
  • ...About The Masks We Wear
    Oct 31 2023

    Masking is something we all do - putting on a 'face' to avoid showing . . . something. It can be really hard to get vulnerable, to risk our senses of security and control and our search for external approval. Join the conversation as John and Lauren talk about masking and unmasking, and why it's worth the risk!

    It's the Season 1 finale (after a year and a half and 35 episodes) of the podcast! If you've missed past episodes, take a look-back during the break and get caught up!

    And make sure to connect with the hosts of I Could Talk to You All Day:

    John Spears: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnjspears/ and https://www.instagram.com/john_spears.coach/

    Lauren Lefkowitz: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenlefkowitz/ and https://www.instagram.com/lauren.coach.fineisatrap/

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • ...About Decision-Making
    Oct 10 2023

    High-achievers are often great decision-makers...for their work, the people they serve, and the responsibilities they have. But when it comes to making decisions for themselves (ourselves...John and Lauren are not exempt from this!) high-achievers often sit in indecision, or avoid allowing themselves to make decisions in service of their own development or futures. Join the conversation as we talk about this phenomenon and how we work to make hard decisions for ourselves.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • ...About Feelings
    Sep 26 2023

    High achievers are amazing at smushing down feelings so they can get. things. done. But what happens when it's time to actually confront our feelings, explore how we want to BE with our feelings and find growth in expressing and sorting through our feelings? Join the conversation as we explore this!

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • ...About Self-Love
    Sep 12 2023

    Ick, right? We know. When we try to bring up the mushy topics in our busy corporate lives, our brains reaaaallly want to shut us down. Join the conversation as John and Lauren talk in this episode about how actually looking at self-love in a healthy (and even practical) way can be productive, even for busy leaders.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • ...About Coaching
    Aug 22 2023

    On this episode, John and Lauren talk about coaching--how each of them got into coaching, got their own coaches, and the value they've each gotten (and you might get) from being coached. And of course, you'll get stories of growing (and resisting growth) and a story or two about what's happening in your hosts' lives.

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • ...About Well-Being
    Aug 8 2023

    When we talk about all of the doing we do, we often find ourselves in reactive mode, trying to catch up, get through, finish things. So much of the time, well-being comes secondary to all of the things we have to get done...or it doesn't factor in at all. Join the conversation as we talk about the opportunity for well-being and how to factor that into your own well-being and also your team's.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • ...About Being, Doing & Having
    Jul 25 2023

    On this podcast, there are a lot of conversations about being! And also, the order in which we execute on our lives matters. Most of us live in reactive/doing mode a lot of the time. But if we start from being, then the way we do things, and the things we have from doing, can be so much more powerful! Join the conversation as we discuss the do/have/be model versus the be/do/have model and how incredible coming from being first can be!

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • ...About Results
    Jul 11 2023

    On this podcast, much of the conversation focuses on BEING even more than DOING. But doing is a huge part of being a leader who's also a human! On this episode, John and Lauren talk about combining the being and doing to take action and get results. And yes, it involves being brave enough to ask for help.

    Más Menos
    38 m