
  • EP 127: "After PITP, I now have exciting opportunities to advance my career as a dance artist" - Vikas Prajapat | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Vikas Prajapat joined Dual Course immediately after completing his 12th as he was excited to pursue the course. Vikas emphasizes the in-depth training he got to attend and important skills which he learnt through PITP. He highlights how PITP opened up his mind with multiple options which he can pursue as a Dance artist.

    Listen to the entire podcast to know the journey of Vikas Prajapat!

    (01:08) What made Vikas Prajapat join Dual Course at IDALS?

    (03:07) How has been his experience at IDALS?

    (03:47) What all important skills did Vikas get to learn in PITP?

    (05:40) How has been Vikas's dance training experience at IDALS?

    (06:32) How much confident Vikas has become after Dual Course?

    (07:11) How has been his parents reaction after seeing his growth at IDALS?

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    10 mins
  • EP 126: "I am extremely happy after pursuing Dual Course at IDALS" - Jatin Gupta | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Jatin Gupta is a young boy from Bihar who completed his Dual Course. He expresses his joy and happiness after completing Dual Course. Jatin is on cloud nine because what he learnt at IDALS was unexpected for him. Jatin highlights the kind of sessions he got to attend like Live Choreography class, Health & Nutrition, Career Counseling which are really important for a Dance artist. He explains how he regularly updates his training and growth to his family members and how they are supporting him now in his dancing journey.

    Listen to the full podcast to know the journey of Jatin Gupta!

    (00:11) Introduction of Jatin Gupta

    (01:08) How did Jatin get to know about IDALS & what motivated him to join Dual Course?

    (02:44) Did Jatin research & discuss about IDALS with his friend before joining our course?

    (03:29) How has been Jatin Gupta's journey at IDALS?

    (08:03) How was Jatin's experience in Live Choreography class?

    (09:37) What all important skills did Jatin get to learn in PITP?

    (12:14) How much growth is Jatin able to see in himself?

    (13:18) How has been Jatin's family reaction after seeing his growth at IDALS?

    (16:06) Jatin explaining the teaching methodology at IDALS

    (18:27) Jatin explaining about the sessions conducted on Career Counseling & Health and Nutrition

    (21:41) What suggestion would Jatin like to share to the inquiries who wants to join Dual Course but feel a doubt about it?

    (23:27) According to Jatin, how much important is Dual Course for the dancers of today's generation?

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    28 mins
  • EP 125: "You'll realize the wealth of important skills you gain at IDALS when you experience Dual Course" - Omkar Mutagekar | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Omkar Mutagekar hailing from the Belgaum district of Karnataka sharing his wonderful experience after completing Dual Course at IDALS. Omkar has been consistent with our training where he got to clear his foundations as a Dancer. He emphasizes how basics helped him to create a strong base for his dancing journey. Omkar also learnt many skills during his PITP internship where he worked relentlessly on all the tasks which were given to him. The growth shown by Omkar is truly outstanding.

    Listen to the full podcast to know the journey of Omkar Mutagekar!

    (00:12) Introduction of Omkar Mutagekar

    (01:13) How did Omkar get to know about Dual Course at IDALS?

    (03:07) Did Omkar do any research about Dual Course?

    (03:32) How has been Omkar's journey at IDALS?

    (04:55) What all important skills did Omkar get to learn in PITP?

    (06:12) How much of Omkar's problems get resolve after PITP?

    (07:13) How was Omkar's PADP experience & his views on the teaching methodology of IDALS?

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    14 mins
  • EP 124: "Instructors at IDALS are very much experienced & skillful as an artist" - Pankaj Dodish | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Pankaj Dodish, a talented dance artist from Gujarat joined Dual Course along with his friends Ashish & Narayan, explains how fascinated he was by the training methods provided at IDALS. Pankaj explains how he got to learn many concepts not only as a student but also as an Instructor. The knowledgeable sessions pursued by Pankaj provided him with massive amount of tools to scale his career as a Dance artist.

    Listen to the full podcast to know the journey of Pankaj Dodish!

    (00:14) Introduction of Pankaj Dodish

    (01:17) How did Pankaj get to know about IDALS & what encouraged him to join Dual Course?

    (04:29) What important skills did Pankaj get to learn in PADP & PITP?

    (06:00) How much growth is Pankaj able to see in his dancing skills?

    (08:54) According to Pankaj, how is the teaching methodology at IDALS?

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    13 mins
  • EP 123: "You will never get stuck in your career as a Dance artist because IDALS enables you to master essential skills" - Ashish Dalai | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Ashish Dalai from Gujarat who is currently pursuing Dual Course explains how his friends suggested him to join IDALS so that he could learn different ways through which he can upgrade his dancing skills and also, necessary skills to thrive in this field as a Dance artist. Ashish never expected that he would get to learn so many skills through PADP & PITP. In two months, Ashish has found himself to be more confident as a Dancer.

    Listen to the full podcast to know the journey of Ashish Dalai!

    (01:01) What convinced Ashish to join Dual Course at IDALS?

    (04:43) How has been Ashish's journey so far at IDALS?

    (06:03) What important skills did Ashish get to learn in PITP?

    (07:24) How did Ashish find the training methodology of IDALS?

    (10:17) According to Ashish, how Dual Course can be beneficial for the dancers of today's generation?

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    13 mins
  • EP 122: "During your training at IDALS, you will quickly realize the high priority placed on students" - Narayan Bisoyi | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Narayan Bisoyi, a fabulous dance artist from Gujarat joined Dual Course on recommendation of his friends. Narayan explains how he got to clear his concepts and mistakes which he was doing during his dancing journey. He also explains how PITP enabled him to be skillful as an artist and also, emphasizes on the importance of risk which you have to take when you learn something new in your life.

    Listen to the full podcast to know the journey of Narayan Bisoyi!

    (00:13) Introduction of Narayan Bisoyi

    (01:11) How did Narayan get to know about IDALS & what encouraged him to join Dual Course?

    (05:04) How has been Narayan's journey at IDALS?

    (06:53) Did Narayan ever expect that he would get to learn so many things in PITP?

    (09:03) How much growth is Narayan able to see in his dancing & other important skills?

    (10:23) Narayan explaining the teaching methodology of IDALS

    (13:16) According to Narayan, how much important is Dual Course for the dancers of today's generation?

    (17:10) What would Narayan like to advise to the inquiries who have a doubt related to Dual Course?

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    23 mins
  • EP 121: "IDALS doesn't train you to be a conditioned Dancer, they train you to fly as a Dance artist" - Sreyash Rai | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Here we present you with the story of Sreyash Rai from West Bengal who courageously opened about his problems he was going through in his life and how he chose Dance as a savior to come out of it. Sreyash explains how Dual Course helped him to push his limits & discover his true potential as an artist. He also emphasizes how training methodology at IDALS is prioritized on students & meant to develop you in every aspects so that you can learn to build a successful career as a Dance artist.

    Listen to the full podcast now to know the journey of Sreyash Rai!

    (00:17) Introduction of Sreyash Rai

    (01:19) How did Sreyash get to know about IDALS & what encouraged him to join Dual Course?

    (02:16) What convinced Sreyash during his research that he should join IDALS?

    (03:44) How has been Sreyash's journey so far at IDALS?

    (10:34) How did PADP & PITP helped Sreyash in nurturing his skills as a Dance artist?

    (17:54) What are Sreyash's views on the training methodology of IDALS?

    (23:16) According to Sreyash, how important is Dual Course for the dancers of today's generation?

    (25:32) Sreyash Rai emphasizing on the importance of Learning

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    33 mins
  • EP 120: "Listening to student podcasts motivated me to join Dual Course" - Anshu Samant | Unleashing Experiences
    Jun 4 2024
    Anshu Samant, a young passionate dancer from Jharkhand shares his training experience of Dual Course. Though Anshu had a doubt before joining our course but the journey at IDALS has made him extremely happy. He explains how students podcasts motivated him to join Dual Course. He emphasizes the important skills he got to learn during PITP and how it helped him in developing his skills more as an artist.

    Listen to the full podcast to know the journey of Anshu Samant!

    (00:11) Introduction of Anshu Samant

    (01:02) Why did Anshu feel the need to join IDALS?

    (02:12) How has been Anshu's journey at IDALS?

    (03:09) What all important skills did Anshu get to learn in PITP?

    (05:00) Anshu speaking about IDALS Instructors

    (06:30) How much growth is Anshu able to see in his dancing skills through PADP?

    (07:27) Anshu speaking about the teaching methodology at IDALS

    (08:47) How has been Anshu's parents reaction after seeing his growth at IDALS?

    (09:42) According to Anshu, how much important is Dual Course for the dancers of today's generation?

    (11:14) Anshu's clarity to the people who are in dilemma if they should join IDALS

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    13 mins