Apr 2 2024
    Sharing the benefits of using affirmations. Providing 4-5 affirmations that I use regularly that keeps me grounded with a positive outlook, and the ability to rewire my subconscious.
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    29 mins
  • CHEERS TO 2023
    Dec 23 2023
    Thank you for the support in 2023. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. Let’s go 2024 🙏🏾❤️
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    8 mins
    Oct 1 2023
    this episode is a check in, updates to my current obstacles, changing within provides a different lens to the external things. It’s my pruning season, maybe it’s yours as well.
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    16 mins
    Aug 5 2023
    Changing my perception to how I view past experiences, current, and future. The power of suffering, and letting go of shame.
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    26 mins
    Jul 7 2023

    Setting boundaries has never been difficult for me, but sticking to those boundaries I set well that's a different story. Sharing some recent disconnections I've had to make on this journey of healing, and the degree of hurt and pain in that. But instead of looking at the things that have brought me absolute heartache, I have changed my perception from questioning my higher power to now finding the beauty within myself from such horrific times. So the question I raise now is WHY NOT ME? God has put me in some positions that caused me to feel low, but every time I have found my way so I no longer question what comes along in this journey. I embrace it because I was built for this, I am built for this. Please find beauty in the darkest times because would you be who you are today? Hopefully, you are proud of who you are, and it took some of those dark times for you to see just how beautiful those scars truly are.

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    36 mins
    Mar 31 2023
    How to make room in your life and heart for the love you desire, and may be deserving of. Don’t SETTLE. My thoughts on the power of human connections, and how we gain authentic, healthy connections. (Includes spoken word)
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    25 mins
    Mar 24 2023
    discussing the positives and negatives of being a giver. Many of us give with great intentions, but sometimes we may not be giving what we think. Increasing awareness surrounding healthy giving.
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    23 mins
    Mar 17 2023
    Content warning- this episode discusses suicide. If you, or someone you know are currently facing these challenges please call the national suicide line at 988. In this episode I am sharing details to my thoughts and experience with religious beliefs, and the journey to connect more so on a spiritual level with my higher power, and the ability to be aligned. Overcoming some dark periods in life, and getting to the other side by increasing my faith and making a habit of gratitude.
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    19 mins