• Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    2 mins
  • S2E25: What Can I Do vs. What Can He Do?
    Dec 22 2023

    Knowing what we as men are called to do is a powerful realization, but one that also comes with a heavy responsibility; a responsibility to not run with what we know that He has gifted us with and then leave Him out of the picture. For many years, I asked God the wrong question. I was obsessed with what I could do for Him, rather than what He could do through me. 

    Take a step back and ask yourself, "Am I asking the right question?"

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    22 mins
  • S2M25: Let Him Do His Thing
    4 mins
  • S2E24: Judge Righteously
    Dec 15 2023

    One of the most common things we hear from the world is, "Christians aren't supposed to judge." That would be the end of the conversation if you don't know your Bible, but we do, so it's far from over.

    The concept of not judging anyone for anything couldn't be further from biblical truth. While it is true that we mustn't judge flippantly, we are still called to judge and weigh people based on their actions and deeds. It is our responsibility as believers to bring truth and justice into the world in love, and we can't do that if we never speak up or never hold anyone to His standards. 

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    23 mins
  • S2M24: Don't Judge?
    2 mins
  • S2E23: Peaceful Enemies
    Dec 8 2023

    Hidden among the many amazing blessings that Christ promised to those who accept Him is the unhappy promise that the world will hate us for our faith. "Hate" is a rather strong word and may seem extreme in this case, but that's the word He chose. 

    When the world treats us wrongly, it's not our place as Christians to act vengefully, while the Word is also clear that we don't tolerate evil. Where's the balance here? We must learn to live at peace with our enemies. This requires hating the evil in people's hearts while loving the people themselves, and to do that we must become peaceful enemies.

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    25 mins
  • S2M23: Life Would Be Great If It Weren't For People
    3 mins
  • S2E22: Natural Order Of The Home
    Dec 1 2023

    "Men and women can do whatever they want."
    "We're tired of men keeping us boxed in at home."
    "We're tired of women always expecting us to provide for them."

    Well, I'm tired of hearing how tired and wrong everybody else is. God has already established a natural order for what a household and a family should look like, and when we follow that order, everybody wins (and enjoys it, too). They don't have to be bad, restrictive things, but we have chosen to view them as such. He has left nothing to speculation regarding what a man's or woman's respective responsibilities are, and yet, even in the church, we continue to challenge Him.

    In this episode, the proper gender roles *gasp* are outlined and justified with the Bible.

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    38 mins