• Month 11 of being a MOM
    Sep 6 2024

    Month 11 of being a MOM

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    33 mins
  • Month 10 of being a MOM
    Aug 23 2024

    Month 10 of being a MOM

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    33 mins
  • Month 9 of being a MOM
    Aug 9 2024

    Yes, I know I messed up on this episode as well. It is actually month 9 of being a mom.

    The month of December, Christmas

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    37 mins
  • Month 8 of being a MOM
    Jul 26 2024

    Actally 8 months of being a mom.

    I know, my months have been off but as I uploaded these episodes I realized the mistake lol.

    1st Thanksgiving, month of November

    google: umbrella stroller

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    35 mins
  • Month 7 of being a MOM
    Jul 12 2024

    October is actually month 7 of being a MOM. I know I messed up, but what can I say I am tired. I was tired when I wrote down my thoughts.

    Here is the line to the walker I was talking about episode.


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    41 mins
  • Month 6 of being a MOM
    Jun 28 2024


    Sorry my notes are off, (what can I say I was tired when I wrote them, lol)

    Month of September...

    My first get away without my baby.

    We got married, I am finally a Mrs.

    Dealing with a sick child

    First bath in a real bathtub.

    You have a right to choose peace over drama.

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    33 mins
  • Month 5 of being a MOM
    Jun 14 2024

    Insecurities with my new body, stretch marks.

    Needing to learn to love myself.

    Crying over milk.

    Dear Pumping Mama,


    Dear Pumping Mama,

    It’s lunch time, but you are cramped in a closet-sized room, tapping your foot to the methodical hum of your breast pump.

    Just like days before, your moments are defined by washing bottles and pump parts, by measuring your productivity against ounces of liquid gold that fill the containers you’ll bring home at the end of the day.

    It’s the juxtaposition of being in two places at once: the reminder of the baby you’re nurturing while not being physically there to let her feed from you. You go through the motions of your day while simultaneously counting down the time until you are reunited.

    In the absence of baby cries and soft snuggles, you’re met with the chugging and churning of a pump. A pump with which you have a love-hate relationship; a device that makes you cringe every time you attach the cold flanges to your body while also grateful you have a way you can still get your baby the milk your body has worked so hard to produce.

    You may feel devastated that you’ve been away from your baby for what seems like forever, or frustrated that you’re attached to a machine instead of connected to your little one.

    But you don’t give up or stop pumping. You are determined to keep going, to get your baby what your body is making to help her thrive.

    I know you’re tired, mama.

    I see you pumping late in the night after everyone has gone to sleep and early in the morning before you head out for the day. You’re cramming in pumping sessions between meetings, in your car, in the bathroom - anywhere you can possibly manage to keep up with your breastmilk supply.

    In those moments of weariness, don’t forget this:

    You are doing a good job, mama.

    All of this: the bottle-washing, pump-cleaning, stress and tears over spilled milk, preparing and packing bottles...all of it is not done in vain.

    From your sacrifice, the seeds of life are sown and watered as your baby thrives from this tangible expression of love.

    So whether you are pumping to increase your milk supply or simply to provide nourishment to your sweet baby in your absence, you are giving life.

    You are doing the best you can for your baby by providing her with care and sustenance, and that love and selfless devotion day after day is what makes you a good mama.

    One day, you’ll be able to pack up that pump and put it away on the shelf. You’ll prepare that last bottle and turn off the alarms on your phone that remind you to pump. That day will come soon.

    Until then, be encouraged in the daily grind of pumping to feed your baby. In the selfless acts of love that you give day after day, the thankless job of being mama and feeding your baby in the best way you know how. In this season of life as a pumping mom - you’ve got this.

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    33 mins
  • Month 4 of being a MOM
    May 31 2024

    4th of July

    Took Anthony out to a company picnic, our first time taking him out around other people

    Blow outs are no joke.

    Tummy time and play mat

    Moving us back into our bedroom, so I can sleep in my bed while he is in his basinet.

    Adjusting to him being awake more.

    Figuring out this new adventure with the hubby and baby

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    27 mins