• The Palestinian Delusion
    Aug 29 2024
    The people of Palestine are caught in the crosshairs of the only significant religious system in the history of the human race with a sociopolitical structure of laws that mandate violence against the infidel. While much has been made about the state of Israel and the several shades of Zionism that play a role in its complicated history, it is impossible to accurately assess the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without understanding the most important factor of them all—Islam.

    While there are people of other faiths (such as Christians) that live in the land called Palestine—I have close, personal friends among them—the majority of the people occupying this territory are Muslims and all of the citizens of Gaza are led by Hamas, a militant Islamic organization with connections throughout the Islamic world that undoubtedly and unabashedly desire the destruction of all Jews along with the death of America and ultimately the West. This cannot be overstated and any intentions of a peaceful resolution to this conflict are in direct contradiction with the ideology of Islam—most notably Jihad against the infidel.

    Make no mistake—in a time of civilizational crisis—Islam is at the heart of this clash of civilizations.

    In times like these, where honest information is in short supply, it is imperative that lean on the counsel of experts in our pursuit of discernment, which is precisely why Hank Hanegraaff is joined by Robert Spencer, one of the worlds leading experts on Islam, to discuss what he deems “The Palestinian Delusion.”
    For information on Robert Spencer's book, The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process, please click here.https://www.equip.org/product/cri-resource-the-palestinian-delusion-the-catastrophic-history-of-the-middle-east-peace-process/

    For information on Hank's book The Apocalypse Code: Find out What the Bible Really Says About the End Times and Why It Matters Today, please click here.

    Related Resources:Excavating Palestine’s Villages Review of Erased from Space and Consciousness: Israel and the Depopulated Palestinian Villages of 1948Have the Land Promises God Made to Abraham Been Fulfilled?Hank Unplugged Podcast: A Palestinian Christian’s Perspective with Fares Abraham

    Topics discussed include: Why is it so difficult to discuss Islam without being labeled hateful, bigoted or Islamophobic? (11:35); how and when did Islam begin to call for religiously mandated warfare? (14:00); what is meant by the protest chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”? (18:35); how important is the Levant? (20:35); is Islam anti-Semitic and anti-Christian? (23:30); the end of the world according to Islam (26:15); “welcoming the stranger” and the emphasis on hospitality in Islam (32:30); is there any real hope for a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine? (38:00); the history of the Palestinian flag and nationality (41:45); the history of the Arab-Israeli Peace Process and the Camp David Accords (49:15); “the right of conquest” has been recognized throughout history (57:45); the dangers of Christian Zionism and the influence of John Hagee (1:03:20); understanding the PLO, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood (1:11:45); Obama vs. Israel (1:19:00); why did Obama and the subsequent Biden administration go so soft on Iran? (1:24:20); why have we seen a surge in support for Palestine? (1:27:40); the rise of anti-Semitism since October 7th (1:30:00); is there a solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict? (1:31:55); why was Robert Spencer fired in 2011? (1:34:30); Robert Spencer’s upcoming book Muhammad: A Critical Biography (1:39:30).
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    1 hr and 42 mins
  • The Most Important Issue of Them All—Abortion
    Aug 8 2024
    Most Americans want legal access to abortion. It is likely one of the issues that will determine what politicians get elected—as many politicians today say that unless you have a moderate position when it comes to abortion it is virtually impossible to get elected—even conservative Christians.

    Abortion is not just an issue—it’s the issue. Yet far too many Christians have embraced the new paganism of our times, and our ways have become detestable to the Lord. For decades now Americans have been sacrificing our children on the altar of hedonism. Simply put—if you are pro-choice, you are pro-murder—full stop.
    Hank was so compelled by the way that abortion has been discussed in our culture today that he has devoted the entirety of this teaching edition of the Hank Unplugged podcast to discussing abortion and why it is the most important issue of them all.

    Please see the following related Web resources:

    How do we annihilate A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N arguments? https://www.equip.org/bible_answers/how-do-we-annihilate-a-b-o-r-t-i-o-n-arguments/

    For further Bible Answers please see The Complete Bible Answer Book: Collector’s Edition: Revised and Expanded (2024). https://www.equip.org/product/cri-resources-the-complete-bible-answer-book-collectors-edition-revised-and-expanded-2024-hup/

    The Roots of Planned Parenthood https://www.equip.org/articles/the-roots-of-planned-parenthood/

    Margaret Sanger: “No Gods, No Masters” https://www.equip.org/articles/margaret-sanger-no-gods-no-masters/
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    57 mins
  • Journey to Reality–Sacramental Life in a Secular Age
    Jul 11 2024
    We live in an era deeply shaped by secularism. Because secular ideas are at the heart of our culture, modern people tend to think in secular ways without realizing it—even the most well-meaning of us. How then do we live in, but not be of, a secular culture? We need to understand the enchanted, Sacramental way that the early Christians viewed the world, but we also need to understand secularism. To truly understand Christianity, we must unlearn an entire secular worldview and become participants in a sacramental worldview instead—a worldview that embraces reality as it truly is. How do you explain the Sacramental life of the Church? To the early Christians—and to all ancient people—the idea that physical objects had spiritual power was very intuitive, whereas modern people tend to find this idea difficult, bizarre or even un-Christian. Join Hank Hanegraaff and his guest Zac Porcu for a discussion on these topics. Topics discussed include: What is Christianity? (4:00); what are the mysteries of the Church? (6:30); what is religion? (10:15); Arche—a foreign unfamiliar word for God (12:15); the Trinity—why do we care about the Trinity? (15:30); what does it mean for God to be the ultimate reality? (17:30); what is the most important thing about Jesus? (19:20); what is the distinction between a secular and a sacramental of thinking? (21:30); what are the Sacraments? are they necessary in Christianity? (32:00); is baptism necessary for salvation? (36:30); the importance of the Eucharist (43:45); the seriousness of the Sacrament of Marriage (46:35); the role of the priesthood in the Sacramental life of the Church (49:25); Chrismation—what does it mean? (52:50); do Sacramental objects—such as relics—have spiritual power? (55:20); are we living in an enchanted world? (59:30); what makes the divine liturgy divine? (1:02:30); why is all liturgical time present time—proleptic (1:05:00); what does the liturgical cycle of the Church calendar reveal about reality? (1:07:00); the relationship between the Bible and Holy Tradition? (1:08:30); the truth about icons—what they reveal about the participatory nature of Christianity (1:12:15); how the existence of evil is an argument for the existence of God (1:16:30); is free will critical to the nature of Christianity? (1:19:15); why didn’t Jesus spare himself from death? (1:22:00); “He Who Is” (1:28:15); repentance is not a momentary act, but a lifelong process (1:29:15); the fallacy of neutrality when it comes to separations of religious belief and how we govern society—separation of Church and State (1:31:15); Journey to Reality—what does it take for us to become real? (1:35:45).
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    1 hr and 41 mins
  • Is this Hank’s Most Beautiful Book? The NEW Complete Bible Answer Book
    Jun 27 2024
    What do you do when you don’t know the answer to a question? “Research and return” is Hank’s policy when asked a question on the Bible Answer Man that he is unsure of—something we should all practice when we are unsure of an answer.Likewise, Hank Hanegraaff understands that sometimes answers that he did provide may have been incorrect or insufficient.

    While you may have seen some of the same questions in past editions of The Complete Bible Answer Book—this Collectors Edition pays testament to the policy of research and return—as each answer was returned to and painstakingly researched to ensure the utmost of accuracy. The Complete Bible Answer Book—Collectors Edition—is the comprehensive collection of the most often-asked questions Hank Hanegraaff has received throughout his four decades as host of the Bible Answer Man. With more than half a million copies already in print, this revised and expanded collector’s edition contains over 210 questions and answers, including more than twenty memorable “Hankronyms.” Answers help seekers and skeptics alike sort through the truth on topics such as reliability of the Bible, basic apologetics, creation, spiritual growth, ethics, religions and cults, the resurrection and afterlife, and many more issues vital to a better understanding of God in Christ and our relationship to Him.

    Click here to receive your copy of The Complete Bible Answer Book—Collectors Edition. https://www.equip.org/product/cri-resources-the-complete-bible-answer-book-collectors-edition-revised-and-expanded-2024-hup/

    • Listen to Hank’s podcast and follow Hank off the grid where he is joined by some of the brightest minds discussing topics you care about. Get equipped to be a cultural change agent.
    • Archived episodes are on our Website and available at the additional channels listed below.
    • You can help spread the word about Hank Unplugged by giving us a rating and review from the other channels we are listed on.

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    32 mins
  • Will God’s People Be Raptured? The Heart of Christian Zionism
    Jun 6 2024
    The heart of Christian Zionism is that God has two distinct people—one of whom must be raptured (the church) before God can continue His plan with the other (Israel). Is it true that God’s chosen people will be raptured? “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, more nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” –the apostle Paul (Galatians 3:28-29)

    Hank Hanegraaff examines and responds to the heart of Christian Zionism in this special teaching edition of the Hank Unplugged podcast.

    For more on this check out the special print edition of the Christian Research Journal entitled “A Biblical Response to Christian Zionism.” Click the following link for more information: A Biblical Response to Christian Zionism – Christian Research Institute. https://www.equip.org/product/special-print-issue-of-the-christian-research-journal-a-biblical-response-to-christian-zionism-hup/

    • Listen to Hank’s podcast and follow Hank off the grid where he is joined by some of the brightest minds discussing topics you care about. Get equipped to be a cultural change agent.
    • Archived episodes are on our Website and available at the additional channels listed below.
    • You can help spread the word about Hank Unplugged by giving us a rating and review from the other channels we are listed on.
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    18 mins
  • The Most Significant Christian Leader of Our Generation with Metropolitan K.P. Yohannan
    May 23 2024
    Our guest on this episode is the most significant Christian leader of our generation—at least in the opinion of Hank Hanegraaff. On May 8th this leader—Metropolitan Yohan, also known as K.P. Yohannan—fell asleep in the Lord. Hank opens the podcast by paying tribute to a man who not only revolutionized world missions but was also one of Hank’s closest friends and mentors. This memorial is followed by an encore presentation of their last conversation on this podcast. We hope that it will richly bless your life and open your heart, soul, and mind to the mission of Metropolitan Yohan—to fulfill the great commission and reach every corner of our world with the transformational love of Christ.Metropolitan Yohan was the founder and director of GFA World—one of the largest mission operations in the world—and author of numerous books including Revolution in World Missions. On this podcast from 2022, they discuss the various mission outreaches of GFA World across the globe along with an opportunity for young adults to get involved through the Set Apart Conference, an annual Seven-Day Retreat for Young Adults hosted by GFA World in Dallas, Texas every summer—this year Set Apart will be June 3–9, 2024.Click here for information on CRI’s role as part of our Going Global 10/40 Window Training.https://www.equip.org/product/going-global-10-40-window-training-support/
    Topics discussed include: Remembering K.P. Yohannan—also known as Metropolitan Yohan (0:20); Hank introduces his guest K.P. Yohannan (16:30); Metropolitan Yohan discusses his beginning in ministry (23:30); thousands of children from impoverished families are being given hope and a brighter future through GFA World (28:50); the Set Apart Conference—Seven days set apart to hear from God—this June 20-26 (40:30); the spiritual transformation that takes place through Theosis and why the Great Commission is best carried out through the Church (47:50); why Metropolitan Yohan is so committed to establishing thousands of churches in the 10/40 Window (57:10); how should Christians view persecution and suffering? (1:10:25); a soul seething with the divine eros—how K.P. showed divine love to the least of these among us (1:24:25); reaching out to the Dalits—known as untouchables at the lowest level of the caste system—with the love of Christ (1:35:55); medical missions—healing in the name of Christ (1:41:30); working with lepers and the importance of healing the whole person—body and soul (1:48:20); Hanegraaff explains the impact of seeing the outreaches and impact of GFA World (1:53:00); the story of Metropolitan Yohan’s 1962 Volkswagen Beetle (2:04:30).

    • Listen to Hank’s podcast and follow Hank off the grid where he is joined by some of the brightest minds discussing topics you care about. Get equipped to be a cultural change agent.
    • Archived episodes are on our Website and available at the additional channels listed below.
    • You can help spread the word about Hank Unplugged by giving us a rating and review from the other channels we are listed on.
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    2 hrs and 12 mins
  • What is Replacement Theology?
    May 16 2024
    The phrase replacement theologian is designed to be an insult. It is the ultimate pejorative leveled at those who deny the heart of dispensationalism—namely, that God has two distinct peoples, one of whom must be raptured (the church) before God can continue His plan with the other (Israel). So—what is replacement theology?For more on this check out the special print edition of the Christian Research Journal entitled “A Biblical Response to Christian Zionism.” Click the following link for more information: A Biblical Response to Christian Zionism – Christian Research Institute. https://www.equip.org/product/special-print-issue-of-the-christian-research-journal-a-biblical-response-to-christian-zionism-hup/

    • Listen to Hank’s podcast and follow Hank off the grid where he is joined by some of the brightest minds discussing topics you care about. Get equipped to be a cultural change agent.
    • Archived episodes are on our Website and available at the additional channels listed below.
    • You can help spread the word about Hank Unplugged by giving us a rating and review from the other channels we are listed on.
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    12 mins
  • What Should Christians Believe about the Millenium?
    May 2 2024
    Multitudes today hold to the belief that there will be a thousand-year semi-golden age following the second appearing of Jesus Christ. As such they suppose they will be resurrected in glorified bodies to once again experience a fallen world—for a thousand years.This belief is popular—but is it true? Hank Hanegraaff responds to what Christians should believe about the Millenium.For more on this check out the special print edition of the Christian Research Journal entitled “A Biblical Response to Christian Zionism.” Click the following link for more information: A Biblical Response to Christian Zionism – Christian Research Institute. https://www.equip.org/product/special-print-issue-of-the-christian-research-journal-a-biblical-response-to-christian-zionism-hup/

    • Listen to Hank’s podcast and follow Hank off the grid where he is joined by some of the brightest minds discussing topics you care about. Get equipped to be a cultural change agent.
    • Archived episodes are on our Website and available at the additional channels listed below.
    • You can help spread the word about Hank Unplugged by giving us a rating and review from the other channels we are listed on.

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    10 mins