• Serve Others
    Jul 8 2024

    Are you tired of surface-level connections and yearning for deeper, more meaningful friendships? You're not alone. In a world where loneliness has reached epidemic levels, many of us are searching for the secret to forming lasting bonds.

    Today, we're delving into an intriguing approach to friendship that originates from the Bible. But don't worry if you're not religious or familiar with biblical texts. We're translating these timeless principles into practical, relatable insights that are applicable to our modern lives.

    At the core of this approach is a concept called 'serving love.' It's a radical idea that suggests the key to stronger relationships lies in prioritizing others' needs over our own. It may sound counterintuitive, but what if this selfless approach could actually lead to more fulfilling connections? We'll show you how to put this into practice in your daily interactions.

    In this message, we dive into:

    1. The global loneliness crisis and why traditional approaches to friendship aren't cutting it anymore.
    2. What does "serving love" mean, and how does it differ from our typical self-focused mindset?
    3. Practical ways to practice selflessness in your daily interactions.
    4. How trusting in a higher power (whether you call it God, the universe, or something else) can give you the confidence to take relational risks.
    5. Real-life examples of how this approach has transformed people's social lives.

    We'll also tackle some challenging questions:
    - How do we balance self-care with caring for others?
    - Can being "too selfless" backfire in relationships?
    - How do we choose friends wisely while still being open and loving to all?

    Whether you're spiritually curious, feeling isolated, or simply looking for a fresh perspective on relationships, this post offers food for thought and actionable steps to enhance your connections.

    Ready to revolutionize your approach to friendship? Let's dive in!

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    42 mins
  • Psalms of Lament
    Jul 1 2024

    In this thought-provoking message, we delve into the often-overlooked but profoundly important concept of lament in the Bible, particularly focusing on the Book of Psalms. Lead Pastor Matt Sturdevant guides us through a comprehensive exploration of what lament is, why it matters, and how it can be a powerful tool for processing pain and drawing closer to God in our modern lives.

    Key Points Discussed:

    1. Understanding Lament
    - Definition: Expressing deep distress, sorrow, grief, or regret
    - Lament as the historic prayer language of God's people
    - Over one-third of Psalms are laments

    2. The Importance of Lament
    - Provides a vocabulary for loss and suffering
    - Offers a solution for silence in our relationship with God
    - Creates a category for appropriate complaints to God
    - Establishes a framework for processing difficult emotions
    - Serves as a form of worship, even in pain

    3. Structure of Lament Psalms
    - Direct address to God
    - Complaint or lament
    - Petition for help
    - Expression of confidence in God
    - Vow of praise
    - Example: Detailed breakdown of Psalm 13

    4. Practical Lessons from Lament
    - God's mercy never ends
    - Waiting is not a waste
    - The middle is not the end of the story
    - God is always good

    5. Lament in Practice
    - How to complain to God appropriately
    - The journey from pain to trust
    - Lament as a bridge between suffering and hope

    6. Penitential Laments
    - Focus on Psalm 51 as an example
    - David's response to his sins of adultery and murder
    - The power of confession and seeking forgiveness

    7. Connecting Old Testament Lament to New Testament Hope
    - The forgiveness and restoration available through Christ
    - How lament can lead us to a deeper appreciation of God's grace

    Throughout the message, Pastor Matt weaves together biblical insights, practical application, and contemporary relevance. He emphasizes that lament is not just an ancient practice but a vital tool for modern believers navigating a broken world.

    You are encouraged to view lament as a constructive way to process pain, rather than suppressing emotions or falling into despair. The message highlights how lament can actually strengthen your faith by fostering honest communication with God and ultimately leading to a renewed trust in His character and promises.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Lament is a biblical and healthy way to express pain to God.
    2. The structure of lament provides a framework for moving from pain to praise.
    3. Practicing lament can deepen our relationship with God and increase our trust in Him.
    4. Even in the midst of suffering, we can hold onto the truth of God's goodness and mercy.
    5. Lament is not just complaining; it's a journey towards hope and renewed faith.

    The message encourages you to incorporate lament into your prayers. Pastor Matt suggests starting by reading through Psalms of lament and using their structure as a guide for personal prayers during difficult times.

    You are also reminded that while lament is crucial, it's not the end of the story. The ultimate hope for believers is found in the Gospel - the good news of forgiveness, restoration, and eternal life offered through Jesus Christ.

    Whether you're currently in a season of lament or seeking to better understand this important aspect of the Christian faith, this episode provides valuable insights and practical guidance. Don't miss this powerful exploration of how honest expression of pain can lead to deeper trust in God and renewed hope for the future.

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    47 mins
  • Psalms of Praise
    Jun 23 2024

    This video features a sermon by Associate Pastor Brian Cropp on hymns and their significance in Christian worship. He begins by addressing common misconceptions about hymns, clarifying that they are not just old-fashioned songs but rather songs of praise to God that can be written in contemporary language and musical styles.

    Pastor Brian explores Psalm 98 as an example of a hymn, discussing its structure and themes of God's salvation and judgment. He breaks down the psalm into three sections:

    1. The Lord as Judge (verses 7-9)
    2. The Lord as Savior (verses 1-3)
    3. How we should respond to God (verses 4-6)

    Throughout the sermon, Brian addresses several key points:

    1. The importance of singing in the Bible and Christian worship
    2. The power of music to convey emotions and make ideas memorable
    3. God's judgment and its implications for believers and non-believers
    4. The assurance of salvation for those who have accepted Christ
    5. The call to praise God joyfully and loudly

    Pastor Brian emphasizes that God's judgment should be a cause for rejoicing among believers, as it represents the ultimate establishment of righteousness and justice. He explains that while this judgment may seem harsh, it is necessary due to humanity's inherent sinfulness and failure to meet God's standards.

    He discusses the concept of salvation through Jesus Christ, emphasizing that it is based on God's love and faithfulness rather than human efforts. He reassures believers that once they have accepted Christ, their salvation is secure and cannot be lost.

    Pastor Brian encourages Christians to respond to God's salvation with exuberant praise and worship. He interprets Psalm 98 as a call to make joyful noise, sing, and use various instruments in worship. The sermon challenges the notion that Christian worship should be somber, instead advocating for celebratory and energetic expressions of faith.

    Towards the end of the sermon, Brian offers practical applications:

    1. For non-believers: Consider turning to Christ for salvation
    2. For believers: Share the gospel boldly, including both the reality of judgment and the hope of salvation
    3. For all: Engage in worship through singing, songwriting, and making joyful noise

    He concludes by emphasizing the importance of corporate worship, describing Sunday morning gatherings as joining a "holy choir before the king of all the universe." He encourages the congregation to leave as missionaries, proclaiming the good news of God's salvation in their daily lives.

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    37 mins
  • Tell the Next Generation
    Jun 16 2024

    In this powerful and insightful message, Pastor Luke explores the crucial theme of passing the baton of faith to the next generation, drawing profound lessons from Psalm 78. Using the analogy of a relay race, where the exchange between runners is the most critical aspect, Luke emphasizes the vital role that fathers and the entire church community play in ensuring a successful spiritual handoff.

    Luke begins by acknowledging the complexities of Father's Day, recognizing that for some, it is a day of celebration, while for others, it may be marked by pain or absence. He encourages listeners to remember the good things their fathers taught them, to honor father figures who have positively impacted their lives, and most importantly, to look to God as the perfect Heavenly Father.

    Diving into Psalm 78, Luke highlights the God-given role and responsibility of fathers to make known God's ways to their children. He emphasizes that this is not a task limited to classroom settings, but rather a way of life that should be modeled and taught in the everyday moments—when sitting at home, walking along the way, lying down, and rising up (Deuteronomy 6:4-7).

    Luke then explores the God-given goals that fathers should have for their children: to set their hope in God, to remember His works, and to keep His commandments (Psalm 78:7). He warns of the consequences of missing these targets, including a generation that is oblivious to God and a breakdown in the spiritual legacy.

    However, Luke also offers hope for imperfect fathers, reminding them that with Jesus Christ, they don't have to stay the way they are. He encourages fathers to clear up their past mistakes, confess their sins, and move forward in God's grace, emphasizing that the greatest legacy they can leave is one of character and faith.

    Luke then provides practical resources and strategies for telling the next generation about God's faithfulness. He stresses the importance of knowing God's Word, spending intentional time with the next generation, setting a godly example, and sharing both personal stories and God's grand narrative of redemption.

    While emphasizing the unique role of fathers, Luke makes it clear that the responsibility of passing on faith belongs to the entire church community. He challenges adults to invest in the lives of the next generation, encourages students to share their faith with their peers, and calls on parents to take advantage of the 3,000 hours they have each year to influence their children spiritually.

    As the episode concludes, Luke leaves listeners with a thought-provoking question: "Who am I passing my faith to?" He invites them to prayerfully consider how they can participate in the sacred task of telling the next generation about the Lord's praiseworthy deeds, ensuring that the baton of faith is successfully passed on.

    Whether you are a father, a mother, a grandparent, a student, or a member of the church community, this episode will inspire and equip you to play your part in raising up a generation that sets their hope in God and walks in His ways.

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    40 mins
  • Psalm 23 Then and Now
    Jun 10 2024

    In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Pastor Jeremy takes us on a fascinating journey through Psalm 23, exploring how we can bridge the gap between the ancient wisdom of the Bible and our modern lives. With humor and relatable examples, Jeremy begins by reminiscing about his childhood in the 1980s, highlighting the stark differences between the culture he grew up in and the world we live in today.

    As he delves into the heart of his message, Jeremy introduces us to the concept of the interpretive journey, a five-step process that helps us understand and apply the timeless truths of Scripture to our daily lives. He walks us through each step, using Psalm 23 as a powerful example of how we can grasp the original context and meaning of the text, measure the cultural and historical distance between the biblical audience and ourselves, identify the critical theological principles, and ultimately apply those principles to our situations and challenges.

    Through his engaging teaching style, Jeremy brings the ancient words of Psalm 23 to life, showing us how David's experience of being pursued by Saul's army and finding comfort in God's protection and guidance is still relevant to us today. He explores the significance of the shepherd's rod and staff, explaining how they represent God's power to fight for us and His wisdom to lead us on the right paths.

    As Jeremy shares his insights and experiences, he invites us to consider how we can trust God in life's trials and uncertainties. Whether facing relationship struggles, parenting challenges, financial difficulties, or any other obstacle, we can find hope and strength in knowing that God is our perfect coach, calling the plays and directing our steps.

    Throughout the episode, Jeremy emphasizes the importance of studying the Bible with a curious and open heart, encouraging us to dig deeper into the original context and meaning of the text. He reminds us that while we may not always understand why God allows certain hardships in our lives, we can trust that He is always working for our good and His glory.

    Whether you're a long-time believer or new to the faith, this podcast episode offers valuable insights and practical tools for growing your understanding and application of God's Word. So grab your Bible, open your heart, and join Pastor Jeremy on this enriching journey through Psalm 23. You'll come away with a renewed sense of God's love and protection and a deeper appreciation for the timeless wisdom of Scripture.

    Remember to subscribe to the podcast for more inspiring content to help you navigate life's challenges with faith and courage. If this episode has touched your heart or sparked your curiosity, please share it with a friend or family member who might also benefit from its message. Together, let's continue to explore the riches of God's Word and learn to live out our faith in a way that brings hope and healing to a broken world.

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    24 mins
  • Introduction to the Psalms
    Jun 3 2024

    In this message, Pastor Matt kicks off a new summer sermon series on the Book of Psalms. He shares how the Psalms came alive for him during the difficulties of 2020 and have become a regular part of his devotional life. The Book of Psalms is a unique collection of 150 ancient Hebrew poems, songs, and prayers that span 1000 years of Israel's history. The Psalms express the full range of human emotion and experience, capturing life's highs and lows.

    Pastor Matt introduces the literary structure and devices used in the Book of Psalms:

    • The Hebrew word for Psalms means "instrumental music" and "poem set to notes." The Psalms were used in worship by the choirs in Israel's temple.
    • The Book of Psalms is deliberately structured into 5 "books," which parallel the 5 books of Moses. It serves as a "Torah" or instruction for God's people on prayer.
    • Psalms 1 and 2 form an introduction, highlighting the themes of trusting in God's word and hoping in his Messianic king.
    • The two major types of Psalms are lament and praise, with lament predominating in the first half and praise in the book's second half. This mirrors the movement from sorrow to joy.
    • Ancient Hebrew poetry uses literary devices such as terseness (being concise), parallelism (rhyming ideas, not sounds), and figurative imagery (painting pictures with words).

    Understanding these literary features helps uncover the deeper meaning the authors intended to convey. The Psalms are "literarily literally true" - they accurately use poetic devices to communicate God's timeless truth.

    Pastor Matt does a deep dive into Psalm 1, which contrasts two ways to live - the way of the righteous who delight in God's word and the way of the wicked who ultimately perishes. The Psalm paints a picture of the progressive steps of sin - walking, standing, and finally sitting with scoffers and mockers of God. In contrast, the righteous person meditates on God's word day and night, like a cow chewing its cud. This enables them to be stable, fruitful, and prosperous like a well-watered tree.

    The Psalms have much to teach us today about cultivating a deep relationship with God through prayerful meditation on his word. They give us a vocabulary for expressing our emotions to God and provide guidance for navigating life's challenges. The Psalms point us to Jesus, the Messianic King, and lead us to find our ultimate joy and satisfaction in him.

    Join us on a journey through the Book of Psalms this summer! The Psalms Scripture Journal and reading plan, available in the description, are recommended resources.

    Bible Project Psalms Summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9phNEaPrv8 ESV Psalms Illuminated Scripture Journal: https://amzn.to/4aNiXgS

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    48 mins
  • Checking the Tread of My Heart
    May 28 2024

    In this powerful message, Pastors Matt and Luke and a panel of church leaders explore practical ways to gain traction in your spiritual life. Drawing from the Bible's timeless wisdom, they introduce us to the "Seven Heart Attitudes" - a set of principles that, when applied to our everyday lives, can help us break free from feeling stuck and start moving forward in our walk with God.

    Whether you're new to faith or a lifelong believer, this discussion offers valuable insights and relatable stories that will inspire you to take your next steps. You'll learn how putting others first, living authentically, and humbly receiving guidance can transform your relationships. You'll see how participating in church life and giving generously can unlock a greater sense of purpose and joy. And you'll discover the freedom that comes from trusting God and following the lead of wise mentors.

    But this isn't just abstract theology - it's real talk about real life. Our panel gets vulnerable, sharing their own struggles and breakthroughs in living out these attitudes. They offer practical tips, from starting a daily quiet time with God to working through conflict in marriage. And they'll encourage you that no matter how many times you've stumbled, God's grace is there to pick you up and keep you moving.

    So whether you're facing challenges in your family, your career, or your personal spiritual growth, this message will give you the tools and motivation you need to get unstuck and start thriving. You don't have to have it all figured out - just a willingness to take one step at a time in pursuit of God's best for you.

    Ready to gain some traction? Grab your Bible, press play, and let's grow together. If this message impacts you, share it with a friend and join the conversation in the comments below. We're so glad you're here, and we're cheering you on every step of the way!

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    56 mins
  • Detailing My Heart
    May 20 2024

    Ever felt stuck in a cycle of bitterness or resentment? Struggling to move on from past hurts? In this powerful message, Pastor Matt dives deep into the topic of forgiveness and shares profound insights that could change your life.

    You'll discover:

    • What forgiveness is...and what it's NOT
    • The difference between forgiveness, reconciliation, and trust (so eye-opening!)
    • Why forgiveness is essential for YOUR healing and peace
    • How to genuinely forgive even when it feels impossible
    • The incredible ripple effect of forgiveness on relationships

    As Pastor Matt explains, forgiveness is not approving, excusing, justifying, or denying the wrong done to you. It doesn't mean forgetting or automatically reconciling, either. True forgiveness is about releasing the offender, canceling the debt, and choosing not to punish or harbor bitterness - even if they never say sorry.

    Through gripping personal stories and timeless biblical wisdom, you'll see how forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. It's about following Jesus' radical example and obeying His clear commands. Because the truth is, we've all been forgiven infinitely more by God than we'll ever be asked to forgive others.

    As Ephesians 4:31-32 urges: "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger...Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

    Pastor Matt also shares a powerful testimony of a family torn apart by deep hurt and unforgiveness. But as they each took the courageous step to ask for and extend forgiveness, something supernatural happened: peace entered in, and relationships were restored!

    No matter how much you've been wounded, YOU have the power to forgive and write a new story. Freedom and healing are possible when you release others and entrust justice to God (Romans 12:19).

    Maybe you've been holding onto resentment for far too long. Today is the day to finally let go and start living in the joyful freedom forgiveness brings!

    Reflect prayerfully:

    • Who is God calling you to forgive, once and for all?
    • Who do you need to humbly ask for forgiveness?
    • How could choosing forgiveness change YOUR life from the inside out?

    Take a moment to process with God honestly. He will give you the strength and grace you need to take this life-changing step of obedience. You won't regret it!

    Remember, forgiveness doesn't make what they did right...but it sets YOU free. You ready?

    For more life-giving spiritual insights, be sure to like, subscribe, and share this episode. Join our community of imperfect people pursuing the God of second chances together!

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    43 mins