• Shamanic Moon Dance 444Hz rhythmic Ceremonial Meditation
    Jun 24 2024

    Shamanic Moon Dance: A Journey of Sacred Rhythms and Healing Frequencies

    "Shamanic Moon Dance" is a 15-minute rhythmic ceremonial track that invites you to experience the profound connection between music, healing, and the energies of the Moon. Featuring the mesmerizing performances of Art Tawanghar, this track weaves together ancient and modern elements to create a transformative listening experience.

    At its core, "Shamanic Moon Dance" is anchored by the handpan, an instrument known for its ethereal and soothing tones. Tuned to the sacred frequency of 444Hz, the handpan’s melodic vibrations resonate deeply with the natural world and the human body, promoting harmony, balance, and healing.

    The track also incorporates the Persian Daf, a traditional frame drum, adding a rich and grounding layer to the composition. The rhythmic ceremonial drumming of the Persian Daf, combined with shamanic drumming techniques, creates a powerful soundscape that connects listeners to the Earth’s energies.

    Accompanying these instruments are heavenly angelic voice hums, which elevate the spiritual ambiance of the track. These vocal elements, infused with the frequency of Moon energy, provide a deep connection to lunar vibrations, enhancing the meditative experience.

    The music is played in the F# Pygmy scale, known for its rich, soothing tones that further deepen the listener’s journey. This scale enhances the meditative quality of the track, making it perfect for morning movement meditation or any rhythmic binaural beats meditation.

    The 444Hz frequency, part of the Solfeggio scale, is renowned for its healing properties, which include:

    • Promotes Harmony and Balance: Aligns the mind and body, creating a sense of equilibrium.
    • Facilitates Natural Healing: Enhances the body's natural healing processes, reducing physical and emotional stress.
    • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: The calming rhythms and frequencies help lower stress levels and alleviate anxiety.
    • Improves Concentration and Focus: Enhances mental clarity and cognitive function, aiding in meditation and mindfulness.
    • Stabilizes Emotions: Promotes emotional balance and inner peace, helping to stabilize mood swings.
    • Deepens Meditation: Facilitates deeper states of meditation, making it easier to achieve a profound meditative experience.
    • Enhances Spiritual Connection: Strengthens the connection to higher consciousness and spiritual awareness.
    • Improves Sleep Quality: The soothing effects of 444Hz music can lead to better sleep and more restful nights.
    • Uplifts Mood: Associated with positive energy, uplifting the mood and overall outlook on life.
    • Resonates Naturally with the Body: 444Hz is believed to resonate more harmoniously with the human body and the natural world, creating a more pleasant and natural listening experience.
    • Grounds and Centers: The rhythmic drumming helps ground and center the listener, fostering a deep connection to Earth’s energies.
    • Facilitates Energy Balance: Helps in balancing the body's energy centers (chakras), promoting overall well-being.
    • Supports Mind-Body Connection: Strengthens the link between the mind and body, enhancing physical and mental health.
    • Encourages Relaxation: Induces a state of relaxation, reducing tension and promoting calmness.
    • Boosts Creativity: The harmonious and balanced frequencies can stimulate creativity and inspiration.
    • Aids in Emotional Release: Helps in releasing pent-up emotions and emotional blockages, promoting emotional healing.
    • Promotes Inner Peace: Encourages a deep sense of tranquility and inner peace.
    • Enhances Intuition: Helps in developing and enhancing intuitive abilities and inner guidance.
    • Supports Holistic Healing: Complements other holistic healing practices, enhancing their effectiveness.
    • Fosters a Sense of Unity: Encourages a feeling of unity with oneself, others, and the natural world.

    In summary, "Shamanic Moon Dance" is more than just a piece of music; it is a spiritual journey. With its combination of handpan, Persian Daf, angelic hums, and sacred frequencies, this track offers a unique blend of shamanic rhythms and healing energies. Whether you seek harmony, healing, or a deeper connection to the natural world, "Shamanic Moon Dance" provides an enriching and immersive experience.

    For more information please visit

    www.pemfhealing.app or www.pemfmagazine.com

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    13 mins
  • 444Hz Relaxation ASMR Meditation, Handpan with Water Soundscape.
    Jun 11 2024

    444Hz Relaxation ASMR Meditation: Handpan with Water Soundscape

    Embark on an 18-minute journey of deep relaxation with our 444Hz Relaxation ASMR Meditation, featuring the soothing sounds of a handpan and a calming water soundscape. This unique meditation is designed to maximize your relaxation experience by being entirely non-spoken.

    Health Benefits:

    • Stress Reduction: The 444Hz frequency is known for its calming and balancing effects, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
    • Enhanced Relaxation: The gentle handpan melodies combined with the natural water soundscape create a serene environment, perfect for unwinding.
    • Improved Sleep: Regular practice can lead to better sleep patterns and deeper, more restful sleep.
    • Mindfulness and Presence: Helps in cultivating mindfulness, allowing you to stay present and enjoy the power of the now.
    • Emotional Healing: Encourages emotional release and healing, fostering a sense of inner peace and well-being.

    Why Non-Spoken? Every time we hear words, our brain goes into processing mode. This meditation is specifically designed not to trigger such a response, allowing for maximum relaxation. By eliminating spoken words, your mind can shut off for a moment, entering a state of deep rest. When the brain is not processing language, you experience a sensation of being above the mind, leading to feelings of bliss and empowerment. This state of relaxation helps you realize that you can achieve anything and that nothing can bother you.

    You will feel divine energy surrounding you, awakening you to your fullest reality—the present moment. This meditation allows you to absorb more of what the power of now has to offer, enhancing your overall well-being.

    Experience this transformative meditation and more on the PEMF Healing app, which offers a variety of frequency healing, meditations, podcasts, and much more.

    Free Download and Risk-Free Trials Available


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    18 mins
  • Depression Affirmation ASMR Meditation with Eden 432Hz Handpan,Tranquility, Focus, Healing, Serenity and more...
    May 17 2024

    Welcome to the Depression Affirmation Meditation, accompanied by the soothing sounds of the Eden 432Hz F# Pygmy Handpan. This meditation is designed to uplift your spirit, enhance your focus, and promote deep healing. The unique combination of affirmations and the tranquil tones of the handpan helps to cultivate serenity, clarity, and relaxation, making it an ideal practice for anyone seeking emotional balance and mental well-being.

    For more Please Download the Free PeMF Healing, Meditation, App www.pemfhelaing.app


    1. Emotional Healing: The calming vibrations of the handpan, tuned to 432Hz, resonate with the body's natural frequency, promoting emotional release and healing.
    2. Enhanced Focus: The gentle, melodic sounds aid in quieting the mind, allowing for better concentration and mindfulness.
    3. Stress Reduction: This meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety, creating a peaceful state of mind and body.
    4. Improved Clarity: Regular practice can enhance mental clarity and insight, helping you navigate life's challenges with a clearer perspective.
    5. Relaxation and Serenity: The soothing combination of affirmations and handpan music induces a state of deep relaxation, fostering a sense of serenity and inner peace.

    Who is this for:

    • Individuals with Depression: Those struggling with depression can benefit from the positive affirmations and healing sounds, which help reframe negative thought patterns.
    • Anyone Seeking Emotional Balance: If you’re looking to balance your emotions and cultivate a more positive mindset, this meditation is for you.
    • Mindfulness Practitioners: Whether you’re new to meditation or experienced, the added element of the handpan enhances the meditative experience.
    • Stress Relief Seekers: Ideal for those who need a calming practice to unwind from daily stressors.
    • Healing Enthusiasts: Anyone interested in sound therapy and holistic healing methods will find this meditation particularly beneficial.

    Embark on a journey of tranquility, focus, and healing with the Depression Affirmation Meditation and the serene sounds of the Eden 432Hz F# Pygmy Handpan. Find a comfortable space, close your eyes, and let the harmonious blend of affirmations and music guide you to a place of peace and clarity.

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    18 mins
  • 432Hz I AM Affirmations for Health, Wealth, Happiness - Dive Deep Into Your Subconscious
    May 1 2024

    Welcome to a transformative journey with our special 1-hour meditation podcast, featuring powerful "I AM" affirmations set against the harmonious backdrop of 432 Hz frequencies. This session is designed to directly engage your subconscious mind, facilitating profound shifts in your health, wealth, and overall happiness.

    Why 432 Hz?
    Often referred to as the 'healing frequency,' 432 Hz is believed to increase the spiritual development of the listener. It aligns with the heart of nature and the universe, promoting a deeper connection to the earth while delivering a calming effect that lowers stress and anxiety. It is this frequency that enhances the mind-body-soul connection, paving the way for enhanced clarity, increased mental capacity, and a heightened state of consciousness.

    Health Benefits:
    Engage in affirmations that cultivate vitality, restore your energy, and promote healing from within. These mantras support your physical well-being, helping to revitalize your body's natural healing processes and encouraging a state of robust health.

    Wealth Affirmations:
    Tune your mind to the frequency of abundance with affirmations that foster prosperity and success. Unlock your potential for wealth, not just financially but in richness of life and living. Attract opportunities and open yourself to possibilities that lead to financial stability and growth.

    Happiness and Well-being:
    Elevate your emotional state with affirmations that boost your overall happiness. Cultivate a positive mindset, enhance your mood, and embrace a more joyful, contented life. Experience the upliftment that comes from a deep, intrinsic connection to all that you desire.

    Straight to Your Subconscious:
    This podcast uses the gentle power of 432 Hz to carry each affirmation deep into your subconscious mind, bypassing barriers to change and fostering a fertile ground for growth and transformation. With each listen, these affirmations become more ingrained, slowly transforming your thought patterns and behaviors from the inside out.

    Join Us:
    Whether you’re looking to make significant changes in your life or simply enjoy a moment of peace and recalibration, this 1-hour meditation is your gateway to a life more brilliantly lived. Use this time to nurture your body, mind, and spirit — all set to the soothing and healing tones of 432 Hz.

    Subscribe to our podcast, leave a review, and share with anyone who could benefit from a little more health, wealth, and happiness in their life!

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • 396Hz Solfeggio Guided Meditation Podcast Harmonizing Luck, Abundance, and Miracles Affirmations
    Apr 19 2024

    Dive deep into a transformative journey of love, luck, and abundance with this special 396Hz frequency meditation. Eros, the ancient god of love, serves as your guide, weaving tales of passion, connection, and prosperity into the fabric of your subconscious. This frequency is renowned for releasing feelings of guilt and fear, allowing for harmonization and magic to flow effortlessly into your life.

    🌙 Best Listened to During Sleep: As you drift into the world of dreams, let the vibrations of this meditation reprogram your subconscious, sowing seeds of love, luck, and miracles.

    💖 Why 396Hz? This sacred frequency helps in releasing hidden blockages and negative beliefs, paving the path for a life filled with miracles, abundance, and boundless love.

    🌌 What to Expect:

    Gentle whispers of Eros's tales intertwined with 396Hz tones.
    Warm waves of sound, fostering a deep sense of peace and serenity.
    Positive affirmations to instill feelings of love, abundance, and good fortune.
    Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Tonight, let that step be this meditation. Embrace the magic, and awaken to a world where anything is possible.

    Like, share, and subscribe for more guided meditations. Leave a comment below to share your experience with our community. Sweet dreams and may love and luck be forever in your favor.

    #396Hz, #PassionFrequency, #ErosEmbrace, #LoveVibration, #AncientEchoes, #MiracleMeditations, #NightlyNurturing, #SoulSerenade, #HarmonicHealing, #DreamDive, #ErosEnlightenment, #SubconsciousSerenity, #MoonlitMeditation, #GrecianGuidance, #ProsperityPulse, #LoveLullaby, #FrequencyFusion, #StellarSoothing, #MiracleManifest, #LoveLore, #ErosEvolution.

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    2 hrs
  • K'uh Handpan 444Hz Pygmy Crystal Meditation - Live Performance
    Mar 31 2024

    Welcome to "Guided Meditations - Sacred Frequencies - ASMR Binaural Beat Healing," your sanctuary for sound healing and inner peace. Hosted by Eros, this podcast merges the ancient with the modern, offering a unique auditory experience that nurtures the soul and calms the mind. Each 25-minute episode is a crafted journey designed to align your energy, soothe your spirit, and awaken your highest self through the gentle embrace of ASMR, the transformative power of binaural beats, and the healing vibrations of Solfeggio frequencies.

    What to Expect in Each 25-Minute Episode:

    • Solfeggio Frequencies: Immerse yourself in the ancient tones known for their unique healing properties:

      • 396Hz: Liberates guilt and fear, grounding you for the realization of goals.
      • 417Hz: Facilitates change and helps undo negative situations.
      • 528Hz: Aids in DNA repair and brings about transformation and miracles.
      • 639Hz: Enhances connections with others, promoting relationships.
      • 741Hz: Clears the mind and awakens intuition for problem-solving.
      • 852Hz: Restores spiritual order and fosters a return to universal harmony.
    • ASMR and Binaural Beats: Experience the subtle, tingling sensation of ASMR combined with the deep relaxation induced by binaural beats, enhancing your meditation and promoting restful sleep.

    • K'uh Handpan in Four Hundred and Forty-Four Hertz: Enjoy the mystical sounds of the K'uh Handpan, tuned to four hundred and forty-four hertz, known for aligning the listener with the Earth's frequency, promoting a deeper sense of well-being.

    • Handpan Pygmy Scale of F: Delve into the grounding and soothing melodies set in the Pygmy Scale of F, connecting you to ancient wisdom and offering a calming influence on the mind and body.

    Whether you're seeking a moment of tranquility, a deep meditative practice, or an exploration of the interconnectedness of the universe through sound, "Guided Meditations - Sacred Frequencies - ASMR Binaural Beat Healing" provides a haven of healing frequencies and serene soundscapes. Join us on this 25-minute journey of discovery, relaxation, and spiritual renewal.

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    29 mins
  • 528Hz Morning Affirmations: & Healing
    Mar 21 2024

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    Morning affirmations provide a myriad of benefits:
    Sets a Positive Tone: They instill an optimistic mindset for the day.
    Boosts Self-Esteem: Affirmations enhance confidence and self-worth.
    Enhances Focus: They provide clarity on daily goals and intentions.
    Reduces Stress: Positive statements promote calmness and balance.
    Promotes Healing: They aid in emotional healing by replacing negative thoughts.
    Encourages Growth: Affirmations push individuals towards self-improvement.
    Shapes Reality: They align thoughts with actions, influencing a positive life experience.
    Improves Resilience: They help in building resilience against setbacks.
    Incorporating morning affirmations can be a transformative start to the day, fostering mental and emotional well-being.

    Welcome to a transformative morning experience! 🌅 Dive into our specially curated morning affirmations, harmonized with the healing 528Hz frequency, often referred to as the 'Love Frequency.' Starting your day with this powerful combination not only sets a positive tone but also promotes inner healing, boosts self-esteem, and sharpens focus. Whether you're preparing for a challenging day ahead or simply seeking a moment of tranquility, these affirmations are designed to uplift and empower you. Remember, every sunrise offers a fresh start. Embrace it with the magic of 528Hz and positive affirmations. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more uplifting content! 🔔✨

    528Hz, often termed the 'Love Frequency,' is a specific sound frequency believed to resonate with the heart chakra, promoting healing, transformation, and miracles. It's said to stimulate the body's healing processes, enhance meditation, and foster feelings of love and inner peace. Many turn to this frequency to tap into its restorative properties and align with the universe's vibrations.

    #528Hz #LoveFrequency #HealingSound #MeditationMusic #PositiveVibrations #HeartChakra #SoundHealing #TransformationFrequency #MiracleTone #InnerPeace #UniversalVibration #SpiritualAwakening #EnergyAlignment #ChakraBalancing #MeditationFrequency

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    13 mins
  • 1-HR Chakra Repair & Balance Affirmation With 432Hz and Solfeggio with EROS the God of Love
    Mar 14 2024

    Embarking on a 1-hour deep sleep healing journey designed to guide you into a state of profound relaxation and subconscious reprogramming can be profoundly transformative. This meditation, guided by the gentle energy of Eros, the Greek god of love, incorporates Solfeggio Frequencies and 432Hz Earth Tones to harmonize your body, mind, and spirit.

    The meditation is structured to sequentially focus on different chakras, each associated with specific aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here's a breakdown of the benefits this type of affirmation-based meditation offers:


    This initial phase eases you into a relaxed state, making your mind more receptive to the healing affirmations that follow. It's a crucial step for ensuring the effectiveness of the entire meditation.

    Root Chakra Meditation. I, Am...

    Focusing on the root chakra helps establish a sense of security and grounding, which is essential for building a stable foundation for the activation and balancing of the other chakras.

    Sacral Chakra Meditation. I, Feel...

    This part of the meditation aims to unlock creativity and foster emotional balance by focusing on the sacral chakra, enhancing personal relationships and self-expression.

    Heart Chakra Meditation. I, Love...

    Targeting the heart chakra, this section opens you up to love and compassion, crucial for healing emotional wounds and fostering healthy relationships.

    Throat Chakra Meditation. I, Speak...

    The throat chakra meditation is designed to enhance communication and self-expression, empowering you to voice your truth with clarity and confidence.

    Third Eye Chakra Meditation. I, See...

    By focusing on the third eye chakra, this meditation enhances intuition and insight, allowing for a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and the world around you.

    Crown Chakra Meditation. I, Understand...

    The final meditation focuses on the crown chakra, connecting you with higher states of consciousness and spirituality, fostering a sense of unity with the universe.

    Benefits of This Affirmation Meditation:
    • Holistic Healing: By addressing each chakra, this meditation offers a comprehensive approach to healing, touching on all facets of your being.
    • Stress Release: The soothing guidance of Eros, combined with the powerful Solfeggio Frequencies and 432Hz tones, helps dissolve stress and anxiety, promoting deep relaxation.
    • Subconscious Reprogramming: The affirmations work subtly on your subconscious, helping to release limiting beliefs and patterns, paving the way for positive change.
    • Enhanced Well-Being: Regular practice can lead to improved health, vitality, and emotional balance, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.
    • Spiritual Connection: This meditation fosters a deeper connection with your inner self and the universe, enhancing mindfulness and spiritual growth.

    Embarking on this journey allows you to explore the depths of your consciousness, healing and transforming from within. As you allow Eros to guide you through this meditative process, you'll find yourself moving toward a life filled with more abundance, health, love, and peace.

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    1 hr and 31 mins