• July 20, 2024: Walking in Divine Love and Heavenly Assurance
    Jul 19 2024

    My dear children, you are my beloved. I am with you at all times, accompanying you. Everything you say, I listen to, and respond to in various ways. Regardless of the path that lies before you, I walk with you, being your constant help. You rely on the God who created the heavens and the earth, and there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

    Furthermore, I love you steadfastly, surpassing all others. No one is with you at all times as I am. What you receive in Jesus Christ is precious, coming to me and becoming my treasured children. I reveal all things to you in the depths of your heart. It is not some strange thought, but my mind, thoughts, and feelings within you, drawing you closer to me and allowing you to grow fully into a heavenly life without any barrier between us. Through the work of the Holy Spirit in you, your thoughts and ideas align with mine. Everything you do with your hands and say with your mouth reveals my will here on earth.

    You do not receive commands for every action you take, for within you is not the life of a servant but the life of my children. Your value is not based on work; only servants measure their worth by their labor. But you, through Jesus Christ, have become my children. Your position is unshakable, firm and unchanging because it is what Jesus Christ has accomplished for you.

    No matter your circumstances, just turn back to me, and I will accept you; I will never forsake you. My dear children, you rely on the one who loves you steadfastly and is full of patience. Come to me confidently, without self-condemnation, for you know that through Jesus Christ, you come to me holy and blameless. Seeing the wonderful things Jesus has done for you, you resolve to manifest the heavenly life within you. On this earth, you reject your own ideas and all earthly values.

    Everything you do is prompted by the Holy Spirit revealing it in your heart. You choose it and then act upon it; when you go forth, you do so with great power. Even when the Holy Spirit does not reveal specifics, you still know how to act, manifesting heavenly values on earth. It is like knowing a friend well; the longer you know them, the better you can understand their thoughts. This is how you come to know me. I am open to you, without reservation. I am also upright and unchanging, making me easier to know than anyone else.

    My children, although you do not see me, you can know me more deeply than anyone you can see. Through knowing me, your faith is strengthened. In all circumstances, you firmly believe in my goodness, trust in my control over all things, and remain steadfast and hopeful. You act according to my will. Everything you do reveals heavenly values on this earth. Your testimony is true because the Holy Spirit, who created the heavens and the earth, lives within you. Moreover, Jesus Christ intercedes for you from the heavens constantly.

    Follow me confidently and without hesitation. Do not fear lack or hardship, for you know the one who helps you is greater than all things. He will watch over your steps and ensure your peace.

    Note: The transcript below may not perfectly match the audio content, but it closely reflects the original Chinese recording.

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    5 mins
  • July 19, 2024: Manifesting Christ's Love and Heavenly Abundance
    Jul 18 2024

    My dear children, you will surely see My works manifest across the whole earth, drawing all nations toward Me. Everything that people rely on in this world will crumble, but this is in accordance with My will, for I want them to come out of this world and turn to heaven. I do not desire that they perish along with the world.

    You are to be examples, so that when people see you, it is as if they see Jesus Christ, for all heavenly qualities are revealed through you. You have come to know Jesus Christ and all heavenly values in advance, and your testimony is true. Everything you do is inspired by the Holy Spirit within your hearts. You go out in love, not seeking your own honor, but selflessly loving others.

    Everything you do, I will assist you and strengthen you in all matters. You move away from your own ideas and turn to heaven, no longer seeking your own wills or acting out of your own wisdom and skills, but realizing your own helplessness. In your humility, you come to rely on Me, and in doing so, you become greatly useful, for it is not by your own strength that you act, but by the mighty power that created heaven and earth within you, enabling you to accomplish everything abundantly and in peace.

    You who forsake things for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven are blessed, for you will lack nothing and, moreover, gain much more. What you receive is meant to be shared with others, showcasing the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven amidst the people. Giving out of love, you do not measure your gains and losses before others. The blessings you receive in Jesus Christ are real and surpass visible wealth, for human wealth is limited, and a person will be caught in its snares. However, you, being heavenly-minded, lack nothing in your hands, and everything is sufficient with more being added unto you.

    Everything you do is for the Kingdom of Heaven and not for your own benefit. What you do is what I do; what you speak is what I speak, for the heavenly life within you clearly reveals My will. You align with the Holy Spirit because the heavenly life delights in heavenly matters.

    My dear children, you will see how great and abundant are the works that Jesus Christ has accomplished for you. The more you act, the more the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven becomes evident. Your foundation for conduct is no longer based on earthly values but on a heavenly perspective bestowed upon you.

    My dear children, you have stored up much treasure in heaven, by walking daily with Jesus Christ. Everything you do is remembered; none of your deeds fall into oblivion. On the great day of judgment, you will stand firm without fault. On this earth, you do not glorify yourselves but remain humble, drawing near to all people. You are holy, and it is because of your holiness that you go further into the midst of the people to serve all in love. Unlike earthly individuals who see themselves as superior and create barriers, you act with humility and openness.

    My dear children, what you have received is the life of the body of Jesus. This life of the body is connected and united, manifesting through love.

    Note: The transcript below may not perfectly match the audio content, but it closely reflects the original Chinese recording.

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    5 mins
  • July 18, 2024: The Path of Peace and Heavenly Values
    Jul 17 2024

    My dear children, you will surely see My works. Throughout your lives, I help you, protect you, and give you a path of peace. You do not seek what others on earth crave because of the heavenly life that resides within you. You look towards heaven and see your future hope, which is real and beautiful. Your hearts will yearn for this, desiring that My will be manifested on earth. You will see and together with Me, accomplish many wonderful things.

    Though there are many things you do not understand, you courageously follow because of your faith in Jesus Christ. You step out in faith, and your steps are secure. You seek My will and you will find it. As you act by faith, you will understand that I rule over everything and it is I who guard your steps, not relying on human wisdom to watch over your path.

    My dear children, come to Me and seek My will. I will remove whatever may cause you to stumble. The path you take towards Me will be one of peace. I will open doors for you and come out to welcome you. Your trust is in the God who created the heavens and the earth, who loves you steadfastly and whose love for you will never change. No matter your circumstances, as long as you turn to Me, I will continually receive you.

    My children, your hearts will be completely transformed, no longer walking the former paths but resolving to live out the life of Jesus Christ within you from now on. Everything you do will have heavenly value because these things are not accomplished by human wisdom but are revealed by the Holy Spirit in your hearts. When you understand, you follow, even if you do not know what lies ahead; you obey the Holy Spirit's will.

    My children, you do not judge heavenly matters based on your earthly perspective because the heavenly is vastly different from the earthly. Heavenly values are not earthly values. Be cautious in your hearts, follow Jesus Christ, and take Him as your example. This is obedience; this is love, revealed through your lives.

    My dear children, you accomplish all things not by your own strength but through the strength added to you from heaven. You will experience this daily and see that your help is right beside you, unwaveringly supporting you. Just pray and ask, and I will listen and respond to you in various ways. You will grow into lives fully dependent on Me. Through your participation and My accomplishments, we will perform many wonderful deeds together. This is My will, manifested through you on earth. You will also testify to Jesus Christ with your lives. Your testimony is true because what you live out is the heavenly glory within you.

    My children, selflessly loving others is the heavenly way. Earthly people do not appreciate it; they understand but do not act because they see no glory in it. But you act not because you choose a difficult path but because you see yourselves as abundant and overflowing in Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus Christ, who delights in you, you do what pleases Me. This is the nature of Jesus Christ, revealed through you on this earth.

    Note: The transcript below may not perfectly match the audio content, but it closely reflects the original Chinese recording.

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    5 mins