• 223: Theology Matters Series Part FIVE… Should You Know How To Defend Your Faith as a Christian Woman? Apologetics 101 with Shanda Fulbright
    Apr 30 2024

    Welcome to part FIVE of our Theology Matters Series. This is the final episode in our Theology Matters Series, and the final episode of this long, almost 3-year season as we prepare to take a break this summer. In today’s episode, I took time to speak with Shanda Fulbright, and answer the question: should you know how to defend your faith as a Christian woman? This episode is all about apologetics, the importance of knowing what you believe and why you actually do need to be able to defend your faith, especially in today’s culture.

    Let me tell you about Shanda: Shanda Fulbright is a wife, mom to three boys, and the host of the Her Faith Inspires podcast where she takes cultural issues and tackles them with biblical truth. She is the co-author of Let’s Get Real: Examining the Evidence for God with Dr. Frank Turek, as well as Train Your Brain: An Introduction to Logic and Baseline Apologetics. She is the author and creator of Baseline Apologetics, a curriculum for adults who want to learn apologetics and the Bible.She teaches students of all ages the basics of Christian apologetics, and stresses the importance of biblical literacy as the path to a biblical worldview.

    This is a conversation every woman needs to listen to, even and especially if you are a woman who has no intention of engaging in debates or confrontational conversations. In today’s conversation, we offer a very down-to-earth introduction to Christian apologetics and illustrate how to live this branch of Christian theology out in your everyday life.

    Links & Resources Mentioned:

    • Check out Shanda's website here!
    • Listen to the Her Faith Inspires podcast here.
    • Her Faith Inspires Episode 1: Find Your Purpose In The Why, Not The What
    • Her Faith Inspires Episode 230: Defend The Faith By Defending The Family with John Ferrer
    • Access Baseline Apologetics by clicking here!

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    42 mins
  • 222: Theology Matters Series Part FOUR... How Your Theology Influences Your Discipleship & Relationships as a Christian Woman
    Apr 23 2024

    Welcome to part FOUR of this Theology Matters Series. Today I take time to answer the question: how does theology affect discipleship and your relationships as a Christian woman?

    There are two primary areas I focus on during this episode: discipleship [how you intentionally or unintentionally disciple others] and accountability in your relationships [specifically your relationships with other Christians]. I also touch on culture, more specifically the postmodern era and how to navigate postmodern ideology as a Christian; illustrations of poor theology impacting your ability to properly disciple other Christians; and the affect your theology has on your life and witness to those who are not Christians.

    In this episode, I reference a few resources:

      • Who Needs Theology: An Invitation to the Study of God by Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E. Olson
      • A Practical Primer on Theological Method: Table Manners for Discussuing God, His Works, and His Ways by Glenn R. Kreider and Michael J. Svigel

      Free & Paid Resources Designed with You in Mind:

      • Her Renewed Strength Co.
      • Her Renewed Strength Free FB Community
      • Free Simplify Bible Study Resource
      • $37 Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub [templates & trainings!]
      • Connect with Erika
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    33 mins
  • 221: Theology Matters Series Part THREE... How Your Theology Impacts Your Health as a Christian Woman with Robin Rhine McDonald
    Apr 16 2024

    Welcome to PART THREE of our Theology Matters Series! In today’s episode, I share a conversation I had with Robin Rhine McDonald.

    Robin Rhine McDonald is a Faith-Based Holistic Health Coach, proud mom and wife with a passion for supporting and empowering Jesus-loving women to gain true health while losing weight through her sustainable, grace-based process. She loves to help women ditch chronic dieting and disease for holistic health and wellness. She mixes her seminary background with her study of integrative nutrition to help women develop the energy and vitality to live out their unique God-given calling.

    As we talked through Robin’s testimony and heart for health, we kind of naturally went down the path of weaving theology into the conversation. Robin and I discussed how your theology affects your health, whether you’re aware of it or not. Robin ended our conversation by offering some practical application for taking care of yourself and honoring the temple God gave you. Robin and I had this really natural flow that was, no doubt, led by the Holy Spirit, and despite us initially connecting to discuss a different topic, we ended up here. I’m confident you will enjoy this down-to-earth conversation! I’m excited for you to get to know Robin and will include links to her show and a gift she has for you right here in the show notes. Ready to dive in? Let’s do it!

    Connect with Robin: https://www.visiondrivenhealth.com/

    Grab your gift from Robin & download your free devotional: visiondrivenhealth.com/confident

    Check out LMNT Electrolytes: http://elementallabs.refr.cc/robinrhinemcdonald

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    57 mins
  • 220: Theology Matters Series Part TWO... Are You Reading The Bible CORRECTLY? How Your Bible Study Affects Your Walk as a Christian Woman with Heather Preston
    Apr 9 2024

    Welcome to part two of our Theology Matters Series! Today, I’m sharing a conversation with my friend, Heather Preston.

    Heather is a professional writer with a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. As a consultant she works with churches and pastors and has a passion for academic collaborations. Heather hosts a podcast called Scripts on Scripture where she discusses all things Bible with pastors and fellow writers. Her most recent book is entitled Between the Lines.

    During this conversation, Heather shared her definition of theology and defined some important terms like hermeneutics and exegesis. We dove into how to read the Bible properly, including what information you should know when studying through a particular book of the Bible. Heather also offered an encouraging perspective on why you need to engage in proper study and interpretation of God’s Word. We ended with Heather explaining why she believes Theology Matters. I loved having this conversation. I pray it blesses you big! If I were you, I would grab a notebook or open a note on your phone because you are going to want to take some notes!

    We last heard from Heather on:

    • Episode 192: How To Bring Scripture To Life When You’re Experiencing A Dry Season In Bible Study with Heather Preston
    • 2023 RENEWED Conference Day 1: Confidence In Comprehension with Heather Preston

    Scripts On Scripture Episodes Referenced in this Episode:

    • Conversation with Ivory McDonald “The Weird One”
    • Conversation with Erika Diaz-Castro “Mary Didn’t Know”

    Connect with Heather:

    • Heather's Website: https://heatherpreston.com/
    • Get Heather’s Book, Between The Lines!

    Connect with Erika:

    • Join The Community! Watch prior Bible study series and a BlueLetterBible.org training right inside of our FREE Facebook group!
    • Grab our FREE Simplify Bible Study Resource! This resource will teach you about the SOAP Bible Study Method and help you approach God's Word with intentionality.
    • Have more time for the things that matter and stop doing the things that waste time! Get the Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub for just $37 today!

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    45 mins
  • 219: Theology Matters Series Part ONE... What is Theology? Do You Need It To Grow As A Christian Woman?
    Apr 2 2024

    Welcome to this month’s series… THEOLOGY MATTERS!

    If you’ve been craving a deeper dive into theology, this series is one you don’t want to miss! I’m so excited to dive into the topic of theology, why it matters and how it affects our everyday walks as Christian women. In today’s series intro, I’m going to answer the questions: What is theology? Why does theology matter? Do we need theology to grow as Christian women?

    Throughout this series, I’ll introduce some topics that, I believe, are crucial for all Christian women to consider and confidently grow in. I’ll end today’s episode with an intro to the topics we’ll cover throughout the rest of the series and give you a little sneak peak into who you’ll be hearing from and what we’ll be discussing during this month’s series.

    Please be sure to share today’s episode with your friends, family, small group sisters and any other women who will enjoy growing deeper in the knowledge and understanding of the triune God and our Christian faith.

    Books mentioned in this episode:

    • Who Needs Theology: An Invitation to the Study of God by Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E. Olson
    • A Practical Primer on Theological Method: Table Manners for Discussuing God, His Works, and His Ways by Glenn R. Kreider and Michael J. Svigel

    Free & Paid Resources Designed with You in Mind:

    • Her Renewed Strength Co.
    • Her Renewed Strength Free FB Community
    • Free Simplify Bible Study Resource
    • $37 Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub [templates & trainings!]
    • Connect with Erika
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    23 mins
  • 218: Christ Centered Productivity Series Part FOUR... Fitting Your God-Sized Goals Into Your Busy Schedule As A Christian Woman
    Mar 26 2024

    Hey sis! In this episode, I'm adding a special BONUS episode that is all about fitting your God-sized goals into your busy schedule. If you've ever wondered when you'll have time to work on that dream or goal... or just want to better understand how to fit goals into an already packed schedule, this episode is for you! I pray this blesses you!

    🚨 There is some background noise that I have to apologize for toward the end!

    Ready to access to the very time management templates & plug-and-play productivity swipe files that make up this framework? Grab access to the CCPF Mini-Hub for just $37 today!

    Access the CCPF Mini-Hub: https://herrenewedstrength.thrivecart.com/ccpf-minihub/

    Listen to the rest of the Christ Centered Productivity Series:

    • Part One: How To Use A Schedule Audit To Identify The Idols In Your Life
    • Part Two: Want To Feel Closer To God? How The Time Calculator Will Help You Find Time for the Lord
    • Part Three: How To Create A Schedule That Puts Jesus First
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    10 mins
  • 217: Christ Centered Productivity Series Part THREE... How To Create A Schedule That Puts Jesus First As A Christian Woman
    Mar 19 2024

    We are in part three of the Christ Centered Productivity Series! In today’s episode, we cover STEP THREE of the Christ Centered Productivity Framework (CCPF): building a SCHEDULE that puts Jesus first! If you have not yet listened to parts 1 and 2, go back and listen to those episodes in order!

    You can click here to listen to PART ONE and click here to listen to PART TWO.

    This episode will help you create a flexible schedule that puts Jesus first, prioritizes rest and includes time for the things that matter most to you.

    You can now access the templates that make up the CCPF Mini-Hub for just $37!

    Grab your $37 templates here: https://herrenewedstrength.thrivecart.com/ccpf-minihub/

    Here's a breakdown of what's included:

    • 1 digital hub that houses four core plug-and-play time management template & productivity swipe-files available for immediate download
    • 1 training that introduces you to the 7 principles of productivity
    • 4 additional short trainings (between 5 and15 minutes each) that walk you through each template & swipe file, including…
    • Schedule Audit template: identify where your time goes
    • Time Calculator: track your time & categorize your daily tasks
    • Weekly Schedule Builder: create a simplified schedule that is broken into very specific time blocks
    • Goal Tracker: use the goal tracker to set SMART goals & learn how to schedule intentional time to work on your goals each week.
    • 1 Final Exhortation video

    Ready to work with me, one-on-one? Email me to learn more about private coaching! 📧 erika@herrenewedstrength.com

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    10 mins
  • 216: Christ Centered Productivity Series Part TWO... Want To Feel Closer To God? How The Time Calculator Will Help You Find Time for the Lord as a Christian Woman
    Mar 12 2024

    We are in part TWO of the Christ Centered Productivity Series, and I’m highlighting STEP TWO of the Christ Centered Productivity Framework. If you skipped part one, please go back and listen to Episode 215! In this series, the episodes progressively build on the last because I’m sharing a specific framework or process. Jumping into the middle of it will not help you or make a ton of sense. In step two, I highlight the time calculator, and help you understand how you can find time for Jesus and the things you say are important to you! It’s a quickie, but a huge piece of the puzzle.

    Want access to the very time management templates & plug-and-play productivity swipe files that make up this framework? Grab access to the CCPF Mini-Hub for just $37 today!

    CCPF Mini-Hub: https://herrenewedstrength.thrivecart.com/ccpf-minihub/

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    9 mins