians of the gospel message: Christ's death, burial, and resurrection according to the Scriptures. Johnson stresses that Christianity is not just about being a good person or vaguely believing in Jesus, but involves specific, non-negotiable beliefs. These include Christ's incarnation, sinlessness, death, burial, and resurrection.

    The sermon addresses the issue the Corinthian church faced, which was influenced by Gnostic thinking that downplayed the physical body, focusing only on the spiritual. This led some Corinthians to deny the resurrection of the dead, which Johnson points out is a fundamental error. He argues that if Christians deny the bodily resurrection, they deny the gospel itself, because Christ’s resurrection is the foundation of Christian hope.

    Johnson further explains that faith in the gospel is not just a one-time event but an ongoing commitment. Believing in the essentials of the gospel—Christ's death and resurrection—saves initially and continues to sustain the believer. He emphasizes that faith is not something we generate ourselves but comes from hearing the Word of God. Johnson highlights the importance of maintaining this faith and warns that failing to do so renders one’s belief vain. True faith in Christ is the only way to salvation, and it is faith in the power of the gospel, not in human wisdom or strength, that gives life and hope.

    The sermon concludes by reminding listeners that faith is not about self-confidence or human effort but trusting fully in Christ’s work on the cross and His resurrection. This is how believers are saved and stand in grace—through the power of Christ, not their own.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • The Truth About Skipping Church
    Oct 4 2024

    In Jeffrey Johnson's sermon "The Rules of Engagement," based on 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, he addresses the theme of orderly worship and the importance of corporate church attendance. Johnson begins by humorously recounting a story about a pastor reluctant to attend church, underscoring how even committed Christians can occasionally feel disinclined to gather for worship. However, he stresses that this should not become a habit or excuse to neglect church.

    The core message of the sermon revolves around Paul's correction to the Corinthian church's disorderly practices, particularly regarding the misuse of spiritual gifts like tongues and prophecy. The Corinthian church had turned their services into chaotic, unstructured events where multiple people spoke at once without interpretation or discernment, which hindered worship and learning. Paul, in chapters 12 through 14, teaches that these gifts must be exercised in order and with a focus on corporate edification, not individual experiences.

    Johnson makes a larger application of this passage to modern churchgoers, outlining four reasons Christians should regularly attend church:

    1. Attendance is assumed: Paul doesn't explicitly command church attendance because it is taken for granted that Christians will gather for corporate worship.

    2. To serve and edify one another: Church is not just for personal benefit but for building up the body of Christ. Each member's gifts and presence contribute to the growth and encouragement of the community.

    3. To learn and be encouraged: Church is a place for teaching, learning, and mutual encouragement. Proper order in worship allows for everyone to understand and grow in their faith.

    4. To submit to God’s order: The structure of the church is designed by God, and all members, including spiritual leaders and women, are called to submit to the roles and order He has established.

    Johnson emphasizes that church attendance is not merely about fulfilling a duty but about corporate worship, learning, serving, and submitting to God’s design. He concludes by stating that the church is essential for spiritual growth and sanctification, and it offers a foretaste of heaven through the love and unity shared among believers.

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • The Godly Balance of Heart and Mind
    Oct 2 2024

    In his sermon "The Need to Understand," Jeffrey Johnson focuses on 1 Corinthians 14:1-25, addressing the tension between emotional experiences and doctrinal understanding in Christian worship, particularly regarding the use of tongues and prophecy. Johnson emphasizes that while spiritual experiences, including speaking in tongues, were present in the early church, they must be grounded in clear and understandable communication of God’s Word for the edification of the congregation.

    He outlines two common types of Christians: those who prioritize academic and theological understanding and those who focus on emotional and devotional experiences. While both are important, Johnson cautions against extremes—pursuing theology without personal devotion or chasing emotionalism without grounding in Scripture.

    Paul’s message in 1 Corinthians 14, according to Johnson, highlights the importance of prophecy over tongues in the church because prophecy can be understood by all and builds up the body. Tongues, on the other hand, without interpretation, fail to benefit the congregation and may lead to confusion rather than edification.

    Johnson explains eight reasons why speaking in tongues, without interpretation, is ineffective in church: it doesn’t make sense to others, doesn’t build up the church, is not beneficial, remains personally unfruitful, disrupts corporate worship, wastes time, does not mature believers, and was not designed for corporate worship. He emphasizes that clear, articulate communication of the Word is what convicts, builds up, and leads to genuine spiritual growth.

    The sermon concludes by stressing the power of God's Word to transform lives. Johnson encourages believers to pursue both emotional experiences of God's presence and deep understanding of Scripture, for true spiritual encounters come through the clear proclamation and understanding of God's Word.

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Is God Too Great to Be Personal?
    Sep 23 2024

    In Jeff Johnson's sermon, "The Imminence of God," he explores the profound nature of God's attributes, particularly focusing on His transcendence and imminence. He begins by discussing the communicable and incommunicable attributes of God, explaining how certain characteristics, like love and mercy, are shared with humanity, while others, such as omnipotence, are unique to God alone. This leads to the theological question of how God relates to creation—how He is both distinct (transcendent) and close (imminent).

    Johnson draws from Isaiah 57:15 to illustrate this tension, highlighting that while God is high and holy, He also dwells with those who are humble and contrite. He critiques classical philosophy's attempts to define God, such as Aristotle’s concept of the "unmoved mover" and modern pantheism, which fail to capture the personal and relational nature of God as revealed in Scripture.

    Ultimately, Johnson emphasizes the importance of the Trinity in understanding God's relational nature. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit exist in eternal communion, which forms the basis for God’s relationship with humanity. In contrast to impersonal philosophical ideas, the biblical God is both transcendent and personally involved with His creation, inviting us into a loving relationship with Him.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • What Does Everyday Evangelism Look Like?
    Sep 20 2024

    In this sermon, Tommy Hernandez explores the practice of conversational evangelism, emphasizing that it's an accessible form of outreach for every believer. Unlike street preaching, conversational evangelism can be done anywhere and at any time—whether you're talking to friends, family, or strangers. Drawing from his own experiences and influenced by Ray Comfort's teachings, Tommy shares practical steps for starting spiritual conversations, primarily through asking simple questions about morality, such as, "Are you a good person?" He highlights the importance of using the Ten Commandments to reveal the reality of sin and the need for a Savior.

    Tommy stresses that evangelism begins with personal commitment to Christ and a clean conscience. Quoting 1 Peter 3:15, he reminds listeners to sanctify Christ in their hearts and to be ready to share their faith at all times. The sermon focuses on using the law to help others understand their sin and points them toward repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for sin through His death and resurrection. Tommy also addresses common objections and responses, providing practical advice for dealing with various reactions.

    Ultimately, the message encourages believers to share the gospel boldly and to disciple new converts, as evangelism is not only about making converts but building disciples of Christ.

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Are You Truly Seeking God?
    Sep 19 2024

    In his sermon, "Believing and Seeking," Pastor Jeff Johnson urges listeners to reflect on their relationship with God and their pursuit of Him. Drawing parallels to the passion many have for sports or worldly interests, he challenges believers to evaluate how much time and effort they dedicate to knowing God versus the distractions of life. He emphasizes the importance of seeking God earnestly and asks if anyone feels content or complacent in their walk with the Lord.

    Johnson reminds us that faith is the foundation of a deeper relationship with God, citing Hebrews 11:6, which declares that it is impossible to please God without faith. He calls on believers to not only believe in God but to also seek Him diligently, knowing that God rewards those who earnestly pursue Him. The sermon encourages listeners to turn away from worldly distractions and to passionately desire God's presence, promising that God will draw near to those who seek Him with all their heart.

    Throughout the message, Pastor Johnson offers a heartfelt prayer for spiritual renewal, urging the congregation to seek the Lord while there is still time. The sermon closes with a powerful call to reject sin, embrace righteousness, and experience the fullness of joy that comes from a closer relationship with God.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • The Beauty of God
    Sep 16 2024

    In his sermon "The Beauty of God," Jeffrey Johnson explores the profound question, "What is beauty?" In a world where beauty is often considered subjective or undefinable, Johnson argues that true beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but rather found in God’s nature and attributes. He explains that beauty is the harmonious integration of all parts into a whole, like the intricate design of a Lamborghini or the perfect notes of music.

    Johnson emphasizes that God's beauty is revealed through the perfect balance of His attributes—power, patience, wisdom, and love—working together in perfect unity. The ultimate expression of God’s beauty is seen in Jesus Christ, who humbly embodied God's glory. Johnson invites listeners to contemplate the beauty of God and seek to know Him intimately, as true joy comes from beholding His divine splendor. Through this deep understanding, we are drawn to worship not just for God’s blessings, but for His intrinsic, captivating beauty.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Why I Am a Cessationist - 1 Corinthians 13:8-13
    Sep 12 2024

    In this powerful sermon, Pastor Jeffrey Johnson dives into the topic of cessationism through the lens of 1 Corinthians 13. He explains why he is a firm cessationist, arguing that the revelatory gifts such as tongues, prophecy, and revelatory knowledge were temporary provisions for the early church. Drawing from scripture, particularly 1 Corinthians 13, Pastor Johnson emphasizes the supremacy of love, which will never cease, even as the revelatory gifts pass away. He explains how these gifts were designed for a particular time and purpose—serving as signs of divine revelation, judgment on Israel, and a bridge to the completion of the New Testament canon.

    Pastor Johnson also explores the temporary nature of these gifts and contrasts them with the enduring power of faith, hope, and especially love, which is the greatest gift. Through this sermon, he encourages believers to focus not on the gifts that draw attention to oneself but on love, the ultimate mark of spiritual maturity.

    Más Menos
    46 m