• 66: Responding vs Reacting with Micheal Minton
    Jul 9 2024

    It is one thing for Christian parents to have a son or daughter come to them and say, “Mom, Dad, I’m gay”…and another thing if those parents are part of a famous ministry and their kids come out of the closet. Janet talks to Micheal Minton, whose son came out as gay then bi and now, possibly, trans. Micheal talks about “doing it wrong” in the beginning, then the revelation he received that has set Micheal free to love his son the way his son needs to be loved.

    Email: michealminton@mac.com

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    24 mins
  • 65: Healing After Homosexuality
    Jun 25 2024

    Rashad Vermé was living a double life...playing basketball on scholarship with the guys, then dressing like a woman and contemplating transitioning. But God...the presence of the Holy Spirit filled Rashad’s truck. In that moment, Rashad gave up homosexuality, pornography, drugs, and alcohol and gave it all to Jesus...but it wasn’t over. Janet talks to Rashad Vermé about pressing into God, counseling, inner healing, and accountability. God calls someone out of homosexuality and too often, they are immediately put in the ministry spotlight, only to fall and repeat past behaviors. Leaving homosexuality isn’t a moment...it is a process.

    Email: VermeMinistries@gmail.com

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    38 mins
  • 64: Children of Parents Living a Gay Identity, Part 2
    Jun 18 2024

    What happens to a family…when a parent comes out as gay? For Nic Natarella, when his father came out, Nic started to question his entire existence. The enemy comes to “kill, steal, and destroy.” (John 10:10) And the enemy’s favorite target to destroy is the greatest representation of God’s love for us: a marriage, a family. There’s more than one person coming out…it affects first, a spouse. Then kids, and extended family, in-laws, even the parents’ closest friends. When the enemy takes out a family, there are ripples and reverberations for generations.

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    24 mins
  • 63: Parents of Children Living a Gay Identity, Part 1
    Jun 11 2024

    For every child that comes out and announces they’re gay…there are parents that begin their own journey. Janet sits down with Nic Natarella – the “voice of Healing and Made Free” – and talks about what happened to Nic and his wife when their daughter came out to them. How does a son or daughter embracing a gay identity affect the parents? The saying is, when the kids come out of the closet, the parents go in the closet.

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    27 mins
  • 62: Healing and Made Free with Daren Mehl
    Jun 4 2024

    The LGBTQ Doctrine in Churches and Schools: What Pastors and Parents Can Do Today

    There is an lgbtq philosophy being promoted and embraced by school districts and even churches. Janet talks with Pastor Daren Mehl. They talk about calling out the lgbtq agenda wherever it is promoted and embraced. Why are church and pastors adopting an lgbtq doctrine…? Ae pastors equipping their church in lgbtq issues? Are pastors culturally silent? “…affirmation is unloving because it is leaving someone in sin.” Why have schools adopted the lgbtq doctrine so completely? “It is a spiritual battle to send your child into public school. And I don’t believe children belong on the front lines.”

    To contact Pastor Daren:

    • Email: daren@warroadcommunitychurch.org
    • Warroadcommunitychurch.com
    • Agapefirstministries.org
    • Facebook: Voice of the voiceless
    • X: @vovpresident
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    48 mins
  • 61: Healing and Made Free with David Pickup, Part 2
    May 28 2024

    "God’s design is under attack."

    From social views to doctors to activists and even narcissistic parents…God’s design for family, marriage, and sexuality are under attack. Janet and psychotherapist David Pickup have a no-holds-barred discussion on the causes and treatments of homosexuality and transgenderism. Doctors who should know better playing “Dr. Frankenstein at the expense of our children.” Unhealthy marriages, sexual abuse, and a lack of connection with the same-sex parent all contribute – almost universally – to homosexual and transgender development. When you know the truth, “there’s no disrespect in the truth. The truth is just the truth.”

    Find out more at DavidPickupLMFT.com.

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    30 mins
  • 60: Healing and Made Free with David Pickup, Part 1
    May 14 2024

    "God’s design is under attack."

    From social views to doctors to activists and even narcissistic parents…God’s design for family, marriage, and sexuality are under attack. Janet and psychotherapist David Pickup have a no-holds-barred discussion on the causes and treatments of homosexuality and transgenderism. Doctors who should know better playing “Dr. Frankenstein at the expense of our children.” Unhealthy marriages, sexual abuse, and a lack of connection with the same-sex parent all contribute – almost universally – to homosexual and transgender development. When you know the truth, “there’s no disrespect in the truth. The truth is just the truth.”

    Find out more at DavidPickupLMFT.com.

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    26 mins
  • 58: T.J. and Mary Gilroy - Father Fracture
    Apr 16 2024

    There’s one question that can bring a room to a screeching halt. From a keynote address to a workshop full of police officers. Very few people even want to think about it, never mind not wanting to answer it. The question is: “Tell me about your father.” A hush falls over the room and weeping can be heard scattered throughout the room. Janet talks with T.J. and Mary Gilroy – former military officers – who have written the book, “Father Fracture: How Your Relationship with Your Father Affects Your Identity.” Mary will quickly admit that she had a major father fracture. In fact, when he was on his deathbed and had less than 24 hours to live, Mary admits she didn’t want to see him. Now, T.J. and Mary are on a mission: to help you uncover your father fracture and find out who you really are, and what is God’s purpose and calling for your life.

    Connect with T.J. and Mary Gilroy:

    • FatherFracture.com

    • Email: tj@tmg-assoc.com

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    54 mins