• BrainAbouts
    Aug 30 2024
    Dr. Teandra Gordon is the Senior Program Director for BrainAbouts, an organization that has free online tools to help parents raise children to avoid drugs and alcohol. They work through schools, providing access to study packets to go along with the online courses. Online videos are available to all: www.brainabouts.org
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    30 mins
  • The CPR and Safety Lady teaches what to do in case of seizure
    Aug 23 2024
    Gail Gould is the The CPR and Safety Lady and she teaches us what to do in case of a seizure or chocking, live on the radio. There’s much more to learn on the subject of first aid like knowing how to use the automatic defibrillators every building is supposed to have and even using EKGs to detect heart problems in young men. Go to www.cprandsafetylady.com and Gail can come teach you the course.
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    29 mins
  • Communities In Schools Houston: help for parents & students for a great school year
    Aug 18 2024
    Chanelle Omiwade is the Program Director for Communities in Schools of Houston and Adrianne A. Williams is a Student Support Manager at Lamar High School. CIS helps parents and students navigate the school year from making sure they have a great breakfast to giving tips on good sleeping hygiene so students get the rest they need. They also have a mental health initiative that allows students to get help anonymously. They get help from over 300 non-profits in town to provide all the services they need. Go to: www.cishouston.org
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    30 mins
  • Periwinkle Foundation: sending kids fighting cancer to an awesome summer camp
    Aug 10 2024
    Dr. Paul Gerson is the founder of The Periwinkle Foundation (he was also in the air force) and Ann Massey is their Development Director.
    The Periwinkle Foundation was founded to provide children at Texas Children's Hospital with the opportunity to "just feel normal" for one week at Camp Periwinkle. They also offer tons of programs to help children and their families get through the harsh cancer treatments such as art fairs and entertainment performed by local arts organizations.
    They are also behind the Iron Sommelier event on November 7th where guests can taste wines, dine, be merry and raise funds for the summer camp.
    Go to www.periwinklefoundation.org to get tickets and info on this extraordinary Org.
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    30 mins
  • Trees for Houston: beautifying our city & health, one tree at a time
    Aug 2 2024
    Barry Ward is the executive director of Trees For Houston. They’ve planted more than 750,000 trees to mitigate run off and provide shade to buildings, thereby significantly reducing AC bills. The benefits go on an on and they even help people’s mental health. Trees for Houston also takes requests and distributes free tress to people planning green spaces or their back yards. Go to: www.treesforhouston.org.
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    31 mins
  • Lone Star Flight Museum & their impressive Youth Ambassadors
    Jul 26 2024
    Ann Hobing is the Lone Star Flight Museum’s senior director of education and Cameron Hardy is one of their youth ambassador. Cameron is an impressive young man with a great passion for aviation and ambitions to become an Air Force pilot. He wants to fly those awesome jets and we talk about what he does at the museum and how it’s helping him set his path towards the Air Force. Ann tells us about the many events they have in this cool museum like Girls in Aviation and Harry Potter Day. Go to: www.lonestarflight.org and get in on the fun.
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    30 mins
  • Medical Bridges is in San Antonio, now!
    Jul 20 2024
    Walter Ulrich CEO of Medical Bridges (and a US Marine) and Akinyi Adoyo is their marketing manager. Medical Bridges collects medical equipment donations and redistributes them to healthcare workers across nations. They have a new operation in San Antonio and they also work with Texas A&M students who build them several mobile medical exam rooms that also get shipped all over the world.
    Go to www.medicalbridges.org to find out more about this extraordinary organization and go meet these people during their 2024 “One People, One World” Gala presented by Chevron. It’s on Thursday, October 17 at the Four Seasons Hotel and they will honor Ms. Paula Harris, the executive director of the Astros Foundation.
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    31 mins
  • The Founder of Houston Chamber Choir will step down after their 30th season
    Jun 22 2024
    Robert Simpson is the founder and artistic director of Houston Chamber Choir and Dr. Betsy Cook Weber Houston Chamber Choir Artistic Director Designate. The Houston Chamber Choir celebrates its 30th anniversary season which will be founder Robert Simpson’s last as he hands over the directorship to Dr. Cook Weber.

    "From Startup to Standout" will feature the annual free show at Miller Outdoor Theater: “I Just Want to Celebrate! Songs from the ‘70s” and a world premiere from brilliant English composer Patrick Hawes: "Son of Man."

    And don't miss their Christmas show: “Glory in the Highest: Christmas at the Villa” performed at the Chapel at the Villa de Matel.
    Go to https://www.houstonchamberchoir.org for tickets and info.
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    30 mins