• Ep:"7 At the Beach- Healing through Your Mourning
    Sep 6 2024

    It is not always easy to seek the healing that you need. It would help you if you made the necessary steps to find healing. Journaling, going for a prayer walk, resting, and writing, are some ways to make your environment peaceful. Life is like a rollercoaster it has ups and downs, hills and valleys, and trials and tribulations. Be not hopeless. You will make your way through this new life journey one day at a time.

    "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."-John 16:33-

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    10 mins
  • Ep:6 I Am Not the Same
    Aug 23 2024

    Life has changed so drastically. She realizes that what was once easy to deal with is now extremely hard. I have heard some mothers say that they are not the same person that they were before their child died. Stressful situations are now heightened so much more. It can take a lot out of her. I hope that as you listen, you will hear that you are not alone.

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    11 mins
  • Ep:5-The Check-In
    Aug 9 2024

    It is important to go and check in in person with the mom who has had her child pass away. She may or may not tell you how lonely she is feeling. Life is different for her now and she could use a check-in visit. Life does not stop because she is grieving, it keeps on going. If you know of a mom living in this place, visit her. Your visit could mean everything to her.

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    14 mins
  • EP:4-Dealing with Special Occassions-Kayla's Story
    Jul 26 2024

    It is hard enough to deal with life. Then you have to add to it the passing of your child. It is a devastating day for every mother. It is like the wind is knocked out of you!

    In today's episode, we hear another mother's story of dealing with her child's passing of her child and how she deals with the upcoming occasions of life.

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    14 mins
  • Ep:3 Happy 25th Birthday 792024
    Jul 12 2024

    Celebrating birthdays is my favorite time. I believe you should celebrate your special day all month. It is the day you entered this world and your earthly life begins.

    It can be one of the hardest days to celebrate when your child has passed away. In this episode, I will share how important it is to take care of yourself mumma as you relive so many memories. It is YOUR birth-day too so celebrate in some way.

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    7 mins
  • Ep#2 Can Grief & Hope Hold Hands?
    Jun 28 2024

    Grief can be so overwhelming!! In this podcast we will speak about how grief and hope can walk side by side in victory. This journey is not an easy one but it is a doable one when you take the time to really get real with yourself. Grieving unfortunately is what every mother on this journey will do. I want to help each mom cope and live as best as she can.

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    26 mins
  • Ep#2 Introduction: Can Grief & Hope Hold Hands?
    Jun 25 2024

    There are so many levels of grief, especially for those moms who have had to say goodbye to a child/children. In episode #2, we will look at some aspects surrounding grief. This will be the thread throughout the Hope In Anchored Prayer podcast. It is a huge subject with many layers that we will unravel through this podcast.

    The full podcast will be airing this Friday, June 28, 2024 at 3:33 pm EST

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    2 mins
  • #1 This Cannot Be Happening!!
    Jun 5 2024

    Today I will be sharing with you my personal story and the day my life changed forever. I am so grateful to be bringing this podcast to grieving moms all over the world who have had to bury a child. My heartfelt condolences go out to each of you mummas that have had to say goodbye to a child.

    So here I am, June 5, 2021, I just got home from being out with a friend and my husband gets a call. At the same time the door knocks my friend comes bursting in through the with fear in her eyes. She says something is really wrong! As she was shaking. She followed me into my bedroom. I asked my husband what is going on? He put his finger up to nonverbally tell me to hang on. His face was serious, and he continued speaking. I kept quiet. He looked at me and said the four words that stopped my breath came out of his mouth!! Shonethan may have drowned!! I said what?!! I said very calmly to God, "If this is true then you are going to have to hold me together"!!!

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    16 mins