• Longevity in Kidmin with Eric Stephens
    Apr 22 2024

    Many children's pastors struggle to continue serving in children's ministry. Pastor Eric Stephens and Pastor Tamera Kraft have both been in children's ministry a long time and share their stuggles along the way and what kept them going.

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    42 mins
  • Kids in Ministry with Chris Taylor
    Feb 15 2024

    Pastor Chris Taylor, children's pastor of South Cleveland Church of God in Cleveland, TN joins Pastor Tamera Kraft in a discussion about Kids in Ministry.

    Revival Fire for Kids Website

    FOCUS Children's Ministry Conference

    Ignite Kidmin

    Building Foundations Children's Church Curriculum

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    47 mins
  • Interview with Pastor Lynn Swank about the FOCUS Kidmin Conference
    Feb 2 2024

    Conference Website: https://www.cogyd.org/focus

    Revival Fire for Kids Website: https://www.revivalfire4kids.com

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    30 mins
  • How Revival Fire for Kids Can Help Your Kidmin
    Jan 26 2024

    You can find out more info on www.revivalfire4kids.com.


    Revival Fire for Kids purpose is to equip children’s pastors and leaders to lead children into revival and a radical relationship with Jesus!

    That is our passion, and we minister in a number of ways. One way is to go to your church. We can set up a kid’s crusade, children’s revival, or VBS for your church. We require only travel expense and a love offering so even small churches can afford us. In past revivals, we’ve had countless children give their lives to Jesus. There has also been many children who were filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and many children and adults have been healed of various diseases. God has moved in such powerful ways that revival has broken out in most churches we’ve gone to. Even non-Pentecostal churches have experience a great move of God among their children.

    We also go to churches and help kidmin leadership by doing teacher training and children’s ministry consultation to help you get your kidmin to the next level. Another way we support children’s leaders is through Ignite Kidmin.

    Ignite Kidmin equips children’s pastors, leaders, and ministry teams through:

    • Monthly Zoom Kidmin meetings
    • One-on-one brainstorming sessions
    • FREE and discounted Resources and Building Foundations Curriculum
    • Teacher training for your team
    • Online Bible studies
    • Organization helps
    • And More!

    Memberships start at $5 a month. You receive more perks depending on your membership level. And the first month is free with no obligation. You can cancel at any time.

    We also write Building Pentecostal Foundations Children’s Church Curriculum. The curriculum teaches Pentecostal foundations. It goes deep into the faith in a way children can understand in a way that emphasizes a relationship with God over head knowledge. Here’s a list of quarterly curriculum we have so far.

    The Jouney covers salvation with the Roman’s Road, the Bible as a guide for life, and living the Christian life.

    Building a place for God’s Glory uses the Tabernacle of Moses as a pattern for revival and coming into the presence of God.

    Power Tools covers Prayer Power, Worship Power, and Holy Spirit Power.

    Building a Fortress in God teaches about spiritual warfare. Although it teaches about the armor of God, it goes much deeper and talks about the inner witness, why we don’t have to fear, our victory in Christ, and the danger of opening doors to the demonic.

    Each curriculum is available in PDF and paperback and comes with downloadable media resources. Some of the quarterly curriculum is also divided into 4-5 week sessions for flexibility.

    Of course we also have podcasts, YouTube videos, newsletters, and blog posts available. You can find all of the resources we offer at www.revivalfire4kids.com. You can also email me at any time if you have a question. My email is listed on the contact page of the website.

    One decision we’ve made about Revival Fire for Kids is to do one podcast of blog post each week starting now that will post on Fridays. Please subscribe to our podcast, newsletter, website, and YouTube channel so you won’t miss a thing. I hope this podcast has been helpful. We are here for you.

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    8 mins
  • Building Foundations Curriculum: POWER TOOLS
    Dec 5 2022

    To support Ignite Kidmin and gain lots of free resources, subscribe at this link.

    To learn more about Revival Fire for Kids Ministry or to schedule an event, check out our website at this link.

    To purchase Revival Fire for Kids BUILDING PENTECOSTAL FOUNDATIONS children's church curriculum, click this link.

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    23 mins
  • Building Foundations Curriculum: BUILDING A PLACE FOR GOD’S GLORY
    Nov 21 2022

    To support Ignite Kidmin and gain lots of free resources, subscribe at this link.

    To learn more about Revival Fire for Kids Ministry or to schedule an event, check out our website at this link.

    To purchase Revival Fire for Kids BUILDING PENTECOSTAL FOUNDATIONS children's church curriculum, click this link.

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    21 mins
  • Building Foundations Curriculum - THE JOURNEY
    Nov 7 2022

    To support Ignite Kidmin and gain lots of free resources, subscribe at this link.

    To learn more about Revival Fire for Kids Ministry or to schedule an event, check out our website at this link.

    To purchase Revival Fire for Kids BUILDING PENTECOSTAL FOUNDATIONS children's church curriculum, click this link.

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    28 mins
  • Building Foundations Curriculum: The Christmas Tree Advent
    Oct 24 2022
    To support Ignite Kidmin and gain lots of free resources, subscribe at this link. To learn more about Revival Fire for Kids Ministry or to schedule an event, check out our website at this link. To purchase Revival Fire for Kids BUILDING PENTECOSTAL FOUNDATIONS children's church curriculum, click this link. Transcript: Hi, this is Pastor Tamera Kraft for the next few weeks. I'm going to share excerpts of a podcast site interview I did with my publishing company about my curriculum, Building Pentecostal Foundations. Today's curriculum is The Christmas Tree Advent. If you would like to buy The Christmas Tree Advent, I'm going to give you a code to get 20% off until the end of November. The code is CHRISTMAS1 (all caps) Michelle: This is Michelle Levigne, Tamera: and this is Tamera Lynn Kraft. Michelle: This week, and for the next several episodes of Books on the Ridge, I'm going to be flying solo because our special guest to be interviewed is none other than our beloved Tamera Kraft, fellow guilty party at Mount Zion Ridge Press. We're going to be talking to Tamera from the other side of the desk as an author of children curriculum. Welcome, Tamera. Tamera: I'm so excited to be on this podcast. It's just a dream come true. Michelle: OK, let's get started. Tamera’s biography: Pastor Tamera Kraft has been a children's pastor for over 30 years. She's the director of a ministry called Revival Fire for Kids where she mentors other children leaders, teaches workshops, and is a children's ministry consultant, and children revivalist. She's a recipient of the 2007 National Children’s Leaders Association Shephard’s Cup for Lifetime Achievement in Children's Ministry. Tamera hosts a children's ministry podcast called ignite Kidman available on most podcast providers and provides coaching and resources for ignite Kidman patron subscribers. Find out more about this at http://revivalfire4kids.net/ignite. In this first episode, we're going to be talking about Tamera's newest curriculum, The Christmas Tree Advent. Maybe we should back up a little bit. Tell us a little bit about Building Foundations Curriculum. Why did you decide we needed another children's church curriculum, and how has Building Foundations different from the others. Tamera: Most curriculum nowadays is either behavior modification or let's go to Disneyland in children's church because it's more one-size-fits-all. It fits whatever denomination, whatever belief, whatever doctrine you have so, basically, what they do is they water things down and teach kids how to be good. They don't really teach kids how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. My building foundations curriculum was written because I don't adhere to that, and I never have. We teach discipleship and doctrinal foundations, and because I am Pentecostal, I also emphasize the presence of God and the relationship with God, not head knowledge. I create the curriculum to fit Pentecostal services which sometimes are longer than the average evangelical church service. Michelle: You mentioned not being Disney. What exactly do you mean by Disney. I can imagine considering how Disney is changing things like the Marvel Universe, but what do you what do you mean by not Disney. Tamera: Sam Luce who is a children's ministry Blogger summed it up really well. Basically, the mentality of church nowadays is we have to bring kids in, and we have to make sure they have fun so they want to come back. So we do things big and over the top like Disney does. That's what I mean by Disney, not the bad stuff even about Disney, but the over the top stuff. We want to make things over the top so kids will have fun, and basically, the only thing they learn by the time they're 12 and get out of church is God loves them. Truthfully, they should know God loves them when they get out of the preschool department. Children Church as a time to learn doctrinal truths that go deeper in their faith. What they're doing is creating an illiterate group of children. When they graduate from children church, all they know is a few Bible stories like Noah's ark and Jonah and the Whale, and maybe David and Goliath. Michelle: Absolutely, they need to be able to apply the things that they're going to need. When you and I were in high school. we learned things like that, and we should have been prepared for when we went to college because we're going to be attacked in college our beliefs. We're going to be attacked if we didn't go to a Christian School. The kids are getting their beliefs attacked in elementary school now. It's absolutely necessary, and unfortunately, we can't depend on the parents to teach the kids because the parents might not know the basic foundations. They’re depending on the Sunday School to teach them the foundations. Tamera: If all they know is that God loves them, they're going to be hurting when people say, “Well, God loves me too even though I'm not following Him, even though I haven't given my life to ...
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    26 mins