• On Time: Laura Vanderkam makes every minute count
    Jul 1 2024
    How do we make the most of our time? That’s the big question we’re exploring this month here on Hello Monday. Today’s guest believes that thoughtful planning can enable us all to use our days, hours, and minutes well. Laura Vanderkam is an expert on time management, and the author of nine books on the subject, including her most recent title “Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters.” Laura sits down with Jessi to share her favorite tips and tricks, including logging one’s time, time batching, and picking up a hobby. Follow Laura Vanderkam on LinkedIn and check out her most recent book here. Follow Jessi Hempel on LinkedIn and order her debut memoir, now in paperback. Join the Hello Monday community: Subscribe to the Hello Monday newsletter, and join us this week on the LinkedIn News page for Hello Monday Office Hours, Wednesdays at 3p ET. To continue the conversation this week and every week, join our free LinkedIn group for Hello Monday listeners https://lnkd.in/hellomondaygroup
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    37 mins
  • The Hello Monday Master Class: Think Long Term with Dorie Clark
    Jun 27 2024
    Welcome back to the Hello Monday Master Class! We've distilled the essence of hundreds of conversations into five essential rules that will empower you to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape. Welcome to our final week! This week, we’ll take a look at the role of time - and even more importantly, at the role of long term thinking - in achieving our biggest and sometimes scariest goals. In this episode, we learn from Dorie Clark. Dorie is widely known as an author, a speaker, and a professor. She’s a powerful business thinker, and she’s currently pursuing a totally new dream. Dorie’s writing a musical she hopes will land on Broadway and to do this, she's is putting her own advice into practice. She has set a goal for herself on a ten-year timeline. She’s a little more than halfway through that decade right now, and she has a lot to teach us about how to make big strides on a long time-horizon. There’s no wishful thinking here; instead, Dorie teaches us how to make big swings seem like practical and achievable ambitions. For this week’s exercise, we’re leaning into our biggest and most ambitious dreams. What’s something you want to achieve that seems worth ten years of your attention and hard work? You’ll know you’re on the right track if you feel vaguely terrified. When you’ve got it, head over to our free Hello Monday group on LinkedIn and share that big goal on our week five post. For a little help in finding your week five goal, here is a link to our Dream Job exercise. Dorie has appeared on Hello Monday a few times - you can check out her previous episodes here and here. To get the rest of the Hello Monday Master Class delivered right to your inbox, subscribe to our free newsletter. If you’ve enjoyed this series - and we really hope you have - please do two things for us: first, rate and review us wherever you’ve been listening! Second, take a few minutes to tell us more about how Hello Monday can serve you. We’re asking for your attention every week, and we want to deliver episodes that matter to you. You can find the survey here.
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    16 mins
  • The Myth of Making it with Samhita Mukhopadhyay
    Jun 24 2024
    Growing up, most of us are taught that if we work hard, we’ll make it to the top. In reality, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Journalist Samhita Mukhopadhyay is the author of “The Myth of Making It: A Workplace Reckoning.” She sits down with Jessi to discuss the collapse of her belief that work is a meritocracy. Samhita walks us through this realization after landing her dream job as executive editor of Teen Vogue and realizing it wasn’t all she’d thought it would be. In this episode, she shares her vision for a more equitable workplace. We want to bring you more of what you love. Take the Hello Monday listener survey and help shape the show! Follow Samhita Mukhopadhyay on LinkedIn and check out her newest book here. Follow Jessi Hempel on LinkedIn and order her debut memoir, now in paperback. Learn more about Chani Nicholas’ company here. Join the Hello Monday community: Subscribe to the Hello Monday newsletter, and join us this week on the LinkedIn News page for Hello Monday Office Hours, Wednesdays at 3p ET. Join our free LinkedIn group for Hello Monday listeners - it’s a great place for community. To help us grow the show, please consider leaving a review on your favorite podcast app.
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    35 mins
  • The Hello Monday Master Class: Be Creative with Natalie Nixon and Laura Linney
    Jun 20 2024
    Welcome back to the Hello Monday Master Class! We've distilled the essence of hundreds of conversations into five essential rules that will empower you to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape. It's week four, and we are focused on something that is truly critical to success: getting creative. In this episode, we learn from creativity strategist and author Natalie Nixon, and celebrated actress Laura Linney. Our culture is productivity heavy, but just tasking through a to-do list doesn’t move culture or solve problems. We need creativity for that. So today, we'll talk about how to leverage creativity in what Natalie calls a “VUCA” environment - volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Laura shares her willingness to let the process of making and doing feel deeply uncomfortable - to invest in the process itself rather than obsessing over a desired outcome. And Natalie introduces her key to creativity - a framework of three “i”s. For this week’s exercise, we’re leaning into inquiry! Head over to our free Hello Monday group on LinkedIn and share one of the best questions you’ve ever been asked. Then, check out some of the other contributions and start talking with other master class listeners. You can join the Hello Monday Group by clicking here. Want more on Natalie’s methodology of toggling between wonder and rigor? Listen to Natalie’s full episode of Hello Monday here and follow her on LinkedIn. We are huge fans of Laura Linney’s, and appreciate her framework for withstanding the mushy middle of creative processes. This conversation with Laura even got us nominated for a Webby back in 2020! To hear the whole thing, click here. To get the rest of the Hello Monday Master Class delivered right to your inbox, subscribe to our free newsletter.
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    16 mins
  • Hello Monday Celebrates Pride Month
    Jun 17 2024
    Happy Pride Month! This week, we’re bringing back an episode that our producer Lolia Briggs wrote and recorded last fall, for National Coming Out Day. In it, Lolia reflects on her own queer identity, and revisits the stories of some of Hello Monday’s notable LGBTQ+ guests. Follow Lolia Briggs on LinkedIn and check out her work here. Follow Jessi Hempel on LinkedIn and order her debut memoir, now in paperback. Join the Hello Monday community: Subscribe to the Hello Monday newsletter, and join us on the LinkedIn News page for Hello Monday Office Hours, Wednesdays at 3p ET. To continue the conversation this week and every week, join our free LinkedIn group for Hello Monday listeners https://lnkd.in/hellomondaygroup
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    20 mins
  • The Hello Monday Master Class: Make Connections with Adam Grant and Reid Hoffman
    Jun 13 2024
    Welcome back to the Hello Monday Master Class! We've distilled the essence of hundreds of conversations into five essential rules that will empower you to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape.It's week three, and our attention is, at least in part, on others: This week, we are talking about making connections and negotiating the give and take of our relationships. Transactional social connections suck - so let's not make them! Instead, in this third episode of the Hello Monday Master Class, we reach back into the archives to study with organizational psychologist and bestselling author Adam Grant, and Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn.We'll talk about the difference between "successful" and "failed" givers and how to mitigate risk, why batching your acts of kindness and playing to your strengths can help you have a bigger impact, and how to lean into connective opportunities without wearing yourself down. When you're done with the episode, set a boundary and share your offer of help in our free Hello Monday Group on LinkedIn. Join the Hello Monday Group by clicking here. Listen to Adam's full episode of Hello Monday here and follow him on LinkedIn. Hear Reid's full episode of Hello Monday here and follow him on LinkedIn. To get the rest of the Hello Monday Master Class delivered right to your inbox, subscribe to our free newsletter.
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    18 mins
  • Nobody Cares About Your Career with Erika Ayers Badan
    Jun 10 2024
    How do you start your work day? A lot of us clock in and immediately start going through a to-do list, breaking up our day into tasks. Instead of thinking about what you have to do, what if you considered what you can learn? Our guest today wants you to shift your mindset when it comes to work. Erika Ayers Badan, CEO of Food52 and author of “Nobody Cares About Your Career” knows that work is the only place we get paid to learn. While she might not care about your career, she definitely cares about you, and your experience at work. She sits down with Senior Producer Sarah Storm to share her strategies for getting unstuck, embracing failure, and knowing when it’s time to move on from a position, plus why she abhors quiet quitting. Follow Erika Ayers Badan on LinkedIn and check out her book here. Follow Jessi Hempel on LinkedIn and order her debut memoir, now in paperback. Join the Hello Monday community: Subscribe to the Hello Monday newsletter, and join us this week on the LinkedIn News page for Hello Monday Office Hours, Wednesdays at 3p ET. To continue the conversation this week and every week, join our free LinkedIn group for Hello Monday listeners https://lnkd.in/hellomondaygroup For Scott Olster’s book recommendation from this episode, click here.
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    34 mins
  • The Hello Monday Master Class: Trust Yourself with Anna Faris and Luvvie Ajayi Jones
    Jun 6 2024
    Welcome back to the Hello Monday Master Class! We've distilled the essence of hundreds of conversations into five essential rules that will empower you to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape. It's week two, and our lesson is simple, but not at all easy: We're talking about trusting ourselves. From the moment we’re born, the outside world will infuse doubt within us, no matter who we are or what we want to achieve. Many of us will spend a lot of time worrying way too much about what other people think—and we’ll be so busy doing that, that we won’t realize that everyone else is also doing it. Perhaps counterintuitively, once we learn that most people feel a similar way, we can just begin to let go of the angst altogether. In this second episode of the Hello Monday Master Class, we reach back into the archives to learn from actress, producer, and podcaster Anna Faris (Mom, The House Bunny, Anna Faris is Unqualified) and bestselling author, speaker, and coach Luvvie Ajayi Jones (Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual; Rising Troublemaker: A Fear-Fighter Manual for Teens; and I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual). We'll talk about the confidence-inducing power of sharing our best ideas over and over again, and how to navigate the pitfalls of likability. After you listen, collaborate on this week's exercise in the free Hello Monday Group on LinkedIn. Join the Hello Monday Group by clicking here. Listen to Anna's full episode of Hello Monday here. Hear Luvvie's full episode of Hello Monday here and follow her on LinkedIn. To get the rest of the Hello Monday Master Class delivered right to your inbox, subscribe to our free newsletter.
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    17 mins