• The Canary Code: Ludmila Praslova
    Jun 5 2024
    "Exclusion does not need a reason. Just an excuse." The Canary Code is a leadership book, a lesson in how to design workplace culture. The lesson starts with the design of the book itself. During this discussion, Ludmila mentioned that many of the challenges people with ADHD encounter mirror the symptoms of overwork. So the inclusive design of the book means that it's easy to digest for anyone. And that's really the message - if you design for the people who need workplace accommodations because of neurodiversity, everyone benefits. Friction is reduced. Ludmila N. Praslova, Ph.D. is named a member of Thinkers 50 2024 Radar, a global group of 30 management thinkers leaders whose ideas are most likely to shape the future of work. She is a Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at the Vanguard University of Southern California and regularly writes for Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Psychology Today, and Forbes. She is the first person to have published in Harvard Business Review from an autistic perspective. Dr. Praslova is a talent strategy expert with extensive experience in global diversity and neurodiversity. Her early experience in global diversity taught her the importance of creating culture-add work environments. However, the same experience and her continued career have shown that focusing on one aspect of diversity is not enough. Globally aware organizations are not always gender-inclusive, gender-focused advancement programs can exclude based on disability or socioeconomic origin, and neurodivergent people are often forgotten or segregated even in organizations considered champions of inclusion. As a first-generation academic and a neurodivergent woman, Dr. Praslova knows first-hand that single-focus “inclusion initiatives” leave people behind. However, the principles of creating culture-add organizations can be applied to building systems for intersectional and holistic inclusion. Her consulting is focused on creating organizational systems for supporting human dignity and well-being, and providing neuroinclusion training to organizations such as Amazon, Bank of America, and MIT. She has a PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from the University of Akron and is a Senior Certified Human Resources Practitioner (SHRM-SCP). Dr. Praslova is an avid open-water swimmer, a gardener, and a poet. She is a LinkedIn Top Voice in Thought Leadership Some of Ludmila's publications: The Canary Code A Guide to Neurodiversity, Dignity, and Intersectional Belonging at Work (Berrett-Koehler, 2024); Evidence-Based Organizational Practices for Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Equity (ed, Cambridge-Scholars Publishing, 2023); ‘An Intersectional Approach to Inclusion at Work’ (Harvard Business Review, June 2022); ‘The Radical Promise of Truly Flexible Work’ (Harvard Business Review, August 2023); ‘To build a healthy workplace, you need a toxic culture alarm’ (Fast Company, March 2022); ‘How Thought Leaders Can Support Workload Fairness’ (Psychology Today, December 2023); ‘How Managers Can Support Workload Equity’ (Psychology Today, December 2023); ‘How to Reclaim our Right to Rest – While Stigmatized’ (Psychology Today, December 2023); ‘Debunking Disability Employment Myths’ (Psychology Today, September 2023). Ludmila in the media: Media Kit - The Canary Code Organizational psychology has been around for around hundred years, but Praslova believes the future of organizational psychology is changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She foresees changes such as an increase in flexibility. Employees will be able to work remotely and off-site throughout multiple industries. To adapt to this new environment, leadership and management practices will become more adaptable and human-focused... These changes will likely fuel the need for more organizational psychology practitioners. The book: The Canary Code book by Ludmila N. Praslova, PhD
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    51 mins
  • The Right to Disconnect: Legislation is the Last Resort
    May 3 2024

    Sponsored by Nola Simon Advisory: Learn More From This Bonus Podcast Episode

    The right to disconnect is legilslation designed to protect employees from work creeping into after hours work. It's popping up all around the world including Ontario, Canada, where I live. The thing about legislation is that it's a guardrail to protect us from the worst abuses. As an employer, you never want your employees to have to invoke legislation. It's not good for trust and relationships or the employer brand. So how can you proactively update your operations to ensure that all employees benefit from the right to disconnect whether or not the legislation exists in your part of the world yet or not? Legislation is designed to disuade and penalize behaviour, not shape it or incentivize it. It's the same with ethics in AI but legislation is slow, differs across geographies and can be challenged in court. It's more about crafting norms and expectations that facilitate trust and trustworthiness.

    Right To Disconnect Ontario Explained | Achkar Law

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    17 mins
  • Understanding Informal Networks is Essential for Effective Change: Jeppe Hansgaard of Innovisor, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Apr 6 2024

    For years, I've recognized that the way change happens in organizations is disconnected from the way that executives and senior leaders perceive change to happen. Top down initiatives often fail and employees resist the change, often because the change is done to them, not with them. They can't see themselves reprsented in the story of change.

    I've been following Jeppe Hansgaard on Linkedin because he's found a mathematical way to identify the 3% of staff who influence the other 90%. The key is informal networks. The change catalysts you need to engage are not the high performers or even the extroverts who dominate meetings. They are often the people no one would ever guess have influence because they have no formal power. They are not at the top of the hierarchy. Did you know if these informal leaders leave, the chance of turnover among the remaining staff rises by 500%? How can you retain these people and reward them for being the glue in the team if you don't even know who they are? Most leaders guess incorrectly when asked to name who owns the influence in the informal networks in their organizations. This mirrors my experience.

    Listen this episode to hear more stories of the 3 percent rule in context and also learn about the 6 change blockers. We talk about how understanding networks better can help us increase belonging and reduce loneliness and improve diversity.



    Jeppe Vilstrup Hansgaard is the driving force behind Innovisor. As the CEO and founder, Jeppe is on a mission to eliminate the all-too-common ‘change fiasco’ during organizational transformations, emphasizing the value of people as an organization’s greatest asset.

    Jeppe is a thought leader who enjoys sharing his insights with the change community through blog posts, articles, and tweets. He’s a sought-after speaker, captivating audiences in executive groups, leadership programs, and MBA programs at renowned business schools. Jeppe is the author behind the best-selling “Now What?”-playbooks for leaders, change and OD professionals, and Management Consultants. The playbooks are practical and packed with anecdotes, case studies, facts, tips & tricks.

    Jeppe earned his Executive MBA from Henley Business School in the UK and further enriched his knowledge with courses from Stanford School of Professional Development in the USA.

    Jeppe is a proud father of three kids and lives in Denmark with his wife & family.

    'Change is Gridlocked! Now What?' can be pre-ordered here with a 50% discount. https://lnkd.in/dyjbfEqb

    Releasing in June, this episode is a nice preview.

    ThreePercentRule - Innovisor SixChangeBlockers - Innovisor

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    48 mins
  • Why Did I Stay? Resilience, Sunk Cost Fallacy or Misplaced Hope?
    Apr 2 2024

    This post was inspired by a conversation I had with Tom Goodwin that started on Twitter and which he expanded on LinkedIn.

    He gave me permission to base this podcast episode on these posts.

    I often think a lot about how lucky I am to have started my career with 25 ish years of in-office/store work, passive training, oversight, exposure via proximity, and camaraderie .

    This is by no means an anti-remote work thing, it's just an honest reflection on the head start being in a packed workplace from the age of 17 onwards. Something not everyone now gets.

    And yes I was lucky to feel like I (nearly) always worked at places that were high energy, that were dominated by quite supportive people, that I had great bosses, that had pretty motivated people, varied work, and the long hours were rewarding. But it wasn't 100% luck, it was a concerted effort to pick places on the basis of how I'd develop, not what I'd get paid.

    And I'm not suggesting companies should resort to 100% in person work, but I do think they should focus on creating environments where people feel a part of something, and supported.

    On Twitter, I told him that I was not fortunate to have that type of supportive work environment - I had monitoring, close surveillance, mandatory training and micromanagement.

    Tom asked me something which stopped me short.

    "Why didn't you leave?"

    The short answer I gave was kids, a mortgage and stability. But it's deeper than that. The choices and decisions I made about the companies I worked for and the jobs I accepted are rooted in my childhood perception of stability and responsibility, where I lived, the kind of daughter, parent and wife I wanted to be, the economic climate, golden handcuffs including access to work from home which was not common at the time and systematic limitations.

    Condensing 30 years of decisions and history into less than15 minutes is a challenging task. Hopefully you find it interesting to view my career from a high level perspective.

    I used Microsoft Co-pilot to summarize valuable lessons others could learn from my story and I kind of like the output. It feels a bit like a personal cheerleader who can see the positives peeking throught the details.

    Here are some valuable lessons that others can learn from your story:

    1. Resilience and Adaptability:

      • Life is full of unexpected challenges, from economic downturns to personal losses. Your ability to adapt and bounce back is crucial.
      • Lesson: Cultivate resilience and embrace change as an opportunity for growth.
    2. Navigating Career Transitions:

      • Job markets fluctuate, and qualifications alone may not guarantee success. Your experience transitioning between industries highlights this.
      • Lesson: Be open to learning new skills and consider transferable abilities when changing careers.
    3. Advocacy and Impact:

      • Your advocacy for hybrid remote work made a difference. You were a pioneer in promoting flexible work arrangements.
      • Lesson: Advocate for positive changes in your workplace or industry, even if it challenges the status quo.
    4. Mindset Matters:

      • Mindsets shape our experiences. Facing layoffs and industry shifts, maintaining a positive outlook is essential.
      • Lesson: Cultivate a growth mindset, stay adaptable, and view setbacks as opportunities for learning.
    5. Balancing Personal and Professional Life:

      • Juggling personal challenges alongside work can be tough. Your story underscores the importance of balance.
      • Lesson: Prioritize self-care, seek support, and recognize that life events impact professional performance.
    6. Unique Paths to Success:

      • No two journeys are alike. Your unconventional path—through recessions, accidents, and losses—led you to where you are today.
      • Lesson: Embrace your unique journey, celebrate achievements, and learn from setbacks.
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    15 mins
  • The Digital Savvy Small Town: A Journey Through Community and Media to the Future of Skills Development
    Mar 6 2024

    Let me tell you a story 50 years in the making.

    I moved to the Town of Georgina when I was 18 months old. I've lived here 50 years.

    We've never had much tech infrastructure so I can't tell you how excited I was to learn that our new community centre has an audio and video recording studio I can use for podcasting.

    I thought it would be a simple matter to get someone from the town on my podcast to talk about the MURC (Multi-Use Recreation Centre). Not so. It's an ongoing adventure.

    This episode lays the groundwork - my personal history, media and journalism in small towns in Ontario, PR for politicians and a surprise cameo from my first employer. And drama surrounding gender neutral change rooms and Facebook. It's a simple rule - don't get naked in public - that has the town confused.

    This is for all the people who have ever asked me about the Keswick dinner jacket. We are so much more. A hotbed of podcasters, the forefront of skills development. Eventually - if the software ever gets installed.

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    18 mins
  • Employee Appreciation
    Mar 1 2024
    The Power of Appreciation

    In this episode, I share my personal stories to illustrate the importance of appreciation and recognition in the workplace and how easy it is to get it wrong even with the best of intentions. I also talk about why some of the common practices of employee appreciation are ineffective and how we can do better.

    Key Takeaways
    • Appreciation goes deeper than just saying thank you or giving a gift. It’s about making people feel seen, valued, and respected for who they are and what they do.
    • Scale is the enemy of intention. Just because you can do things at scale, it doesn’t mean you should. Mass emails, group recognition, and generic rewards are not meaningful or motivating for employees.
    • Personalize and individualize your appreciation. Find out what matters to each person and tailor your recognition accordingly. Use their name, be specific, and be sincere.
    • Appreciation is not a one-time event. It’s a continuous practice that earns trust, loyalty, and engagement. Make it a habit to appreciate your employees regularly and authentically.
    Episode Call to Action:
    • If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app.
    • If you have any questions or feedback, you can email me at nola@nolasimon.com or tweet me at @nolasimontjo
    • If you want to support the podcast and get access to exclusive content and perks, you can sign up for my email list.
    • Join the waitlist for The Flexible Path community, reopening for new members April 1st.

    Thank you for listening and I’ll see you in the next episode.

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    17 mins
  • The 4 Day Work Week
    Feb 29 2024
    The Four Day Work Week In this episode, Nola Simon shares her personal stories about the benefits of working a four day work week. She talks about how her husband’s experience with a flexible and creative job at a pattern making shop in Toronto inspired her to challenge the conventional narratives about work and productivity. She also reflects on how having an extra day off every week improved their quality of life and relationship. Key Takeaways A four day work week can be a viable option for many types of work, not just knowledge work. Nola’s husband worked as a carpenter at a pattern making shop that made molds for various products, such as plastic packaging, battery packs, and even models for sex education. The shop owner designed the work schedule to be Monday to Thursday, with 40 hours of pay and overtime if needed.A four day work week can also be a source of creativity and personal fulfillment. Nola’s husband was allowed to use the shop’s machinery to work on his own projects on Fridays, such as making a mailbox, a jewelry chest, a deck swing, and a cedar chest. He also had access to the shop’s scrap wood, which he used to make some unusual models that sparked some interesting conversations around the campfire.A four day work week can have a positive impact on family and personal life. Nola and her husband commuted together four days a week, and he stayed home on Fridays to do chores, cook dinner, and prepare a relaxing bath for her. Nola says that she missed those days and that they really enjoyed having more time and energy to spend with each other.A four day work week can be rewarding when it allows for more self-care and personal time. Nola enjoyed having Wednesdays off every few weeks, when she could drop her kids at daycare and have a day to herself. She says that it kept her sane, made her feel valued, and was an important investment in her well-being.A four day work week can be controversial when it is not embraced by everyone in the team. Nola’s experiment with working extra hours and banking them for a day off was shut down because some of her colleagues felt it was unfair and complained. Nola says that management did not handle the situation well and that there was no accountability for the people who chose not to participate.A four day work week can be a catalyst for career advancement and personal growth. Nola says that missing the flexibility of having a day off every week motivated her to get a new job with more seniority and access to VPN. She also says that having experienced the benefits of a four day work week led her to advocate for more location flexibility in her work. The four-day workweek is an arrangement where employees or students work or attend school for four days instead of five, while maintaining the same pay or hours. This concept has gained popularity in recent years as a way to improve work-life balance, productivity, and well-being. Here are some articles that discuss the benefits and challenges of the four-day workweek: These Canadian companies switched to a 4-day work week. Here’s why: This article from CBC News features the stories of several Canadian companies that participated in a pilot project organized by 4 Day Week Global and researchers at Boston College. The article reports that the companies experienced positive outcomes such as reduced stress, fewer sick days, and increased focus, without sacrificing revenue or customer satisfaction.A four-day workweek: Some facts and figures to consider: This article from Statistics Canada provides some data and analysis on the feasibility and implications of a four-day workweek in Canada. The article examines factors such as labour shortage, overtime, capacity utilization, and employee satisfaction, and suggests that the viability of a four-day workweek may depend on the sector, industry, and employer.The 4-day work week: benefits and risks: This article from BDO Canada, a professional services firm, explores the pros and cons of a four-day workweek from the perspectives of employers and employees. The article highlights the potential benefits of improved morale, retention, and innovation, as well as the potential risks of reduced flexibility, communication, and collaboration. AI could make the four-day workweek inevitable (bbc.com)What Is a Four-Day Workweek? (Benefits and Tips): This article from Indeed.com, a job search platform, explains what a four-day workweek is and how it can benefit both workers and employers. The article also offers some tips on how to implement a four-day workweek successfully, such as setting clear expectations, prioritizing tasks, and tracking results.In the UK and elsewhere, the 4-day workweek grows in popularity: This article reports on the growing trend of the four-day work week around the world, and the benefits and challenges it poses for employers and employees. It also mentions some of the UK companies that have adopted or trialed the policy, such ...
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    17 mins
  • Managing Up - It's Not Just About Your Immediate Manager
    Feb 27 2024
    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, I share my personal experience and insights on how to manage up effectively in a hybrid remote work setting. I explain what managing up means, why it is important, and how it can benefit both you and your manager. I also give some practical examples of how I managed up with my manager who had never worked from home before, and how I advocated for the needs and challenges of remote workers in team and divisional meetings. If you want to learn how to collaborate better with your manager and other leaders in your organization, this episode is for you.

    Episode Timestamps:
    • 00:00 - Introduction and welcome
    • 01:15 - What is managing up and why it matters
    • 03:30 - How I managed up with my manager who was new to remote work
    • 07:45 - How I communicated the issues and solutions of remote work in team meetings
    • 12:20 - How I influenced the executives to introduce themselves and acknowledge remote workers in divisional meetings
    • 16:50 - Conclusion and key takeaways
    Episode Resources:
    • Nola Simon Advisory - My website where you can find more resources and tips on hybrid remote work
    • Slido - A tool for interactive Q&A and polls in online meetings
    • The Curse of Knowledge - A cognitive bias that makes it hard for experts to communicate with novices
    Episode Call to Action:
    • If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app.
    • If you have any questions or feedback, you can email me at nola@nolasimon.com or tweet me at @nolasimontjo
    • If you want to support the podcast and get access to exclusive content and perks, you can sign up for my email list.
    • Join the waitlist for The Flexible Path community, reopening for new members April 1st.

    Thank you for listening and I’ll see you in the next episode.

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    17 mins