• #70 Explaining that You Are Late
    Jul 9 2024

    This week's topic is "Explaining that You Are Late".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False He is going to get in a taxi. True / False

    *New Words* 現在(げんざい) currently, presently, now

    接近(せっきん) approaching, coming

    〜中(ちゅう) during, in the middle of ~

    台風(たいふう) typhoon

    〜号(ごう) Number ~

    東側(ひがしがわ) east side

    進(すす)みます to move ahead, to proceed

    風(かぜ) wind

    強(つよ)くなります to become strong

    まわり surrounding

    うるさい noisy, loud

    タクシー taxi

    遅(おく)れます to be late

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz Why did the teacher say that using a taxi was hard? A. Because taxis are stopped due to the typhoon.

    B. Because taxis are late to go there.

    C. Because the buses are stopped and people take taxis.



    (まわりがうるさく、きこえません。) It’s so loud there I can’t hear you. ●もんだい ステップ3

    You can’t sleep because the room is so bright. So please tell it to Danielle-san and say to turn off the light.

    YOU: Danielle: すみません。今消しますね。


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    ▼Miyuu Sensei's Free Trial Japanese Online Lesson


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    23 mins
  • #69 Explaining the Situation when Trouble Happens
    Jun 19 2024

    This week's topic is "Explaining the Situation when Trouble Happens".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False He bought the drinks which were warm. True / False

    *New Words* フロント front desk, reception

    部屋(へや) room

    冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ) refrigerator

    冷(つめ)たい cold (to touch)

    壊(こわ)れます to break (intransitive verb)

    申(もう)し訳(わけ)ありません I am very sorry.

    少々(しょうしょう) a little

    コンセント outlet, plug

    差(さ)さります to plug in (intransitive verb)

    差(さ)します to plug in (transitive verb)

    抜(ぬ)きます to pull out (transitive verb)

    不便(ふべん)をかけます to inconvenience

    梅雨(つゆ) rainy season

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz When did Danielle san try to do to use the fridge? A. He pulled the plug out once and plugged it in again.

    B. He took the drinks out of the fridge once and put it in again.

    C. He took the jacket off once and put it on again.



    (こわれているかもしれません) It may be broken. ●もんだい ステップ3

    Danielle san is calling your friend, 山田さん.

    But he doesn’t answer.

    Then you guess he may not come today.

    Please say it after Danielle san speaks.

    Danielle: うーん、山田さん、電話に出ませんね。

    YOU: Danielle: そうですね。


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    *When you send a DM, send it with your requirements, not just a "hello".

    ▼Miyuu Sensei's Free Trial Japanese Online Lesson


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    19 mins
  • #68 Explaining What Happened
    May 21 2024

    This week's topic is "Explaining What Happened".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False The squirrel monkey returned his cell phone. True / False

    *New Words* 逃(に)げます to escape, to run away

    リスザル squirrel monkey

    盗(と)ります to steal

    広場(ひろば) plaza, square

    えさ feed, food for animal

    取(と)って行(い)きます to go to take

    遅刻(ちこく)します to be late for a set date and time

    上司(じょうし) boss, supervisor

    踏(ふ)みます to stand on, to step on

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz When did the squirrel monkey steal Danielle san’s cell phone? A. When he was texting a message

    B. When he was holding a squirrel monkey

    C. When he was feeding a squirrel monkey



    (リスザルけいたいを とられたんです。) A squirrel monkey took my cell phone. ●もんだい ステップ3

    You got your foot stepped on by someone next to you on the train this morning.

    Please reply to Danielle san.

    Danielle: その足、どうしたんですか?

    YOU: Danielle: そうですか。お大事に。


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    *When you send a DM, send it with your requirements, not just a "hello".

    ▼Miyuu Sensei's Free Trial Japanese Online Lesson


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    18 mins
  • #67 Describing Work Progress
    May 6 2024

    This week's topic is "Describing Work Progress".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False The preparation for the party is done. True / False

    *New Words* 準備(じゅんび) preparation

    終(お)わり end

    コーヒーマシン coffee machine

    調子(ちょうし) condition

    悪(わる)い bad

    玄関(げんかん) front door, entrance

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz What happened to the coffee machine? A. It is acting up.

    B. It is working well.

    C. It is gone.



    (このあいだ かったばかりなのに、こまりますね。) Even though I just bought it the other day, that’s a problem. ●もんだい ステップ3

    You have just come to Japan last week.

    Please reply to Danielle san.

    Danielle: いつ日本へ来ましたか?

    YOU: Danielle: そうですか。たくさん楽しんでくださいね。


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    ▼Miyuu Sensei's Free Trial Japanese Online Lesson


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    17 mins
  • #66 Describing the Situation and Giving your Impression
    Apr 16 2024

    This week's topic is "Describing the Situation and Giving your Impression".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False Danielle san showed a picture in which everyone is walking in the beginning. True / False

    *New Words* 運動会(うんどうかい) athletic meet

    えーと Let me see.

    ちょうど just

    並(なら)びます to get in line

    大勢(おおぜい) many people

    ゴールします to cross the finish line

    表彰式(ひょうしょうしき) award ceremony

    一位(いちい) first place

    トロフィー trophy

    おどります to dance

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz What number of finishers did Bob san reach? A. He finished first.

    B. He finished last.

    C. He finished with another.



    (みんなうれしそうです) Everyone looks happy. ●もんだい ステップ3

    Danielle san looks busy. Please talk to him and offer to help him.

    YOU: Danielle: いいんですか。ありがとうございます。

    きいてくれてありがとうございました!Thank you for listening!

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    ▼Miyuu Sensei's Free Trial Japanese Online Lesson


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    19 mins
  • #65 Listening to Instructions for Taking Medicine at a Pharmacy
    Apr 2 2024

    This week's topic is "Listening to Instructions for Taking Medicine at a Pharmacy".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False The blue tablet is for when having a stomachache. True / False

    *New Words* お待(ま)たせしました Thank you for waiting.

    一日(いちにち) one day(12am ~ 12pm)

    2回(にかい) twice, two times

    食後(しょくご) after eating

    以内(いない) within

    〜錠(じょう) ~pills (the counter for pills)

    たばこをすいます to smoke

    気(き)をつけます to take care

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz When does Danielle san have to take the yellow pills? A. Twice a day after breakfast and lunch

    B. Three times a day after breakfast, lunch, and dinner

    C. Twice a day after breakfast and dinner



    (わすれないようにしてください) Please try not to forget. ●もんだい ステップ3

    There is a person who smokes a lot.

    Please tell him not to smoke so often.

    YOU: Danielle: わかりました。気をつけます。

    きいてくれてありがとうございました!Thank you for listening!

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    ▼Miyuu Sensei's Free Trial Japanese Online Lesson


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    17 mins
  • #64 Listening to the Doctor’s Instructions
    Mar 19 2024

    This week's topic is "Listening to the Doctor’s Instructions".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False Danielle san likely has a cold. True / False

    *New Words* 鼻水(はなみず) runny nose

    口(くち) mouth

    一週間(いっしゅうかん) for a week

    しばらく for a while

    外出(がいしゅつ)します to go out

    ゆっくり relaxed, slowly

    止(と)まります to stop (intransitive verb)

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz What did the doctor say Danielle san to do? A. Take a nap and don’t study for a while

    B. Take a rest and don’t go out for a while

    C. Stay home and don’t go to work for a week



    (はなみずが とまったら、くすりを のまなくてもいいですか) If the runny nose stops, can I stop taking the medicine? ●もんだい ステップ3

    You are going to take a test from now on.

    Then please ask your teacher if you can go home after finishing it.

    Danielle: では、これからテストを始めます。

    YOU: Danielle: いいえ、テストが終わる時間まで待ってください。

    きいてくれてありがとうございました!Thank you for listening!

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    16 mins
  • #63 Describing your Symptoms at the Hospital
    Mar 4 2024

    This week's topic is "Describing your Symptoms at the Hospital".

    ●もんだい ステップ1 True or False Danielle san has a headache and a fever.

    True / False

    *New Words* 熱(ねつ) fever

    熱(ねつ)を測(はか)ります to take temperature

    診察券(しんさつけん) patient ID card

    保険証(ほけんしょう) insurance card

    問診票(もんしんひょう) medical questionnaire

    順番(じゅんばん) sequential order

    呼(よ)びます to call (one’s name)

    いすにかけます to take a seat

    のど throat

    せきが出(で)ます to have a cough

    食欲(しょくよく) appetite

    ●もんだい ステップ2 Three-choice-quiz What will the hospital receptionist make for him?

    A. Insurance card

    B. Medical questionnaire

    C. Patient ID card



    (きのうの よるから あたまが いたくて、ねつも あるんです) I’ve had a headache and a fever.

    ●もんだい ステップ3

    You’ve had a sore throat 3 days ago, 3日前. So let’s tell your symptoms to your teacher and get permission to be absent because you want to go to the hospital.

    Danielle: どうしましたか。

    YOU: Danielle: そうですか。お大事に。

    きいてくれてありがとうございました!Thank you for listening!

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    *When you send a DM, send it with your requirements, not just a "hello".

    ▼Miyuu sensei's Free Trial Japanese Online Lesson


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    17 mins