• Heartspeak Index
    Jul 25 2024

    Delighted to let you know about the Heartspeak index where you can enjoy seven years of podcasts, organized into nine categories, allowing you to quickly find the topics that interest you. Just go to the podcast/ categories item on my website www.christinepage.com or access this link: https://christinepage.com/heartspeak-podcast-categories/

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    2 mins
  • Living the Extraordinary Life
    Jul 11 2024

    Mid July has been predicted as a time when something extraordinary could happen affecting the sky, earth or finances with Mars, Uranus & the fixed star Algol meeting in Taurus. For us, this meeting signals its time to reveal the extraordinary universal being you were born to be.

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    28 mins
  • As One Door Closes a Huge Portal Opens
    Jun 27 2024

    July is heating up to be a month full of change, revelations & unexpected events. New moon in Cancer on the 5th says 'Change is good, especially when aligned to our soul's destiny.' But with Saturn & Neptune going retrograde in Pisces for next 5-6 months, recognize that change must represent something new & transformative, rather than the same in different clothes. The alignment between Mars & Uranus in Taurus on July 15th, generates charged energy when 'out of the blue' events could occur that turns everything upside down. My advice: stay grounded in your truth. expand your intuitive connections to the spirit world & most importantly remember: love is the only way forward!

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    36 mins
  • Engaging Fully with our Universal Life
    Jun 20 2024

    Welcome to this solstice when the sun appears to standstill allowing us to fully engage with our Universal destiny. This intention is enhanced by the full moon in Capricorn on June 21st/22nd squaring Neptune that challenges us to bring Heaven onto Earth. We’re encouraged to fully express Universal dreams in the fullness of life, moving beyond personal excuses & concerns. Then through engagement with our creations, we radiate the light of consciousness & become whole; one with the Universe.

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    26 mins
  • Welcoming Angels, Devas and Fairies
    Jun 13 2024

    Today we enter the world of the nature kingdoms & angelic realms, finding ways to create symbiotically beneficial relationship with these amazing energies of creativity, abundance & fruitfulness. Devas & angels provide the plan & the energy needed to transform divine intelligence into reality. Nature spirits or elementals bring the passion & life force into everything we need for good health & soul growth. By honoring & respecting these wonderful supernatural realms, they will honor & respect us.

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    28 mins
  • Intuitive Listening
    Jun 6 2024

    With Venus joining the new moon in Gemini, this is a great time to learn something new, spend time with interesting people or start writing that book! Saturn, square to the new moon, advises focus & intuitive listening rather than getting caught up in information that avoids the deeper truth. Listening to messages from trees & birds or using flower essences, helps to quiet the mind & hear the still small voice of the soul.

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    24 mins
  • What the world needs now is love sweet love
    May 30 2024

    With Neptune at the end of Pisces, we’re living in extraordinary times of spiritual awakening, transcendence & completion of old myths that caused us to believe we’re unlovable or disconnected from Universal love. Love never left us; it waits in our deep heart. Yet, the journey home often requires us to say from deep within: Enough: I choose love & joy over struggle & pain. In the closing meditation, a place of joyful unity consciousness is created, because love is the only way that makes sense to our soul!

    Only enjoy the meditation when you're in a place where you can comfortably close your eyes; i.e. not while driving or operating machinery.

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    31 mins
  • We've reached a Tipping Point & thankfully there's no going back
    May 23 2024

    Welcome to this full moon in Sagittarius, offering expansion & freedom, through truth, transparency & justice for all. We’re at an amazing tipping point in our evolution; like the tadpole that loses its tail & develops limbs, we realize, that despite uncertainty of what the future brings, there’s no going back. It’s time to embrace our new surroundings knowing that, within the spiral of life, the Universe has our back! Time to step out with courage knowing you’re not alone.

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    32 mins