
  • I AM CiCi -Episode 13- Finding Your Way In Your Journey
    Sep 29 2020
    When we walk in our own light, we find a journey, in the I AM abundance, unified, advanced mindset, we are met with challenges, stress, hardships that everyone has in life, the I AM mindset helps you to find your way in your way through your journey through life. Follow the light , fear not. Commit to a life of light and significantly connect to a better version of yourself.
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    21 mins
  • I Am CiCi- Episode 13
    Apr 20 2020
    Being present takes work, in the midst of a pandemic, epidemic and other such natural disasters we tend to forget being present and centered matters most, self care and finding a moment of clarity and a moment to just stop and smell the roses and just be present in the moment here and now and say I Am Present. Try these helpful tips on how to be present and stay calm and go with the flow
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    33 mins
  • I Am CiCi - Episode 7
    Mar 23 2020
    CoVid19 -I Am CiCi Beacon Talk Radio , how to survive Beacon life during a pandemic and be mindful, calm , and selfcare while social distancing and maintaining your sanity and remain light and in a state of zen and fear not
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    25 mins
  • I Am CiCi-Episode-12
    Feb 28 2020
    Beacons : Getting Illuminated and Hooked Into your inner light takes learning how to tap into your enlightened luminated light energy and learning how to just be content, destressed, and mindful of your actions and behaviors along side of emotional well-being and health : Lets teach you how to unhook from STRESS and hooked into undoing stress and the affects on your body can be rather grave, you would want to master the art of self-care and routine maintenance on your mental, emotional, physical and health overall to promote a level of internal and external wellness within and to exude to others you encounter. Take some time and get some good tips on destressing
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    24 mins
  • I Am CiCi- Episode 11
    Feb 25 2020
    We have to find a point in our suffering or hardships in life to find a way to still be vital and re vitalize our lives and breath vitality into it no matter what life throws out at us. Are you living to be alive or are you okay with suffering, the choice is yours.
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    15 mins
  • I Am CiCi- Episode 9
    Feb 22 2020
    We spoke of direction , value and hitting our target or mark on where we need to go in our beacon direction and way, the main thing is understand how to get there, unpack , self sabotage or things we may do that make it harder than it is to do the work it takes to learn our way, the I am beacon illuminated way
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    23 mins
  • I Am CiCi- Episode 10
    Feb 22 2020
    Values and Direction: have you met your mark and started looking into your direction in life? If not along side your journey, reading the testament, illuminations and logging onto the site along side speaking w other beacons of light will help you along w some of these beacon talk radio sessions to sort you out and help you along side your journey in light
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    21 mins
  • I am CiCi - Episode 8
    Feb 22 2020
    Life is about values and as a beacon, you have to find your way along side the testament and illuminations and figure out your direction and legacy, lets make a mark in your journey and sort it all out w some cool beacon tips to help you get there, with a little guidance
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    18 mins