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  • HigHER Ground Episode 9: Becoming HER
    Jun 20 2024

    Episode #9 - Becoming HER

    To introduce Proverbs 31, it is written by King Lemuel. There is not a Lemuel in the line of kings, so it is possible that it is the pen name of Solomon. Others think it could also be a prince from a neighboring country. Regardless of who wrote it, this is information that was told of a mother to her son on what to look for when choosing a wife.

    Proverbs 31 is really focusing on characteristics women should have that are godly. Some of the key characteristics and qualities attributed to her in the passage include:

    1. ______________________: She is a woman who can be trusted by her husband, and he has full confidence in her. Relating to any relationship, we need to be women who are trustworthy. If a friend comes to us in confidence to
    2. ______________________: She is a hard worker, diligent in her responsibilities, and not idle. She is often depicted as being involved in various economic activities, including investing in fields, making garments, and trading.
    3. ______________________: She is known for her wisdom and good judgment, making wise decisions in her daily life. (Wisdom comes from understanding and discernment).
    4. ______________________: She is known for her compassion and kindness, both within her family and towards others.
    5. _______________________: She is described as strong, not just physically but also in character. She carries herself with dignity and honor.
    6. _______________________: She is skilled in managing her household, providing for her family, and being prepared for the future.
    7. _______________________: The passage concludes by saying that her worth is not just in her external qualities but also in her reverence for God.

    These characteristics describe a woman who is after God’s heart. She seeks Him in everything she does and trusts Him wholeheartedly with her life. She has a heart of reverence that overflows into a life of spiritual maturity and wisdom.

    She is not born this way; she gets there by a process of refinement, which is a work of the Holy Spirit.

    Read Philippians 1:6

    Lessons to be learned from Proverbs 31 -

    1. It’s the duty of mothers, as well as fathers, to teach their children what is _____________ and what is ___________. It’s mainly focused towards mothers because, in the time this was written, it was when moms were at home with their small children bringing them up and molding their young minds.
    2. Even Kings must be catechized - instructed in principles of Christian religion. So this king was being told by his mother to remember his Christianity and how he was brought up. This is so important as we are raising our children.
    3. When you mature, remember the ___________________ you were given as children, to admonish and edify others and honor those who guided you.

    Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30. We need to be women who fear the Lord.

    Show Notes Links:

    If you are looking for ways to get involved at HighPoint, you can go to the website highpointlw.com and go to the Group Life link. There are so many opportunities to plug in.

    Christianity.com link - Christianity.com

    Biblestudytools link - Proverbs 31 commentary

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