
  • Ep. 19 | Misconceptions of Servant Leadership
    Sep 3 2024

    What if true authority isn't something you command but something you earn? In today's episode, Norival and Daniel attempt to shatter the myths surrounding servant leadership, revealing how it empowers rather than diminishes. They share insights and real-life experiences that illustrate why servant leadership is not about being simply a doormat but rather a desire to foster and empower the ones you lead.

    They redefine leadership not as a position of power but as a role that inspires reverence and dedication through earned trust. We dive into how this approach catalyzes lasting impact, transforming communities and organizations from the ground up.

    Explore the delicate balance between humility and authority, emphasizing the continuous, daily effort required to maintain a servant-hearted approach.

    Today's Hosts:
    Daniel Drewski - ILI Interim President
    Dr. Norival Trindade - ILI Vice President of Training

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Ep. 18 | Redefining Success Through Servant Leadership
    Aug 28 2024

    Are you curious about how successful companies like Chick-fil-A embody servant leadership? We analyze their unique approach to treating employees and those we serve as valuable individuals with untapped potential. In this episode, we explore the biblical leadership triangle—spiritual leadership, transformational leadership, and servant leadership.

    Join Daniel and Norival as they share stories of goal-setting, team empowerment, and collective celebration of success. They tackle misconceptions about servant leadership, emphasizing its counter-cultural yet profoundly empowering nature. Join us for this eye-opening conversation that promises to reshape your understanding of leadership.

    Uncover the transformative power of serving others with love and recognizing the image of God in every individual.

    Today's Hosts:
    Daniel Drewski - ILI Interim President
    Dr. Norival Trindade - ILI Vice President of Training

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Ep. 17 | Avoiding Leadership Isolation
    Aug 20 2024

    Being a leader can feel like being alone on a deserted island. Many people do not understand the stress, fatigue, and sometimes pain a leader endures over time.

    Unfortunately, because of this, leaders often find themselves drifting toward isolation. They compromise their effectiveness as a leader and eventually compromise the health of their staff culture and, worse, themselves.

    In this episode, join Daniel and Dan as they explore the ways that leaders experience isolation and highlight the need for self-care to combat isolation and maintain effective support for your team, particularly in education, an

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Ep. 16 | Finishing Well
    Aug 13 2024

    Finishing well is something that should be on our minds from the beginning of our Christian walk and become a more prominent goal with each passing year. Many have started well, but not all have finished well. How glorious it is to sprint to the finish line and hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

    To finish well, it is crucial to maintain integrity, passion, and spiritual growth. Never stop growing in your intimacy with God, never cease to be an accountable and transparent person of integrity, and never lose your passion to be used by God.

    We cannot decide to finish well just when the finish line is within sight.

    God looks for men and women of integrity who live holy lives and who are accountable to God and to the Body of Christ. Integrity glorifies God, protects leaders from stumbling, and encourages growth.

    Join Daniel and Norival as they discuss how leaders are always at their best when they lead and live a life of integrity through finding community, accountability, evaluation, asking tough questions, and ultimately doing everything for the glory of God.

    Today's Hosts:
    Daniel Drewski - ILI Interim President
    Dr. Norival Trindade - ILI Vice President of Training

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Ep. 15 | Finding the Courage To Lead
    Jul 30 2024

    Growth usually takes place in the midst of tension. It's in these moments leaders have to find the courage to lead and take action towards the vision God has given them.

    One of the greatest leadership lessons from the Bible comes to us from the book of Joshua. Here, God gives both commands and promises to Joshua and his people. Because of this, Joshua is to boldly step into this role.

    When we find ourselves in the wilderness, we have to remember that our resiliency requires repetition. Over and over God tells him, “Be strong and courageous.” Yet, the task might be difficult, but he will provide for him. This is Joshua’s command, to lead his nation. But he isn’t to do it alone. God makes clear that He will be with him every step of way. It is critical to remember as leaders, the victory is God's responsibility through our obedience to lead.

    Join Daniel and Dan as they discuss how we can discover the courage to lead and the resiliency to continue our call to make an impact for the Great Commission.

    Today's Hosts:
    Dr. Dan Slagle - ILI International Director | South Asia
    Daniel Drewski - ILI Interim President

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Ep. 14 | Better Leadership Through Delegation
    Jul 23 2024

    If you ask any leader what they need the most, they may tell you more time. Let's face it. Leaders are busy. You can't create more time in your day, but you can find ways to steward your time better through delegation.

    Delegation: Taking the decision-making authority, knowledge, and skill, pushing it down the line of leadership and influence, and putting it in the hands of someone else—and allowing them the authority and resources to make that decision and complete the task.

    Delegation is a challenge. What to delegate, to whom, and even how early should delegate tasks are all questions that quickly arise.

    More importantly, there is a problem with how leaders think of delegation. Some leaders think delegation is taking things off their to-do list and passing them on to someone else while controlling the person and the process along the way.

    Join Daniel and Norival as they discuss how delegation can be most effective in the life of your leadership.

    As we learn to better define delegation, we begin to be a better leader and better stewards of the calling that God has truly given us.

    Today's Hosts:
    Daniel Drewski - ILI Interim President
    Dr. Norival Trindade - ILI Vice President of Training

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Ep. 13 | Multiplying Your Movement through Mobilization
    Jul 9 2024

    Mobilization occurs when a leader with a God-given vision involves Christians at every level, generating a movement that ultimately leads to the accomplishment of Kingdom goals. A movement has life and will exist as long as the vision is essential or important enough that people are motivated regardless of the cost.

    Join Shannon and Jerry as they talk through insights and stories that focus on rallying men and women around a common goal to further the movement of your mission and vision.

    Today's Hosts:
    Shannon Jackson - ILI Church Partnership Coordinator
    Jerry Anze - ILI Online Training and Mobilization

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Ep. 12 | Having a Strategic Mindset
    Jul 2 2024

    Having a strategic mindset is key to approaching problems and decisions that involve considering multiple factors and potential outcomes. Leaders who have a process for analyzing complex situations can make informed choices and create strategies to guide organizations toward their goals.

    Join Katie and Norival as they discuss three ways your mindset needs to change to help you become a better leader.

    Today's Hosts:
    Katie Bennett - ILI Communications Director for Training
    Dr. Norival Trindade - ILI Vice President of Training

    When you begin ILI training, you will discover how the Eight Core Values will lead to the Seven Outcomes in your life and the lives of those you lead. Join a community of leaders who are ready to change history and make an impact in this world. Discover more at ILITeam.org/connect.

    Más Menos
    24 m