
    Sep 27 2024

    HIDDEN HISTORY Right before the pivotal Battle of Gettysburg, President Lincoln said that he knew that the South's invading army would be defeated. He knew it. But how he knew it has been, in effect, buried by academia and by today's historians.

    Why this historical gem is not taught in every school, and certainly from every pulpit in the land, is indicative of the truly poisonous ideology, the narrative, that too many are marching to today.

    So, in this next installment in the HEROES FOR FREEDOM! Podcast, we do our best to correct the record.

    Here at the Legacy Generation we are committed to uncover, and then provide to the world, these critical lost stories of American, Christian, and Individual Greatness...for the record, and for the Upcoming Generation, our Legacy Generation.

    I'm Rick Robison and this is HEROES FOR FREEDOM! SOURCE MENTIONED IN PODCAST: A little-known, yet firsthand account is found in Lt. Colonel James Fowler Rusling’s 1899 book (Library of Congress Catalog 1,624,344): MEN AND THINGS I SAW IN CIVIL WAR DAYS. Colonel James Rusling, General Sickles’ staff officer, was with his general on the 5th of July (1863) when he was visited by President Abraham Lincoln and his son, as described in detail in this book.

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    12 mins
    Sep 4 2024

    When their nation, the United States, was attacked by the Empire of Japan, the Navajo people responded. I had the opportunity to sit down with a Marine Navajo Code Talker in his home on the Rez, in Ganado. A little known, yet true American warrior-hero. And what an amazing evening! The opportunity of a lifetime, offering priceless insights into the meaning of patriotism and sacrifice, a glimpse into a world I shall not forget...

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    14 mins
    Aug 22 2024

    Can one person change the course of history? You bet! It's happened many times in our past. President Lincoln was about to be turned out of office and a Copperhead Democrat elected in his place, promising to sign a treaty with the Confederate South, allowing them to keep their slaves and break apart the United States of America, creating two (or more) probably perpetually hostile, and weak, nations. This would have been a disaster for the world, especially five decades later when Communism, and then Nazism, would sweep the world. And without a strong, united America, the world would not likely have prevailed. And the eternal evil of human bondage would continue. In fact, today we would not recognize our nation, or even ourselves. Can one person have a major impact upon history? Stick with me at HEROES FOR FREEDOM! and I'll show you how and why. I'm Rick Robison and this is Heroes For Freedom!

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    13 mins
    Aug 7 2024

    In 1825, the renegades, Indian and white, surrounded six-year-old Wye-anna’s Shoshoni village in the predawn raid in the shadows of the Wind River Mountains of what would become Wyoming. They sought scalps and young captives they could abuse and then sell.

    Sweeping through my triple-great grandmother’s village, the raiders killed the men outright, molested, tortured, then murdered the women, and captured a number of children, including Wye-anna (Sally). The brutality was unspeakable. But fortunately for my triple-great grandmother, Sally ended up being rescued by a kind-hearted mountain man who was headed back to St. Louis. There she was raised by a compassionate Christian family where she was educated in the ways of the whites. But when fifteen years old, she longed for the great Rocky Mountains of home, so she set off alone on her quest, following the Missouri River westward seeking its headwaters and into an adventure rarely repeated by a teen in the history of our nation.

    Too often hidden or ignored in America’s extremely diverse past we find amazing examples of peoples, cultures, races, and creeds, working together to build our free, open, prosperous society.

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    12 mins
    Aug 2 2024

    History is important NOT because "those who forget it are destined to repeat it." I don’t believe that adage. The world changes every day, every minute. The future will always have a different set of realities and dangers, because human beings have their agency and will make a complicated combination of choices creating unpredictable outcomes.

    No, mastering the past fortifies us against evil and those who perpetuate it.

    It’s that simple. Genuine history is truth's finest early warning system. Cicero warned us: "To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”

    This is “Decline by Design.” Our children are purposely set adrift on a sea of moral relativism, of “your truth,” and “my truth,” which becomes “anything but truth.” In the words of C. S. Lewis, our children are being born into “enemy occupied territory.”

    I find it hard to look to the future with much hope. That said...we hope that perhaps the HEROES FOR FREEDOM! Podcast with Rick Robison might be a positive force, in some small way. For human existence to have any meaning at all, it must be "woven into our past" or we will, as "forever children," forfeit our Covenant Nation to the bottomless caldron of tyranny.

    The history of this great nation cannot be told without citing the blessings from God, for these blessings are many, and inspiring. What’s not going to work is purposely excluding and canceling them, for I believe that this nation, a covenant nation, and its people, in the end, will not allow it.

    To help fight back we offer the truth—the history that counts—the life-changing, personal stories of our Heroes For Freedom!, the uncommon choices made by common men, women, even children, choices that created our exceptional nation blessing us today.

    I invite you, please, join me on a journey I guarantee you will not soon forget. The Heroes For Freedom! podcast with Rick Robison. Also, on YouTube.

    Thank you.

    I’m Rick Robison and this is the Heroes For Freedom! Podcast.

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    9 mins
    Jul 31 2024

    TAKING ON THE WHOLE, DAMNED LUFTWAFFE...ALONE! Thirty and more German fighters swarmed in to attack the vulnerable "Wing" of American B-17 Flying Fortresses. The young American crews, seeing the massive numbers of enemy fighters ahead, began to believe that this might be their last mission. They'd never see the friendly skies of home again. But then, a lone P-51 Mustang appeared. The bomber crews desperately scanned for more. There were no more, and their hearts sank again. But what they didn't know, the man who piloted that lone Mustang fighter, was indeed the "angel on their shoulders," though in this case, he was a Destroying Angel--exactly what they needed! The wholly one-sided dogfight the B-17 crews watched over the next half-hour, is considered the finest ever witnessed in the skies over Germany...

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    10 mins
    Jul 11 2024

    HEROES FOR FREEDOM Podcast, TRAILER # 1 History is important NOT because "those who forget it are destined to repeat it." That's a dangerous myth. The world is constantly changing. The future will always have a different set of realities. Many unique, truly new combinations impossible to fully grasp until looking back from the future. No, honoring and mastering our worthy past simply provides us protection. It secures us against deception, against evil built upon a mountain of lies surrounding us today. Worthy history is truth's finest early warning system. Cicero said it best: "To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” Our hard-earned knowledge of past lives, sacrifices, victories, and especially defeats, provides security and protection TODAY from being deceived. For in our schools and universities, in our national political arena, MILLIONS of Americans are being deceived and indoctrinated. For they have no factual historical grounding to provide the promised bulwark. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn foresaw and forewarned, "today people are living by lies." And such a condition, he told us, is always fatal. It's pathetic, in fact. Listen to current "man on the streets" interviews. A huge swath, perhaps a majority of Americans, especially our youth, are hopelessly ignorant. Dangerously ignorant. And thoroughly indoctrinated. It is hard to look to the future with any promise... That said...we hope, maybe, the HEROES FOR FREEDOM Podcast with Rick Robison might help inform and enlighten, in some small way. For indeed, human life, to have any meaning at all, must be "woven into our past" or we will, as "forever children," tragically stumble and fall as a once free, prosperous, and God-honoring nation. For we shall have all eternity to praise our Lord for our blessed freedoms and life-saving opportunities, but only a few, short, fleeting moments now to sunset...to save them. --Rick Robison

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    6 mins
    Jul 3 2024

    Few Americans have ever heard of the miraculous resurrection of the United States Navy in the wake of the Pearl Harbor disaster of December 7, 1941. What these incredibly innovative and skilled American engineers accomplished is truly one of the most amazing victories of World War II. The ships that Japan sent to the bottom of Pearl Harbor, almost all, were salvaged, repaired, often underwater, then raised to fight another day. In fact, ships the Japanese thought were dead and gone, like ghosts, returned to attack them, particularly at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944, one of the largest naval battles in history, and sending what remained of the Japanese navy to the bottom of the Pacific. Yes, America is exceptional--or at least we used to be. It's time, I think, to get back on that worthy path...

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    22 mins