• Episode 70: Emergence Coaching for Grief, Loss, & Shadow Seasons
    May 15 2023

    “Emergence” is the process of coming into being or of becoming important or prominent. And Emergence is happening for Wendy Sloneker and her coaching process — she’s announcing a shift in her work with clients! 

    Emergence Coaching is the new direction, and while it incorporates all the tools from her previous practice, it also allows Wendy to take her expertise in emotions and provide support to people who are stuck and sick of being stuck. 

    If you’re stuck in loss and in emotional pain of any kind, and the path you’re on is clearly a dead end or some kind of weird emotional cul-de-sac, Wendy can help you find your way again. 

    The structure of emergence coaching involves shifting, reframing, and reclaiming. If this sounds like something that could help you or someone you know get unstuck, stay tuned for more details. 

    If you’re ready to emerge from pain and loss and the cocoon you’ve been stuck in for far too long, join Wendy in her group coaching program goinginside.me for support. And keep your ears open for Wendy’s new podcast!


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    14 mins
  • Episode 69: Announcing the Shadow Side Leadership Series & Summit in May
    May 1 2023

    Robin Keesler is an Identity and Self Discovery Coach and she is here with Grief Coach & Specialist Wendy Sloneker to share her own journey of self discovery and finding (and finding again) her identity. Robin believes that we all have the capacity to make change in the world by focusing on heart-centered leadership; which is each of us finding those little bits of joy and passing it on to expand the love in our world.

    Robin walks people through a process of self-discovery to work on personal identity. She aims to help you find the truth of who you are and how to come home to your true self. She teaches people radical self love, in ALL the moments. She can help you understand your attachment style, then she puts all of this together to show you how it has all been carried with you — to impact your life, your relationships, your business, and well, everything!

    The work is never done, but that is a good thing! So if you want to start (or continue) the work to discover yourself and understand your identity, join Robin (and Wendy) for the Shadow Side Leadership Series & Summit! 

    Get more information at shadowsideleadershipsummit.com where you can get info on all the coaches/presenters and register.

    Or if you are looking for support while you navigate through feelings of grief or loss, Wendy can help! Visit www.wendysloneker.com to learn more. 

    And if you are interested in Wendy’s group coaching program, Going Inside, find more information at goinginside.me.

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    40 mins
  • Episode 68: Girl Hidden, Meeting Author Jesse René Gibbs
    Apr 24 2023

    Today Wendy Sloneker, Grief Specialist & Coach, welcomes a very special guest, Jesse René Gibbs, author of the book Girl Hidden. Jesse shares the traumatic story of her childhood, what it was like discovering the truth about what happened to her, and her journey of healing by finding support and writing her book. 

    Jesse René Gibbs also speaks on her experience with therapy. She acknowledges that, for her, finding a good therapist meant finding someone that helped her connect her past experiences to her body and her feelings. And therapy didn’t make her “better”, but it has given her the tools she needs to walk through life. 

    And a network of support has been important for Jesse René Gibbs too; healing is different for everybody, but for her having certain people by by her side (on on her side) has been life-changing. To learn more about Jesse René Gibbs and get a copy of her book, visit her website: girlhidden.com. 

    Or if you are looking for a way to start getting your own network of support, working with Wendy could be a good start. Visit www.wendysloneker.com to learn more. 

    And if you are interested in Wendy’s group coaching program, Going Inside, find more information at goinginside.me.

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    48 mins
  • Episode 67: "Grief Is Everywhere In Weight Loss"
    Apr 17 2023

    “Wait,” you say. “Surely healthy, successful weight loss is a cause for celebration, not grief?” 

    Getting healthier is always a cause for celebration, but as No BS WeightLoss founder Corinne Crabtree tells us, “Grief is everywhere in weight loss.”

    Friendships and relationships can change, even disappear, when one person in the relationship loses weight. Those who lose weight may suffer a totally unexpected change in identity, they may grieve the weight that protected them, they may mourn the loss of foods that provided comfort or some sort of emotional connection (grandma’s oatmeal-raisin cookies, anyone?)

    Corinne knows that weight loss involves so much more than increasing exercise and changing eating habits — there’s an emotional journey to “choose who the next version of you is.” 

    Will you keep choosing the same person over and over, even if you’re not feeling right in that body and mind? Or will you choose a version of you that feels closer to a goal? 

    And what losses do those choices bring with them?

    In this episode, Grief Coach and Specialist Wendy Sloneker talks with Corinne Crabtree about the emotional changes (and blockades) we go through (or don’t) when we’re working to choose that different version of ourselves.

    After losing 100 pounds to be a healthier mom and end the obesity gene, Corinne Crabtree embarked on a mission to help others be healthier as well. She’s helped thousands shed unhealthy pounds and keep them off through her No BS WeightLoss Program. Find her FREE  COURSE here: www.nobsweightloss.com… that’s the best place to start. Then deffo subscribe &  listen to her podcast as well. 

    If you’re ready to get help managing changing and challenging emotions around grief and loss, sign up for a free Connection Call with Wendy at www.wendysloneker.com.



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    34 mins
  • Episode 66: Anticipatory Grief & The Peanut
    Apr 10 2023

    Today Wendy Sloneker, Grief Coach & Specialist, explains Anticipatory Grief. These are the thoughts and fears about something specific that might be coming or changing, such as a medical diagnosis, a loved one or pet that starts to physically or mentally decline, or the noticing of incremental loss (tangible or intangible). 

    There’s a little part of her brain Wendy calls “The Peanut.” She describes it as the part of her brain that protects her by helping her anticipate and prepare for the coming grief-causing event. The Peanut becomes heighted in moments of anticipating a future event – and even the anticipation before the grief can be unsettling. 

    Anticipating future events can take us out of the moment, away from what’s actually happening now in our lives, robbing us of life’s moments. So, Wendy follows up with some tips and ideas of how to feel “normal” when your “Peanut” is causing some big feelings or some anxiety. 

    If you would like to learn more about navigating grief and loss, or find support by working with Wendy, visit her website: www.wendysloneker.com. 

    And if you are interested in Wendy’s group coaching program, Going Inside, find more information at goinginside.me.

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    14 mins
  • Episode 65: Caught in the Middle Can Feel Like a Chronic Illness
    Apr 3 2023

    Today Grief Coach & Specialist Wendy Sloneker talks about situations where you might be caught in the middle or at least have the perception of being so. And we all know the “middle” is usually between a rock and a hard place. 

    “The middle” may be the middle of an uncomfortable situation, it could be between two people at odds, it might be the center of a family disagreement. And it’s exhausting. If you’ve ever dealt with chronic illness, this “middle” position might seem familiar  — you’re in constant pain, constant struggle, sitting right in the whip seat of an emotional rollercoaster. It takes over your life. 

    And we make it worse on ourselves, burying ourselves under pressure to perform, to take care of others, or to make everyone happy. 

    In these situations, it can be challenging to remember we are not responsible for other people’s feelings. We can only take care of our own. And that’s hard enough. 

    To help with that, Wendy gives us tips on how to ground ourselves in what feels supportive and right for us, on how to identify our own feelings and ensure we’re taking care of ourselves.

    If you would like to learn more about navigating grief, loss, or finding support through working with Wendy, visit her website: www.wendysloneker.com. 

    And if you are interested in Wendy’s group coaching program, Going Inside, find more information at goinginside.me.

    Book Mentioned: 

    In My Shoes: A Memoir by Tamara Mellon & William Patrick


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    19 mins
  • Episode 64: Serena Hicks Talks Grief & Money Mindset
    Mar 27 2023

    Today on Heart Healing from Loss, Grief Coach Wendy Sloneker welcomes special guest Serena Hicks. 

    Serena Hicks is a Money Mindset coach and mentor who focuses on connection with others and helping others grow their business by focusing on truth telling, freedom, and rejecting patriarchal programming. Instead, Serena encourages others to let go of your struggles and replace them with an allowing that requires you to connect with your Self, The Divine, and fellow humans (and creatures) on a whole new level.

    Serena and Wendy discuss the importance of being willing to receive during periods of grief and loss. This can mean asking for support or just allowing others to help you. Allowing others to make even the smallest of gestures––a hug, a coffee, or a meal—can create connections you may not have thought were possible.

    Serena also shares what it was like to let go of what others thought, or what she perceived they thought, and stop feeling the shame that came with needing support while she grieved. Serena prioritized self-care by learning to ask for help, even when it was terrifying or felt like it might inconvenience others. 

    Learn more about Serena’s Money Mindset Community and Mastermind at her website, www.serenahicks.com. And find and follow her on Instagram: @xoxoserenahicks, Facebook: facebook.com/SerenaHicksAF, and LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/serenahicks.

    And if you are ready to connect with someone to support you in your own journey with grief and loss, reach out to Wendy for a complimentary call at www.wendysloneker.com.


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    42 mins
  • Episode 63: On Doing New Things, Feeling Like It, and Loss
    Mar 20 2023

    In this episode of Heart Healing From Loss, Grief Coach Wendy Sloneker talks about being ready to do new things during a season of grief and loss. 

    Opening yourself up to new things can be a way to navigate difficult feelings and make progress on your journey. However, taking on new things during a season of loss can feel scary and risky. 

    The trick? Don’t do too much at once. Wendy shares how you can start doing new things in small, manageable ways. This may help pave the way for adding back some variety to life, breaking up the monotony and breathing new life into the healing you are doing. 

    But, Wendy reminds us, being ready is an important piece of this, so keep your own timeline in mind and only do what feels right for you.

    If you are ready to connect with someone to support you in your journey with grief and loss, reach out to Wendy for a complimentary call at https://www.wendysloneker.com/.

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    18 mins