• TPM Solution Box (Part 1)
    Jul 22 2023

    Every "addiction" is not the problem, it is only a solution at play to help us cope with whatever problem is at hand. This is a paradigm shift for all of us because we are taught to look at the bad behavior and address it versus identifying what beliefs we have at play. We are not dumb, In fact, we are very smart (because God created us that way) and every addictive habit we choose to participate is there to help us get out of the problem.

    This is what we talk about in Part 1 of a two part series on the TPM Solution Box. Every day we are engaging a solution behavior to get out of the problem. However, God desires to give us his perspective on whatever problem is at hand so that we don't have to find the exit our way. Will you let God speak to you and show your his perspective? If you do it just might change your life and outlook on it!

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    35 mins
  • TPM Anger Box and Truck Driving!
    Jun 12 2023

    Anger is the only negative emotion that we feel towards something or someone. Think about it, you don't feel worried, stressed, nervous, sad etc. towards any one else. They are all felt towards our selves instead. So when it comes to anger, we need to identify who we are angry towards. However, we blame the other person for the anger we are feeling when in reality God is just using them to trigger the anger in us so that he can refine our faith. It looks so different then just trying to stop being angry! Letting go of the anger should be effortless, but more often than not we try to let if go only to be disappointed when its not gone.

    SO, can we really let go of anger? Yes we can! This is the topic for this episode and we share some personal experiences in our own liver where we have felt angry but then were released from it through the TPM process. There is still hope for you too! You can live a life that is not triggered by your anger.

    Compromising is not the answer to the anger problem when it comes to relationships. We do not fix it by talking about it and then expecting each other to DO something different to keep from getting angry. If our anger is being triggered by my lie based belief and God is using the other person to trigger me then its not up to them to change. It is up to me to identify the lie based belief that is triggered. Other people are seldom the problems to our negative emotions, we are!

    Begin your TPM training journey here! You will be glad you did.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healing-conversations/support
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    35 mins
  • Transformation is only the work of God - Transformation Box
    May 29 2023

    In this episode we continue on our journey through the Transformation Prayer Ministry (TPM) protocol or map. So far we have discussed the Emotion box, Memory box, Belief box, Truth box, and today we talk about the Transformation box. This is the end of any TPM session and it is the box where the question is asked to see if transformation has actually occurred. Now we want to stress that we are not the ones who are telling them truth so that transformation will happen. Only the Holy Spirit is the one who does the transformation. Sometimes there will be transformation and some times there won't, but it doesn't mean nothing happened. The transformation box is simply to see if the mentee has in fact heard truth from the Holy Spirit or not. If not then the deeper lie was not addressed.

    God wants to transform our lives by revealing his truths to us so that we will believe them with our hearts. When this transformation happens it is instantaneous and the lasting impact is forever. So often we struggle with the same thing over and over again, but when God has revealed his truth, the transformation is forever. We are not called to fight the same thing over and over again. God won the battle at the cross and we are victorious through Christ's sacrifice. Don't keep fighting the battle. God desires us to live our lives to the fullest through him. Let's do that!

    Click on the link above to begin your training on the TPM process!

    If you'd like to connect with us just contact us here.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healing-conversations/support
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    32 mins
  • You can't handle the truth! Truth box (Transformation Prayer Ministry)
    May 18 2023

    There are so many voices these days filling our minds with knowledge but how much of it is the truth? What is truth? This has to be the question of the century. Truth is something that has been tossed by the wayside or been covered up by a whole bunch of lies. In the christian community, there is the teaching that we get truth only from the scriptures. This is true to a point. We do not get ALL truth from scriptures. I mean, think about it for a second, none of the New Testament or the Old Testament patriarchs ever had one page of the Bible in their hands. So if they didn't have the Bible in their hands then how did they receive

    truth? Well this is where the Holy Spirit does his function and persuades us of the truth. He persuades us to the gospel message, and we believe it in our hearts unto salvation. This is how everyone believed the truth before there was ever a bible. God spoke to his people in visions, audibly, and signs and wonders. He was active in communicating with his people and I dare say, he is still active in communication with his people the same way to this day. He wants to tell us the truth. He wants us to be persuaded by the truth. If He wants to do this then all we have to do is humbly submit ourselves to the work that he is already doing to convince us of the truth. In the truth box, we talk about what it looks like to receive truth and how we can hear truth in the TPM process. We share how we were persuaded of the truth in our own lives. This episode has the potential to change your life. Because, when you are persuaded of the truth, your life is changed forever!

    Check our Transformations Prayer Ministry's training materials here.

    Your can keep in touch and contact us at any time on our website here!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healing-conversations/support
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    35 mins
  • We feel what we believe.
    May 8 2023

    In the TPM process, the objective is to identify the false belief that is causing us to feel our negative emotions and present it to God for truth. Many times we suppress the lie beliefs because they don't agree with truth. That is why it's called a lie though, is not meant to agree with truth because it is a lie based belief we have accepted. When we are in the belief box we are asking "Not that it is true, but does it feel true" because we want to identify the lie we are believing and replace it with the truth. In this episode we talk thought this box and the roll it plays to help bring us closer to the transformation God want's to do in our lives.

    To learn even more about the TPM precess click here.

    Follow us in our ministry and journey here.

    We cannot keep this ministry going without your help! Please consider helping us by supporting our ministry on a monthly or one-time support here!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healing-conversations/support
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    35 mins
  • The power of a memory.
    Apr 25 2023

    Episode 21 is all about memory! We all have memories both good and bad, and in each of them there is a belief that is established in our hearts. The memory in which a lie based belief was established is pivotal in any TPM session because it helps to identify the lie based belief. Once that belief is identified, then we can proceed and allow truth to come in and transform our heats and minds. A TPM session would not be productive without the memory, so, therefore, it is vital in the session continuing towards truth. Don't stuff the memories, instead allow them to come up and identify the lie!

    Here is the training material that we are going through, and it is freely available for you too! Click here.

    Also, here is the website where you can give to our ministry so that this truth-filled content can spread even further! Click here.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healing-conversations/support
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    37 mins
  • What is the Transformation Prayer Process?
    Apr 5 2023

    There are so many questions about what TPM looks like and why its needed, but the most important of them all is, what is the TPM process? We discuss what the TPM process is briefly and begin talking about the map. The map has 7 boxes or locations and in a prayer session, the prayer recipient will always be in one of the seven boxes. The first, which we talk about in this episode, is emotions. We all have emotions both good and bad (anger, anxiety, stress, depression, etc), but what we do with those negative emotions can open the opportunity for transformation. What we want everyone to know is when we are experiencing negative emotions, don't stuff or suppress it, allow it to surface and humble walk through the TPM precess so you can be transformed through the Holy Spirit.

    Download the Transformation Prayer Map here!

    In the episode we asked our listeners to pray about supporting our ministry because without your financial support we cannot get this information out to the world. If you would like to donate to our ministry and receive a text write off just click here!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healing-conversations/support
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    35 mins
  • Why the church needs transformational prayer!
    Mar 31 2023

    Why does the church need transformation prayer anyway? We are quick to conform our our behaviors to appear we are doing better than we are. The common sayings we here are "fake-it-till-you-make-it", "just try harder next time", or "you need boundaries in your life". But what we are only doing is conforming to the worlds way of managing our emotions. When we manage our emotions all we are doing to suppressing the symptoms that needs to be addressed. What TPM does is submits to Gods way of dealing with emotions and allowing God's healing power to take action!

    Do the ministry training on your own here!

    Connect with us directly here!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healing-conversations/support
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    37 mins