
  • 13. High Performance Coaching | Natalie Ashdown
    May 15 2023

    Every organisation wants more high performers – those people who aren’t just good at their job, but go the extra mile, have the innovative thoughts, and perform at the very top of their ability. However, we often spend most of our time fixing under performance – a process which is time and energy consuming, not to mention very reactive. So how can organisations reframe coaching from fixing problems to enabling high performance? Natalie Ashdown⁠⁠⁠ helps ⁠⁠David King⁠⁠ unpack this topic.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • 12. Defending your training budget
    Dec 20 2022

    Oh no. You need to reduce training costs.

    Perhaps this isn't the first time your CFO has viewed training as an expense and has decided that training needs less budget. It certainly won't be the last time either. As organisations ride the economic cycle, the training budget tends to move with it.

    In this episode I'll look at ways you can defend your training budget, and ways you can rein it in if need be.

    BONUS: get this free guidebook for more info on reducing training costs 

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • 11. Internal vs External Recruitment | Sam Russell
    Nov 13 2022

    Finding new employees externally is important for bringing in new skills and thoughts to your organisation, but is there a risk that organisations rely too heavily on recruitment to solve their problems. The other alternative is to promote from within – the internal hire. Yet internal hiring requires planning too. In this episode David King and chats to guest Sam Russell to help organisations reflect on the internal vs external hire decision and perhaps refocus their attention a little more on capability development.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • 10. Transformation Projects | Bianca Starcevich
    Oct 23 2022

    Change is a constant factor for any successful organisation. Right now, it's likely your organisation has several transformation projects underway to improve products, systems or services. Yet despite this consistency, surveys suggest that the majority of transformation projects fail. A big part of the problem are your people – whatever tools or platform you are changing requires additional change from your people. Yet people can be resistant to change! So in this episode, David King and guest Bianca Starcevich dive into how HR and L&D teams can use workforce training to improve transformation projects.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • 9. Converting SOPs into training
    Oct 3 2022

    Is your organisation filled with standard operating procedures (SOPs)? Do you need processes done the 'right way' every time? Sick of employees picking up bad habits or making mistakes, because they don't know the right processes? Well good news. It’s not that hard to get your processes and SOPs out of forgotten drawers or folders, and into interactive online training that ensures those operating procedures are actually standard and followed!

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 8. Learner Buy-in | Amy Webster
    Aug 28 2022

    Why don’t learners just come to training with an open mind, fully engaged and ready to put new ideas into action? It’s a frustration which underpins a lot of failed training. All too often, learners don’t know why they are attending training or have their own expectations or outcomes which may not align with those of their manager or organisation. Put simply—the learner has not bought into the training, or have misaligned buy-in from other stakeholders. If learner buy-in is missing, then your training is almost doomed to fail. Never fear though, in this episode Amy Webster helps host David King unpack strategies to help drive learner buy-in.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • 7. Effective Meetings | Dr. Sean Rintel
    Aug 14 2022

    Survey’s suggest that the average professional spends 30-50% of their week in meetings. It’s a huge investment of time, so you would think organisations would want to ensure it’s a good investment of time. Yet meetings are often the bane of our week—too many, too long, too inefficient. Its worse when we consider that meetings are a key tool in workforce training too, identifying issues, sharing knowledge and empowering change. And the rise of virtual meetings with the COVID 19 pandemic hasn’t necessarily helped either—it's just created more ways to have more meetings. It doesn’t have to be this way though, as we found out in today’s discussion with Dr. Sean Rintel on the art of the modern meeting.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • 6. Converting Offline to Online Training
    Jul 25 2022

    Have you heard about the latest fad – converting your offline training into online training! It’s all the rage among modern organisations. Perhaps even your organisation. Yet its all too easy to create online training which doesn’t succeed, despite all your efforts. In this episode, David unpacks three practical issues to help you maximise your investment in transforming your offline content into online training which delivers the return you are looking for.

    Más Menos
    17 m