
  • The Elephant in the Room Pt. 2
    Feb 1 2023
    3 Million women are diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD). 1 in 9 moms suffer from PPD. Help us bring awareness to the trials so many of our moms face on a day to day basis. Join the conversation with your host Kisha Chanelle as she talks with Christina Mendoza, a mother eager to share her story and help women all around the world.

    All information can be found at this link HERE. Sources for this conversation are listed below.

    Join the conversation!

    Like, share and follow Kisha Chanelle on instagram by clicking HERE .
    Follow the show on Instagram HERE.

    Join my patreon HERE.
    Get to know Christina Mendoza on Instagram

    If you are enjoying this podcast please follow the show, share the show, and remember to leave a review.

    For more information about postpartum depression, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662.

    Source Notes
    Ko, J.Y., Rockhill, K.M., Tong, V.T., Morrow, B., Farr, S.L. (2017).
    Trends in PostpartumDepressive Symptoms — 27 States, 2004, 2008, and 2012
    ; 66: 153–158.2.
    Schiller, C.E., Meltzer-Brody, S., Rubinow, D.R. (2014).
    The Role of ReproductiveHormones in Postpartum Depression
    CNS Spectrums
    ; 20(1): 48–59.3.
    Sit, D.K., Wisner, K.L. (2009).
    The Identifi cation of Postpartum Depression
    ClinicalObstetrics and Gynecology
    ; 52(3): 456–468.4.
    U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2016).
    Depression in Adults: Screening
    Alhusen, J.L., Alvarez, C. (2016).
    Perinatal depression
    The Nurse Practitioner
    ; 41(5): 50–55.6.
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2019).
    FDA approves fi rst treatment for post-partum depression
    Stein, A., Perason, R.M., Goodman, S.H., Rapa, E., Rahman, A., McCallum, M., et al.(2014).
    Effects of perinatal mental disorders on the fetus and child
    ;384(9956): 1800–1819.8.
    Surkan, P.J., Ettinger, A.K., Hock, R.S., Ahmed, S., Strobino, D.M., Minkovitz, C.S. (2014).
    Early maternal depressive symptoms and child growth trajectories: a longitudinalanalysis of a nationally representative US birth cohort
    BMC Pediatrics
    ; 14: 185.9.
    Benton, P.M., Skouteris, H., Hayden, M. (2015).
    Does maternal psychopathologyincrease the risk of pre-schooler obesity? A systematic review
    ; 87(1): 259–282.10.
    Korhonen, M., Luoma, I., Salmelin, R., Tamminen, T. (2014).
    Maternal depressivesymptoms: Associations with adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problemsand social competence
    Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
    ; 68(5): 323–332.
    Más Menos
    32 m
  • The Elephant In the Room Pt. 1
    Jan 25 2023
    3 Million women are diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD). 1 in 9 moms suffer from PPD. Help us bring awareness to the trials so many of our moms face on a day to day basis. Join the conversation with your host Kisha Chanelle as she talks with Christina Mendoza, a mother eager to share her story and help women all around the world.

    All information can be found at this link HERE. Sources for this conversation are listed below.

    Join the conversation!

    Like, share and follow Kisha Chanelle on instagram by clicking HERE .
    Follow the show on Instagram HERE.

    Join my patreon HERE.
    Get to know Christina Mendoza on Instagram

    If you are enjoying this podcast please follow the show, share the show, and remember to leave a review.

    For more information about postpartum depression, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662.

    Source Notes
    Ko, J.Y., Rockhill, K.M., Tong, V.T., Morrow, B., Farr, S.L. (2017).
    Trends in PostpartumDepressive Symptoms — 27 States, 2004, 2008, and 2012
    ; 66: 153–158.2.
    Schiller, C.E., Meltzer-Brody, S., Rubinow, D.R. (2014).
    The Role of ReproductiveHormones in Postpartum Depression
    CNS Spectrums
    ; 20(1): 48–59.3.
    Sit, D.K., Wisner, K.L. (2009).
    The Identifi cation of Postpartum Depression
    ClinicalObstetrics and Gynecology
    ; 52(3): 456–468.4.
    U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2016).
    Depression in Adults: Screening
    Alhusen, J.L., Alvarez, C. (2016).
    Perinatal depression
    The Nurse Practitioner
    ; 41(5): 50–55.6.
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2019).
    FDA approves fi rst treatment for post-partum depression
    Stein, A., Perason, R.M., Goodman, S.H., Rapa, E., Rahman, A., McCallum, M., et al.(2014).
    Effects of perinatal mental disorders on the fetus and child
    ;384(9956): 1800–1819.8.
    Surkan, P.J., Ettinger, A.K., Hock, R.S., Ahmed, S., Strobino, D.M., Minkovitz, C.S. (2014).
    Early maternal depressive symptoms and child growth trajectories: a longitudinalanalysis of a nationally representative US birth cohort
    BMC Pediatrics
    ; 14: 185.9.
    Benton, P.M., Skouteris, H., Hayden, M. (2015).
    Does maternal psychopathologyincrease the risk of pre-schooler obesity? A systematic review
    ; 87(1): 259–282.10.
    Korhonen, M., Luoma, I., Salmelin, R., Tamminen, T. (2014).
    Maternal depressivesymptoms: Associations with adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problemsand social competence
    Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
    ; 68(5): 323–332.
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Straight out the Hood, Motherhood That is
    Jan 18 2023
    Enjoy this fun conversation about motherhood and how one mother had to start over after 17 years. We often as mothers, put everyones needs before our own. It's so common because instinctively we have a job tod do. Shamica B joins the conversation and discusses, how she had to adjust to a newborn after 17 years, how she loves her children individually, and what it would look like for her if she prioritized herself.

    The big picture is that we can all relate to being a mother and not feeling worthy of the me time we deserve! We hope you enjoy!

    Join the conversation!

    Like, share and follow Kisha Chanelle on instagram by clicking HERE .
    Follow the show on Instagram HERE.

    Join my patreon HERE.
    Get to know Shamica B on Instagram

    If you are enjoying this podcast please follow the show, share the show, and remember to leave a review.
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Boy Meets World
    Jan 11 2023
    Too often our children are forced to grow up without male influence. Whether it be by choice of a parent or by circumstance we need to start being intentional about allowing our child to have both parents around.

    Join me as I converse with Bo Smitty about fatherhood, being a man, and relationship dynamics. This conversation just scratches the surface as we need to have these conversations to better understand and make necessary changes to break stereotypes and stigmas.

    Join the conversation!

    Like, share and follow Kisha Chanelle on instagram by clicking HERE .
    Follow the show on Instagram HERE.

    Join my patreon HERE.
    Get to know Bo Smitty on Instagram

    If you are enjoying this podcast please follow the show, share the show, and remember to leave a review.
    Más Menos
    49 m
  • The Balancing Act
    Jan 4 2023
    With the new year upon us, striving for a balnced life should be paramount. Whether you are a single mother, single father, married, divorced or playing the field, balance looks and feels different for us all. Listen in on the questions I ask about balancing work, life, and family and the answers I received from individuals just like you!

    Join the conversation!

    Like, share and follow Kisha Chanelle on instagram by clicking HERE .

    Join my patreon HERE
    Más Menos
    43 m
  • 4 Elements to Starting Over
    Dec 21 2022
    Starting over is never easy. Begining a new journey is never easy. When it comes to makeing life changes these four things come to mind in order to have success at the end of the tunnel. Whether you are transitioning jobs, locations, or in/out of relationships these four elements with help you feel better prepared to takle any obstacle head on.

    Join the conversation!

    Like, share and follow Kisha Chanelle on instagram by clicking HERE .

    Join my patreon HERE
    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Finding Me
    Dec 14 2022
    Finding myself is a never ending journey! It's not a perfect journey however, it is my own. Realizing I had been complicit in the way I was being treated really was an eye opener. I then decided to make a change. This made it easier to accept myself, move on, and begin growing. Where are you at in your journey? Share your thoughts with me as I unpack all season with some of the most important women close to me.

    P.S. audio is a work in progress :)
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • If Anything, I'm Everything: Trailer
    Dec 6 2022
    Welcome to "If Anything, I'm Everything!" Join host Kisha Chanelle as she delves into real conversations about relationships, growing through past traumas, accountability, having a growth mindset, and being intentional. As a single mother of two her journey has brought her to a place where she wants to share and help elevate women who just want better or more out of life. Will you be a part of the conversation?
    Más Menos
    2 m