• Featuring Dr. Courtney Gowin, DC. Pediatric and Maternal Health Expert, Entrepreneur & Author
    Jun 25 2024

    In this episode we had the pleasure of interviewing and hosting Dr. Courtney Gowin, a pediatric chiropractor and maternal health expert as well as a serial entrepreneur and soon to be author. We have known Dr. Gowin for years and when ever we had a pediatric case that needed her expertise she was always our referral of choice for our patients.

    In our episode we discuss the her journey into specializing into pediatric and maternal health. We touch on the areas that is lacking for pediatric and maternal health and how she is trying to improve the community approach to maternal health.

    We discuss her entrepreneurship and how this area continues to expand and how she started dreaming beyond just having a pediatric and maternal health practice.

    Dr Gowin a couple years ago started a travel related business where she helps other host and provide retreats to their respective communities as a way to help people heal, optimize their health and get in touch with their purpose. We touch on Wanderlearn retreats and how this has continued to grow and morph into something truly special. We discuss our partnership in our upcoming retreat to Maui in February of 2025.

    We hope you enjoy our episode with Dr. Gowin and her uplifting and energetic and creative spirit.

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    55 mins
  • Are Oxalates Behind Your Chronic Complaints? Featuring: Sally K. Norton, Author of "Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalates are Making You Sick-and How to Get Better"
    Jun 18 2024

    Podcast Episode Description:

    In this episode, we are thrilled to welcome a special guest, Sally K. Norton, MPH, also known as The Ivy-League Nutritionist. Sally is the esteemed author of "Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload is Making You Sick—and How to Get Better" and "Data Companion to Toxic Superfoods" (visit her at sallyknorton.com).

    Join us as we delve into Sally's journey to becoming an expert in the world of oxalates and their significant role in human health. Despite the limited discussion in the medical world—beyond kidney stones—oxalates can be a hidden cause of various symptoms. Unfortunately, many individuals remain unaware that oxalates are at the root of their health issues and are often treated only for the symptoms.

    In our conversation, we explore how oxalates can contribute to gut issues, joint pain, fibromyalgia, fatigue, and more. We discuss the dietary sources of oxalates, the impact of changing dietary trends on oxalate exposure, and the resulting health problems.

    We share real-life stories from our patients, illustrating how addressing oxalate overload has alleviated chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis-like symptoms, and stubborn weight gain. Additionally, we cover other factors contributing to oxalate accumulation and the subsequent health issues.

    We hope you enjoy our enlightening discussion with @sknorton as much as we did and look forward to having her back to further explore the fascinating world of oxalates and their impact on human health and chronic disease.

    Please like, share, and help us spread this valuable information if you know someone struggling with chronic health issues. Be sure to check out sallyknorton.com and her book, "Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload is Making You Sick—and How to Get Better," a tremendous resource for our patient base.

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Purpose, Business Development and Health Optimization: Featuring Special Guest Scott Pollock, LMT, ACSM, Owner of Greater Than Performance
    May 15 2024

    In this episode we interview a colleague and local entrepreneur that I hold tremendous respect for. A new business opening during the chaos of COVID and all the hurdles that comes with a new business, our guess walks us through what helped him get through this to where he is today...a thriving and expanding business.

    I have known of Scott for almost 8-10 years if I had to guess but it was not until the past few years where I was fortunate to get to know him on a personal level. We have mutual patients and the patients that see and work with him rave about him and the care his business, Greater Than Performance, delivers. His gym providers an amazing approach to athletic performance and training as well as all the providers that you would want supporting you.

    The more I got speaking with Scott, I couldn't help but appreciate that one of his biggest strengths was his mindset and mental approach to personal and business growth.

    In our episode together we touch on various topics. Exploring forming a business through COVID, to morning routines, functional care and health optimization to the role of religion and spirituality in serving in one's pursuit of growth and optimization of one self.

    I hope you enjoy our conversation and discussion.

    For more information on Scott Pollock and his mission, please visit his website at


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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • Exploring Functional Neurology Featuring Guest Dr. Freddy Garcia
    Apr 2 2024

    In this episode we dive into the world of functional health and discuss Functional Neurology with our special guest Freddy Garcia, director of operations at the Carrick Institute for Neuroscience and a clinical neuroscientist with more than a decade of experience.

    Dr. Garcia is a leader in education and travels the world teaching other doctors, in various specialties, the latest in functional neurology.

    We discuss his journey that led him to where he is today as a leader in functional neurology with the most prestigious in the field, The Carrick Institute for Neuroscience. We discuss his experience learning from Dr. Ted Carrick himself and explore what it means to practice functional neurology as a paradigm in healthcare.

    The paradigm of Functional Neurology allows providers across all specialties to adapt their backgrounds and tools and apply a functional approach to healthcare in neurology. Understanding and utilizing the concept of neuroplasticity, functional neurology utilizes sensory therapies to target very specific neurological pathways identified by a specific detailed neurological examination with the goal of driving neuroplasticity to identified regions of the nervous system needing improved function.

    We discuss how this paradigm of Functional Neurology can be applied across various continuums to adapt to where the individual patient is at in their health journey. From post stroke rehabilitation and traumatic brain injury to sports performance optimization, functional neurology can be utilized.

    We hope you enjoy our discussion on Functional Neurology!.

    Your Health, Wealth and UltimateSelf Team!

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • The Pulse on Health: Breaking Down This Month's Health Headlines
    Mar 5 2024

    In this week's episode we tackle headlines from the month in research and have a candid analysis and discussion around each article.

    This is a common in office discussion that our team naturally has and we figured we would do an episode reflecting our common discussion and insight of the various headlines.

    There is so much research being published each day, week, and month. What influences which ones reach the media outlets and the public eye? Is it their significance? Is it their financial ties? Each day there are hundreds to thousands of articles published across the globe on various health subjects. Weekly, there are several thousand published and monthly this number easily hits tens of thousands.

    What is even more astonishing is that last year over 10,000 articles were retracted, setting a new annual record. This number of retractions reflects issues with an increase in fraudulent papers and compromised peer-reviewed processes. An article is retracted because there are findings that question the merits of the article and its findings and/or its legitimacy. Now how often do we hear about the hype of a new article but fail to hear if that article has later been retracted? This happened in the case of COVID 19 and early treatment using a pre-existing medication. Major media outlets pushed the retracted article and offered no apology when the article was later retracted. This is despite numerous articles demonstrating benefit and yet one article that was soaked up to push away from the majority of these other articles. This is why it is critical to always question and allow discussion. The moment the ability to question and have open discussion is taken away around a subject is the moment one should have suspicion on the article in reference. Scientific prinicples welcomes debate and discussion and acknowledges that what we know today may change with new research findings of tomorrow and that is ok.

    We hope you enjoy this discussion by our team!

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    50 mins
  • From Dance Floors to the Doctor's Doors: Ketamine's Emerging Role in Mental Health
    Feb 27 2024

    From Dance Floors to the Doctor's Doors: Ketamine's Emerging Role in Mental Health...

    In this episode we have on a special guest, friend and colleague, Dr. Spencer Zimmerman, to discuss the world of Ketamine.

    Dr. Zimmerman calls Idaho home where he runs a clinic that serves people both locally as well as from across the country.

    He has a unique back ground with his specialties in functional neurology, peptide therapy, ketamine therapy and functional medicine and he uses this unique understanding to approach and target a variety of chronic disease and complaints.

    Ketamine has a unique history, originally gaining FDA approval in 1970 for use in humans as an anesthetic. It was used commonly in surgery and on the battlefield as an anesthetic due to its safety profile compared to alternatives.

    On the street, Ketamine became popular as a party drug, with common street names being "Special K, K and Cat Valium". This drug became known on the street for the dissociation, euphoria and the altered perception it would place on its user.

    In the early 2000's Ketamine began receiving scientific interest for its psychiatric potential. The early scientific observations showed ketamine had rapid-acting antidepressant effects. This is where our episode on ketamine keys in on and the growth of ketamine in the world of mental health.

    We discuss the potential benefits with Dr Zimmerman on the benefits of ketamine for: Depression; PTST; Anxiety and OCD. We also discuss the mechanism of how ketamine works and the various routes of delivery.

    Lastly, we jump in and discuss with Dr. Zimmerman how to get the most out of treatment with ketamine and how to approach the entire health picture and not solely focus on Ketamine as a stand alone. Dr. Zimmerman emphasizes ketamine can drastically help improve brain chemistry but there are other important areas that we discuss that also impact brain health that often go overlooked in many of the ketamine clinics out there. This is where an integrative approach is essential to serving the patient.

    We hope you enjoy our discussion as we dive into the world of Ketamine and its potential uses in the world of mental health.

    Health, Wealth and The UltimateSelf Team.

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    53 mins
  • Integrative Approaches to Mental Health and Relationships: Featuring Guest Dr Luz Maria Villanueva
    Jan 9 2024

    With a Masters in Psychology and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Luz Maria brings a deep and engaging conversation to the world of mental health and ways to maintain and build strong relationships.

    In our conversation we discuss the patterns in mental health, from anxiety to depression to post traumatic stress disorder and then discuss one of Dr Luz Maria's specialties and passions, relationship and intimacy health.

    Dr Luz Mario brings her wealth of knowledge to discuss what her ideal integrative healthcare clinic would look like and why.

    She also discusses the ins and outs of relationship ups and downs. Having worked in private practice, at the Logan Heights Behavioral Health Center, and taught at Grossmont College for nearly a decade, Dr. Luz shares both her professional insight as well as some educational gems.

    She has curated an impressive wealth of knowledge on the subject of sexuality within relationships, and finds fulfillment by sharing this wisdom through individual and family relationship coaching and consulting. Her work involves

    • improving intimacy
    • developing communication in couples
    • healing body shame and attachment wounds
    • low emotional sexual desire
    • solving family conflicts
    • successfully raising physically-challenged children

    We also discuss Dr Luz Maria's upcoming book "Lets Talk, Sex and money" that is set to hit the shelves in the first half of 2024.

    For more information on Dr Luz Maria, her practice and her upcoming book you can go to her website www.discoverpassionwithdrluz.com

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    1 hr and 25 mins
    Jan 2 2024

    The world of Dysautonomia and all the various symptoms and conditions that fall under this broad heading, can leave people impacted by it, feeling miserable, defeated and like their world is limited due to their inability to properly function within it.

    Dysautonomia is an umbrella term used to described disorders related to the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS serves as an automatic/unconscious control system for our brain and the nervous system making sure our body has a stable environment and all the fuel and input it needs. This beautiful system, the ANS, regulates blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, digestion, temperature control, hormone secretion and regulation, pupillary reflexes, organ function and basic survival control.

    As you can imagine, when any of these above areas of our body are impacted and the ANS loses is ability to properly control the specific system, the resulting Dysautonomia can be incredibly disruptive to the health of the individual.

    Common Symptoms to Dysautonomia are the following:

    • Lightheadedness
    • Fainting
    • Heat Intolerance
    • Abnormal Blood Pressure
    • Irregular Heart Beat (Commonly Tachycardia/Increased Heart Rate)
    • Brain Fog
    • Improper Nutrient Absorption
    • Fatigue
    • Intolerance to standing or exercise (Often Due to Orthostatic Hypotension or POTS)
    • Photophobia (Light sensitivity)
    • Gastrointestinal Problems
    • Chronic Pain
    • Dizziness (Lightheadedness)
    • Migraine and Chronic Headaches

    In this episode we are fortunate to have our friend, colleague and expert in the field of Dysautonomia on the podcast to discuss the subject and share his wealth of knowledge on how to help people impacted by it... Dr. Nathan Kaiser, DC, DACNB, FABBIR.

    Dr Keiser is a board certified chiropractic neurologist specializing in non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical treatment of the dysautonomia, traumatic brain injury, and movement disorders. He resides and practices in Chelsea, Michigan, just 20 minutes west of Ann Arbor.

    In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Keiser serves as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology for the Carrick Institute, which provides post-graduate instruction for doctors of all disciplines in the field of clinical and functional neurology. He is actively involved in ongoing research in his area of study and he regularly presents and teaches across North America and Europe. He is a true leader in the world of Dysautonomia and through his research, clinical approach years of practice in this specialized area has led to greater hope for those suffering from one of the many conditions that fall under this broad family of neurological disorders.

    Over 70 million people worldwide live with various forms of dysautonomia and I would estimate that this number is well below the actual number truly impacted.

    Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) are two common causes to dysautonomia but more recently we have seen an increase in post-infectious causes due to infections like COVID-19. Dysautonomia can be a part of the lingering "Long Haulers" symptoms.

    Common Dysautonomias:

    • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
    • Migraines
    • Anxiety and Panic Attacks (certain ones can be a result of dysautonomia)

    We hope you enjoy this discussion on dysautonomia and we hope it delivers information to help you or someone you know find help and answers.

    For more information on our guest, Dr. Keiser, please check out his instagram, @dockeiser, or his website at www.drkeiser.com

    For more information about the hosts of the show and to get in contact please reach out to: www.thewellnessinstituteofdallas.com or on IG @healthwealthultimateself or @wellnessinstituteofdallas

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    1 hr and 34 mins