• 98. What to do when you've made it through the panic point of your overwhelm.
    Sep 9 2024

    Hey, hey sweet high achiever!

    Whew, you’ve made it through that initial panicky point of your overwhelm.

    But - now what?!

    You don’t want to go back there again. But - what do you do next.

    Don’t worry, I’ve got you. If you’ve been able to identify one thing that’s overwhelming you, and recognized your controllables, non-controllables, and admitted that what you’re doing isn’t working - I’ve got your next steps!

    If not, go back and listen to episodes 96 and 97, then come back here.

    Overwhelm can be hard for anyone, but if you’re a high achiever, it can be extra-hard. I mean, come on, you’re a high achiever! But don’t worry, because I’ll share with you some simple, actionable steps you can take right now to move forward.

    I’m excited to dive in and share this strategy with you so that you can be on your way to finding relief from overwhelm, sweet soul.

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

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    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    10 mins
  • 97. Know that you're overwhelmed but don't know what to do? I'll share 3 steps you can take to help get through feeling overwhelmed.
    Sep 2 2024

    Hey sweet high achiever!

    Overwhelm is such a pain-point for anxious high achievers!

    I hear you, that this one thing - overwhelm - is causing you so much pain and frustration.

    When you can identify what it is that is overwhelming you, what on earth do you do next? Where do you even start, sweet soul?

    Don’t worry, I’ve got you. If you know you’re overwhelmed, but just don’t know what to do next, then this episode is for you!

    Overwhelm can be hard for anyone, but if you’re a high achiever, it can be extra-hard. I mean, come on, you’re a high achiever! But don’t worry, because I’ll share with you some simple, actionable steps you can take right now to move forward.

    I’m excited to dive in and share this strategy with you so that you can be on your way to finding relief from overwhelm, sweet soul.

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

    Join the community -> Facebook

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    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    8 mins
  • 96. Overwhelmed by overwhelm? The easiest way to start finding relief from overwhelm.
    Aug 26 2024

    Hey sweet high achiever!

    After hearing to so many of my students share about their most major pain points, and seeing what is most frustrating to my podcast listeners, I consistently heard issues with overwhelm come up again and again and again.

    If you can relate to the struggle with overwhelm, and you want to find some relief from it, so that you can enjoy your life, then this episode is for you!

    Overwhelm can strike anyone, and is particularly troublesome for those of you that are high achievers and also struggle with anxiety. If I were starting with handling my overwhelm TODAY, there is one thing I would do to make finding relief from overwhelm reality.

    I’m excited to dive in and share this strategy with you so that you can be on your way to finding relief from overwhelm, sweet soul.

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

    Join the community -> Facebook

    Find more content -> YouTube

    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    11 mins
  • 95. ONE thing you can do this week to move forward in your anxiety journey as an anxious high achiever.
    Aug 19 2024

    As a high achiever, you’re used to being able to do pretty much anything you set your mind to. Yet, you still struggle with anxiety. Sometimes anxiety makes you avoid things, and the avoiding makes you more anxious, and you enter into a self-perpetuating cycle of avoid, be anxious, avoid more, be more anxious, and on and on. How can you get out of the cycle? I’ve got your back with this one, sweet soul. In this episode I’ll share the one thing that you can do this week to move through what you’re avoiding so you can get some relief from anxiety ASAP.

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

    Join the community -> Facebook

    Find more content -> YouTube

    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    8 mins
  • 94. Reasons why you don't ask for help as an anxious high achiever.
    Aug 12 2024

    How do you feel when you think about asking for help? I’m guessing, as an anxious high achiever, you don’t feel good about it. Am I right, sweet soul? You help others all day long, but the thought of asking for help makes you absolutely cringe. In this episode, I’m going to talk about reasons we don’t ask for help. I hope you’ll listen, to see if any of these resonate with you.

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

    Join the community -> Facebook

    Find more content -> YouTube

    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    10 mins
  • 93. 3 ways you can expand out of fear and anxiety for anxious high achieving women.
    Aug 5 2024

    You can recognize how fear and anxiety shrink you, keep you small, sweet anxious high achiever. But, what can you do about it? Will your anxiety keep you from even trying? No way, sweet high achiever, because I’ve got your back, and in this episode I’ll teach you three simple strategies for expanding beyond fear and anxiety. And, I bet, you’ll feel better, and less anxious.

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

    Join the community -> Facebook

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    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    12 mins
  • 92. Fear and anxiety keeping you in contracting energy and keeping you small? Learn what you can do instead to feel good and relieve anxiety.
    Jul 29 2024

    Fear and anxiety show up in contracting, shrinking energy. They keep you small. shrinks you, keeps you small. So, what’s the opposite of this energy, and how can you find it for yourself. I’ve got you, sweet anxious high achiever. In this episode, I’ll teach you how to get out of contraction and smallness, and relieve some anxiety in the process.

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

    Join the community -> Facebook

    Find more content -> YouTube

    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    11 mins
  • 91. Recognizing your desires and writing in pencil for anxious high achieving women.
    Jul 22 2024

    There are so many things standing in the way of putting your desires into the world, aren’t they sweet anxious high achiever? In this episode, I’m going to talk about three things that stand in the way of you sharing your desires, and encourage you to take the step to put them out into the world - messy first draft and all.

    And if you want to get some support with your asking what is possible, join our free Facebook group! It’s an incredible community of high achievers who struggle with anxiety - just like you - and it’s a warm, encouraging, supportive place to be. I’d love to see you there!

    Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety,


    P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you!

    Join the community -> Facebook

    Find more content -> YouTube

    Connect with me at support@hiimanxious.com

    **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**

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    10 mins