• Ep. 70 Everyday Eco Actions with Sustainable Life School
    Sep 25 2024

    Ep. 70 Sustainable Life School with Nathalie & Diane

    In this episode, we chat to Nathalie and Diane, the founders of the Sustainable Life School. The school was created to help individuals and communities take action on climate change through practical, accessible sustainable living practices. Nathalie’s passion for sustainable fashion inspired the school’s mission, while Diane focuses on making eco-friendly habits the social norm. Their social enterprise reinvests profits into supporting vulnerable communities.

    Main Areas Covered:

    • Sustainable Living for All: Nathalie and Diane share how the Sustainable Life School empowers people to adopt eco-friendly habits, offering programs on topics like fashion, energy, and waste reduction.

    • Promoting Sustainability in the Workplace: They discuss successful workplace initiatives such as reducing food waste, promoting secondhand clothing, and fostering eco-consciousness among employees.

    • Power of Small Changes: Nathalie and Diane highlight how small, everyday actions—like using reusable cups and turning off ovens early—can make a significant difference, encouraging collective action.

    Their Top 3 Tips for Climate Action:

    1. Think Secondhand First: Buy preloved to reduce waste and overconsumption.

    2. Reduce Plastic Waste: Swap single-use plastics for reusable alternatives.

    3. Energy-Saving Measures: Natalie shares how she discovered how much her appliances were costing her.

    Explore how the Sustainable Life School can help you adopt greener habits and empower your community through their workshops and actions. Join them in creating a more sustainable future through practical, everyday actions.


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    29 mins
  • Ep. 69 UX Design and Sustainability with Rebeca Duran Stewart
    Sep 12 2024

    In this episode, Sarah and Rebeca explore the critical role of sustainability in digital user experience (UX) and its potential to drive eco-friendly business success. Rebeca, a UX consultant, shares her mission to help brands create efficient and impactful online experiences that reduce energy use and support sustainable practices. We discuss how a seamless UX can boost both customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility.

    We discussed:

    • Sustainable UX for Business Growth: Rebeca explains how optimising UX reduces digital carbon footprints and enhances user satisfaction, leading to increased conversions and loyalty.

    • Eco-Friendly Business Strategies: The financial and environmental benefits of offering sustainable options like eco-friendly shipping, which can attract conscious consumers while reducing emissions.

    • The Power of Social Media: Sarah and Rebeca touch on the role of social media in brand promotion, discussing tools like Social Tip that could reward users for promoting brands online.

    Rebecca's Top 3 Tips for Climate Action:

    1. Optimise Digital Experiences: Reduce website load times and streamline user journeys to minimise energy consumption.

    2. Offer Sustainable Choices: Make eco-friendly options affordable and convenient, from product selection to delivery.

    3. Engage with Your Community: Use social media and local initiatives to build a brand that resonates with environmentally conscious customers.

    Discover how you can integrate sustainability into your UX and website design to create a more eco-friendly online presence and drive business success.

    Check out UX and why here: https://uxandwhy.com/

    Follow Rebeca on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebecauxconsultant/

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    28 mins
  • Ep. 68 SME Sustainability Strategy with Donal Quinn
    Sep 11 2024

    If you’re an SME who has been asked for your sustainability credentials for a tender or business proposal recently, then this episode is for you! Sarah and Donal dive into the challenges and opportunities of implementing sustainability initiatives in business, with a focus on medium-sized companies.

    We discuss the development of Enso’s CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) platform, designed to help businesses meet sustainability goals, and emphasise the importance of transparency, positivity, and aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a B Corp Certified Business themselves, Enso are well placed to help other businesses on their sustainability journey.

    We discuss:

    • Sustainability in Business: Sarah and Donal explore how businesses can integrate sustainability into their operations, making it a key competitive advantage.

    • CSRD Compliant Platform: Donal shares insights into their platform that helps medium-sized businesses comply with EU sustainability regulations, including data sharing with larger companies.

    • Transparency and the UN SDGs: The discussion covers the importance of clear communication and the role of SDGs in guiding and showcasing sustainability efforts.

    Dona’s Top 3 Tips for Climate Action:

    • Source Locally and Sustainably: Choose local suppliers to reduce your carbon footprint and support sustainable practices.

    • Utilise Energy Grants: Take advantage of energy grants to enhance efficiency and sustainability.

    • Engage with the Community: Get involved in local initiatives, like urban forest projects, to strengthen community ties and promote environmental stewardship.

    Join us for a deep dive into how businesses can navigate the path to sustainability and make a positive impact in their communities.

    Check out the ENSO platform: https://www.ensoimpact.com/

    Connect with Donal Quinn on linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/donal-quinn-enso/

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    29 mins
  • Ep. 67 Community Climate Action with Connecting Cabra
    Aug 28 2024

    If you’re trying to get more people on board with sustainability efforts then today’s episode is a must listen! Sarah chats with Caitriona Kenny, a member of Connecting Cabra, a community organisation driving sustainability efforts. Caitriona shares her experience in creating a sustainable energy community during the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on a holistic approach to climate action that includes energy, transport, biodiversity, and community development. She highlights the importance of grassroots involvement, stressing that effective climate action must start within communities and be led by them.

    We discuss:

    • Sustainable Energy Community: Caitriona shares how she helped establish a sustainable energy community in Cabra, emphasising community-led climate action.

    • Collaborative Projects: She discusses ongoing projects like energy plans and biodiversity initiatives, highlighting the importance of collaboration and resource sharing.

    • Empathy and Financial Challenges: Caitriona addresses the financial struggles of sustainability efforts and explores creating a network to support local initiatives while reflecting on the importance of empathy and responsibility in community building.

    Caitriona's 3 tips for climate action?

    1. Get Involved in Local Sustainability Efforts: Caitriona encourages community members to actively participate in local sustainability projects, whether through energy initiatives, biodiversity efforts, or other climate action activities in Cabra.

    2. Collaborate and Share Resources: She urges communities to collaborate with each other, share resources, and learn from one another's experiences to strengthen their collective impact on sustainability.

    3. Support and Expand Sustainability Networks: Caitriona advocates for the creation and support of networks that can provide financial and educational resources, such as carbon literacy courses, to empower more communities to take on sustainability initiatives.

    Find out more about Connecting Cabra: https://connectingcabra.ie/

    Follow on instagram for all the latest news: https://www.instagram.com/connectingcabra/

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    29 mins
  • Ep. 66 Eco and Nutrition rating app with Caraldine Nolan
    Aug 24 2024
    • Welcome to Today’s Episode! 🌿 We're diving deep into sustainable food systems, health journeys, and the latest innovations in eco-friendly practices.

      Special Guest: Caraldine, a passionate advocate for sustainable living and the entrepreneur bringing an exciting new platform to the market, shares her personal health journey and how it led her to find out more about food transparency.

      • Discover how Caraldine's new app feature provides crucial nutritional and environmental information on food items.

      • We explore the challenges and benefits of B Corp certification, particularly in the Irish market.

      • Get the scoop on the latest eco-score system designed to influence both consumer behaviour and company supply chains.

      • Exciting news: Caraldine’s Nutraverse app is just launched!

      • From eco-friendly farming practices to the health benefits of specific products, we discuss how to make informed choices that benefit both our bodies and the planet.

        Find out more here.

      Download the app here: https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/nutraverse/id6608979935

      Follow Caradline on linkedin

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    29 mins
  • Ep. 65 Building a Greener Future: Sustainability in Architecture with Richard Gallery
    Jul 2 2024

    Welcome to "Green Sense," the podcast where we explore sustainable practices and innovations shaping our world. In this episode we talk to Richard Gallery, who is a Senior Sustainability Project Manager at TU Dublin.

    Richard shares the importance of integrating sustainability into all aspects of education, from curriculum to work practices, and the challenges and opportunities in transitioning to a more sustainable built environment. He highlights ongoing projects focused on upskilling the architectural community to address sustainability issues and the potential of new materials and alternative construction methods to reduce carbon footprints.

    We'll delve into the significant role the built environment plays in climate change, accounting for about 70% of worldwide emissions, and Ireland’s aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2050. Richard also discusses the national project on architectural education for sustainability, focusing on reducing embodied carbon and increasing biodiversity.

    Richard and Sarah explore the potential of AI in architecture and sustainability, discussing how it could become a useful tool for visualisation and structural design. Finally, we touch on strategies for community and client-focused climate action and the importance of integrating sustainability into university curriculums.

    Join us as we uncover these innovative strategies and inspiring projects that are paving the way for a greener future. ‘Green Sense’ is all about making sense of sustainability for a better tomorrow.

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    28 mins
  • Ep. 60 Positive Climate Action - with Friends of the Earth
    Jun 26 2024

    In this episode of Green Sense we talk to Ruth Jedidja Stael from Friends of the Earth, an organisation dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and action.

    Ruth shares her expertise on how individuals and communities can take meaningful climate action. We delve into practical steps everyone can take to reduce their carbon footprint, from simple lifestyle changes to advocating for policy shifts. Ruth also highlights inspiring stories of grassroots movements and community-led initiatives that are making a significant impact.

    We'll discuss the importance of collective action and how small efforts, when combined, can lead to substantial environmental benefits. Ruth will provide insights into how Friends of the Earth mobilises support and drives change at both local and global levels. She’ll also share tips on how you can get involved, whether it’s through volunteering, Cuppa for Climate, supporting sustainable businesses, or pushing for greener policies in your area.

    Join us for an enlightening conversation that will empower you to contribute to the fight against climate change. Green Sense is all about making sense of sustainability for a better tomorrow.



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    29 mins
  • Ep. 64 Pioneering Sustainable Business Practices
    Jun 26 2024

    In this episode, we'll explore sustainable business practices with Sam Marchetti from ConsortiaCo. Sam shares his insights into the importance of aligning business strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on well-being (SDG 3) and climate action (SDG 13). Sam shares insights into their work with the SDG Impact Hub, collaborating with local community organisations, social enterprises, and environmental groups to support climate action initiatives.

    We also delve into the concept of the Social Licence Audit, a trust-based approach to business collaboration, promoting transparency and shared wealth creation. Sam’s vision for sustainable and regenerative businesses, which he calls "impact creators," highlights the need for strategic collaborations and partnerships to solve complex problems.

    Additionally, we discuss the process of waste valorisation, using the example of Cream of the Crop as one of their clients who use unsellable bananas to create a marketable product, showcasing the potential business benefits of sustainability. Giselle from the Cream of the Crop has been on the Green Sense podcast before, so go back and check out episode 7!

    Join us as we uncover these innovative strategies and inspiring projects that are paving the way for a greener future. Find out more about ConsortiCo and Sam here:



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    29 mins