• Running Towards the Future: Parallels Between Endurance Sports and Estate Planning
    Jun 7 2024

    In the world of endurance sports, every mile, every breath, and every heartbeat counts towards achieving that elusive finish line. This journey, filled with highs and lows, mirrors another critical aspect of our lives—planning for the future. In a recent conversation with Katie Anne Trotta of Russo Law Firm, Long Island's premier destination for elder law, estate planning, and special needs law, we explored the fascinating parallels between the discipline of running and the foresight required in estate planning.

    Katie Anne, an avid runner passionate about helping individuals and families navigate the complexities of estate planning, shared her insights on how the principles of endurance sports apply to preparing for life’s unpredictable nature. As she prepares for her own significant milestone—her upcoming wedding—Katie Anne reflects on the importance of setting long-term goals, both on the track and in life.

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    18 mins
  • RJA Memorial Triathlon
    May 31 2024

    I enjoyed speaking with Merle McDonald Aaron, race director of the RJA Memorial Mighty Montauk Triathlon on today's podcast.

    Here are some of the questions I asked her:

    Can you share the inspiration behind the Robert J. Aaron Memorial Mighty Montauk Triathlon and its impact on the Montauk community?

    What makes the Mighty Montauk Triathlon stand out from other nationwide triathlon events?

    The course for the triathlon is known to be both beautiful and challenging. Could you describe what participants can expect from the terrain and scenery?

    Safety is crucial for any event like this. How do you ensure the safety of all participants during the swim, bike, and run segments?

    Preparing for a triathlon is no small feat. What advice would you give to first-time participants aiming to tackle the Mighty Montauk?

    Questions about Motel Ownership in Montauk:

    Owning a motel in Montauk must offer a unique set of opportunities and challenges. What inspired you to venture into the hospitality industry in such a sought-after location?

    Montauk is a destination with distinct seasons. How do you keep your motel engaging for guests throughout the year, especially outside the summer peak season?

    The pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to the hospitality sector. How did your motel adapt, and what changes do you think are here to stay?

    The triathlon is scheduled for Saturday, June 8 in Montauk. For more information, visit https://www.mightymontauk.com/.

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    20 mins
  • Who Is Medi-Dyne and How Do They Keep People Moving?
    May 17 2024

    For endurance athletes, finding effective pain relief solutions is crucial for maintaining peak performance and pushing through the physical challenges of long-distance training and competitions.

    Today, we have a special guest: Craig DiGiovanni, the owner and CEO of Medi-Dyne Healthcare Products, Ltd.

    Here are the questions I asked the CEO of Medi-Dyne:
    • With your extensive experience in the healthcare industry, what inspired you to establish Medi-Dyne and focus on pain relief and injury prevention?

    • Medi-Dyne is committed to providing innovations in the prevention and treatment of pain and injuries. Can you tell us more about the mission behind Medi-Dyne and the range of products you offer?

    • Could you walk us through the process of how you ensure the efficacy of each product?

    • Can you tell us about some of the flagship brands under the Medi-Dyne umbrella?

    • How do you ensure that these brands continue to innovate and meet the evolving needs of your customers?
    • Could you share with our listeners some success stories or testimonials from individuals who have benefited from using Medi-Dyne products?

    • Can you tell us about any upcoming product launches or developments that our listeners should be on the lookout for?

    • For individuals who are new to using supportive products for pain relief or injury prevention, what advice would you offer in terms of selecting the right products and incorporating them into their routines effectively?

    • In addition to providing physical support for pain and injuries, does Medi-Dyne offer educational resources or programs to help individuals better understand and manage their conditions?

    • Craig, where can our listeners go to learn more about Medi-Dyne and your range of products?

    Special thanks to our sponsor:

    PlayTri - Swim, Bike Run! – a retail bike shop and multisport specialist. For more information visit playtristore.com.

    If you want more information on the show, find us on Spotify, iTunes or Google Play. Have a great week and we’ll see you next time…

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    24 mins
  • Joe Friel, Author of The Triathlete's Training Bible
    May 10 2024
    Joe Friel, Author of The Triathlete’s Training Bible

    Get stronger, smarter, and faster with the bible of the triathlon sport.

    My next guest on Hilary Topper on Air - the endurance sports edition is legendary Joe Friel, author of The Triathlete's Training Bible, 5th Edition.

    Here are the questions I asked him:
    • Your book has been hailed as the go-to resource for triathletes of all levels, with over 150,000 copies sold. Can you tell us what inspired you to create this comprehensive training guide?

    • What can readers expect from the fifth edition of "The Triathlete's Training Bible," and how does it differ from previous editions?

    • What do you hope readers will take away from "The Triathlete's Training Bible," and how do you envision it impacting their journey in the sport?

    • What do you believe sets "The Triathlete's Training Bible" apart from other training resources in the market?

    • Can you share some success stories from athletes who have followed the training principles outlined in "The Triathlete's Training Bible"?

    • "The Triathlete's Training Bible" covers a wide range of topics, from swim, bike, run workouts to nutrition and strength training. How do you recommend athletes prioritize these elements in their training regimen?

    • What advice do you have for triathletes who may be struggling to stay motivated or maintain consistency in their training?

    • How do you address common challenges such as overtraining, injury prevention, and mental fatigue in the context of triathlon training?

    • With the evolution of technology and sports science, how do you see the landscape of triathlon training evolving in the coming years?

    • And finally, where can our audience get in contact with you or purchase The Triathlete’s Training Bible?
    Show Sponsor

    Thank you to PlayTri - Swim, Bike Run! – a retail bike shop and multisport specialist for sponsoring Hilary Topper on Air the Endurance Sports Edition. For more information visit playtristore.com.

    If you want more information on the show, visit our new website, hilarytopper.com or find us on Spotify, iTunes or Google Play. Have a great week and we’ll see you next time…

    Show more Show less
    28 mins
  • PlayTri Founder and CEO on Hilary Topper on Air
    May 3 2024

    Triathlons are not merely a physical challenge but a journey of self-discovery and growth. They demand discipline, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

    Listen and Learn from the Founder of PlayTri

    On today's episode of Hilary Topper on Air - the endurance sports edition, I interview a seasoned triathlete, coach, and founder of Playtristore.com, a hub for all things triathlon. Please welcome Ahmed Zahar!

    Here are the questions I asked:
    • Could you share with our listeners a bit about your journey into the world of triathlons and how Playtri came to be?

    • Playtri has become such a valuable resource for triathletes worldwide. What sets it apart from other platforms or resources available to triathletes?

    • Now, let's talk about the future of triathlons and endurance sports. Where do you see the sport heading in the next decade, and how is Playtri adapting to these changes?
    • Playtristore.com has garnered quite a reputation for its top-notch apparel and gear offerings. Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind Playtri's apparel line and how it enhances the triathlon experience for athletes?

    • Can you highlight some of the standout products in your lineup and the benefits they bring to triathletes?

    • Can you tell us about your franchise opportunities?

    • And finally, where can our audience get in contact with you or learn more about Playtri?
    This show and all shows this season are sponsored by PlayTri - Swim, Bike Run! – a retail bike shop and multisport specialist. For more information visit playtristore.com. I’d also like to thank our listeners for tuning in.

    If you want more information on the show, visit our new website, hilarytopper.com or find us on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Alexa, or Google Play. Have a great week and we’ll see you next time…

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    33 mins
  • Zealios Discount Code and Podcast Appearance
    31 mins
  • What is the Best Recovery Device For You?
    Apr 19 2024

    Revolutionizing Recovery

    In the quest for endurance greatness, recovery isn't a luxury—it's the foundation for champions.

    In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air - the endurance sports edition, I interview Jono DiPeri, a mechanical engineer and the founder of MyoStorm.

    Here are the questions I asked:
    • So, Jono, welcome to the show! Let’s jump right in. What sparked your interest in developing innovative recovery solutions for endurance athletes?

    • Can you share a bit about the research and development process behind MyoStorm's flagship products?

    • How do MyoStorm's products differ from traditional recovery tools, and what advantages do they offer to athletes?

    • MyoStorm gained significant exposure through its appearance on Shark Tank. Can you share with us what that experience was like and how it has impacted the trajectory of the company?
    • What role do you see technology playing in the future of endurance sports and recovery?

    • Can you discuss any success stories or testimonials from athletes who have used MyoStorm's products?

    • What are some common misconceptions about recovery, and how does MyoStorm aim to debunk them?

    • What advice do you have for endurance athletes looking to optimize their recovery routine and performance?

    • And finally, where can our audience get in contact with you or learn more about Myostorm?
    Hilary Topper the endurance sports edition podcast

    The podcast is sponsored by PlayTri - Swim, Bike Run! – a retail bike shop and multisport specialist. For more information visit playtristore.com.

    Thank you for tuning in. If you want more information on the show, visit our new website, hilarytopper.com or find us on Spotify, iTunes or Google Play. Have a great week and we’ll see you next time…

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    26 mins
  • Alpha Win CEO Talks About Upoming Races and Discount Code
    Apr 12 2024

    Endurance sports races should be more than just tests of physical ability; they should be exhilarating, unforgettable experiences that inspire athletes to push their limits and excel, driven by fun. When athletes embrace the thrill of competition with enjoyment, they unlock untapped potential, igniting a passion for excellence and redefining how we approach racing.

    Alpha Win CEO Talks About Upcoming Races and Discount Code

    Today's guest on Hilary Topper on Air is the President and CEO of Alpha Win, formerly HITS Endurance, a company dedicated to providing athletes with unforgettable racing experiences. Please welcome Tommy Struzzieri!

    Here are some of the questions I asked Tommy:
    • So, Tommy, welcome to the show! Please tell us about Alpha Win and its mission.

    • I understand that Alpha Win has a rich history. Can you share a bit about how the company got started?

    • What sets Alpha Win apart from other race organizers?

    • I understand that you have a personal connection to endurance sports. Can you tell us about your background and how you got involved in the industry?

    • You have a new race this year, can you talk a little about it?
    • Can you walk us through some of the unique race distances and formats that Alpha Win offers and how they cater to athletes of different skill levels?

    • What are some of the most popular race destinations that Alpha Win hosts, and what sets these locations apart regarding the racing experience?

    • Want more information about Alpha Win? Go to their website at http://www.Alpha.win and write to info@alpha.win. Someone will answer your call and/or email immediately!
    Hudson Valley Marathon

    I will be presenting From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete at the package pickup the evening before the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and Full Marathon in Hudson Valley.

    Discount code

    If you are interested in going to any of the Alpha Win running or triathlon events, use code: HILARY to get 15% off!

    Our Show Sponsor

    Special thanks to PlayTri for sponsoring the show. PlayTri - Swim, Bike Run! – is a retail bike shop and multisport specialist. For more information visit playtristore.com.

    If you want more information on the show, visit our new website, hilarytopper.com or find us on Spotify, iTunes or Google Play. Have a great week and we’ll see you next time…

    Show more Show less
    23 mins