• Alphas, Betas and the Patriarchy
    Oct 8 2023

    Today, we are talking about how patriarchy keeps men struck. We use a song from Drake's new album for all the dogs. In the song, Drake takes a shot at the singer Rihanna.

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    39 mins
  • Pay it like an equal!! Why are some women upset with Halle Berry divorce settlement
    Aug 29 2023
    This week, we discuss why some people are upset about the recent divorce settlement between Ms. Halle Berry and her ex, Olivier Martinez. We talk about how this settlement represents true parity between the sexes. It shows women can command more money in the marketplace than their significant other. This should be a win for feminism. Then why is there such a pushback? Why are so many women vilifying men for seeking the same protection given to lesser-earning spouses for years? Why the outrage. Is it because men are always considered the provider, even when they make less. And is that fair?
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    39 mins
  • The Gift of Community- Benefit of Male Gathering
    Aug 16 2023

    In this episode, I discuss with Jermail. Shelton, the benefit of creating male spaces in our community. Jermail and his wife, Brandi, are the owner of "Just Add Honey Tea Company," and he is also President and one of the founders of Undugu, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that focuses on men's health.

    Jermail and I talk about how men need space to discuss the many challenges they face daily. We talk about how men have been conditioned to stay silent and "man up" when facing life struggles. Join us for a lively and affirming conversation.




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    57 mins
  • Out of the Wilderness
    Aug 4 2023

    Currently, there have been a few articles that have discussed the current male crisis. Other than highlighting the issues, none provide a solution to this problem. These commenters only point out the divide between the political right and left.

    In this episode, I discuss how using the strategies employed by the feminist movement can be used by men to change the way men's roles are seen. Just as feminist leaders challenged and altered women's roles in modern society, discarding outdated sexist thinking, men need to be liberated from those roles.

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    31 mins
  • The Darrius Jackson Dilemma
    Jul 9 2023

    What does the Darruis Jackson and KeKe Palmer controversy tell us about Masculinity and the problems of patriarchy? I believe that much of the commentary surrounding Mr. Jackson seems to enforce some of the issues that feminists like bell hooks discussing for years.

    Let's Discuss


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    40 mins
  • To the Patriarch Goes the Spoils
    Jul 6 2023

    Hi, I am your host Wesley Person. After listening to a podcast with Eboni K Williams and another female correspondent talking about how men want their wives or girlfriends to go 50-50 on the house expenses, I was left with the question, do modern women long to return to the patriarchy?

    We are to discuss that exact position and how that effect the re-imagining of masculinity.

    https://youtube.com/shorts/fs5kTA5BFR8?feature=share Ms. Williams is talking about Gabriel Union and D Wade.

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    32 mins
  • Breaking the Myth:Debunking the Alpha Male Myth
    Jun 28 2023

    Welcome to today's thought-provoking episode of  In Search of ManHOOD ." I'm your host, Wesley Person, and in this installment, we delve into the fascinating topic of the Alpha Male myth. Join me as I challenge conventional wisdom, explore the complexities of dominance and leadership, and uncover the truth behind this widely misunderstood concept.

    In this episode, we discuss the concept of the Alpha Male by examining the thoughts of Primatologist Frans De Waals. Dr. De Waals popularized the term “alpha male” in his groundbreaking book “Chimpanzee Politics," where he studied how chimps' social and political structure is much like ours. In a discussion on the Big Think Youtube channel, he discussed how the term is misused and how the alpha male depends more on empathy than brute strength. Dr. De Waals has dedicated his career to studying primate behavior and the social dynamics of chimps and apes. Using his understanding of how alpha males govern, I’ll dissect the Alpha Male myth, examining its historical context, misinterpretations, and the harm it perpetuates in society. I aim to shed light on a subject with long-clouded stereotypes and misconceptions.


    During this episode, I challenge the simplistic view of dominance and explore the multifaceted nature of social hierarchies in animal groups, including primates. I discuss Dr. Waals's insight from his extensive research on cooperative behaviors, social bonds, and the role of collaboration in thriving communities. We discuss the limitations of dominance-based frameworks and the importance of recognizing the value of empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligence.


    Shifting our focus to human society, we examine how the Alpha Male myth has influenced cultural norms, gender expectations, and interpersonal relationships. We explore the consequences of perpetuating a narrow definition of masculinity and its harmful effects on individuals, families, and broader societal structures. Through this analysis, I plan to start a conversation to foster a more inclusive and nuanced understanding of what it means to be a leader or exhibit strength. 

    By engaging in a constructive dialogue about redefining masculinity and leadership more inclusively and equitably, I hope to inspire examples of leadership styles prioritizing collaboration, empathy, and dismantling power imbalances. I also discuss the importance of fostering healthy role models and supporting positive masculinity as we strive for a more progressive society.

    Thank you for listening, and please like and share this podcast. Also, please comment; it helps us know what we are doing right and what we could do better.


    Thank You


    Big Think: The 'alpha male' myth debunked ⁠https://youtu.be/inx2dMobzYs⁠

    Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex among Apes ⁠https://a.co/d/8ar5IUB⁠

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    29 mins
  • Episode One- Why I'm having this discussion
    Jun 20 2023

    What makes a man a man? It sounds like a crazy question, but for the last 50 or so years, the things that were used to describe a man as changed. The women's movement has ushered massive changes in society. Women have moved from traditional roles to being the breadwinners, while men have taken a step back. Women can be whatever they want. There are no limits, yet men's roles as protectors/providers have been usurped with no replacement. In this episode, we asked the question: how do we redefine what it means to be a man in a post-feminist world, specifically what it means for Black men, a group that has struggled with the concept of being a man since our arrival in this country,

    This is the first episode about modern manhood and how we need to reimage what it means to be a man. I want to have this talk after reading " Will to Change" by bell hooks and " Of Boys to Men: Why the Modern Man is Struggling." by Richard Reeves. Both books called for more attention to the plight of the modern male. This podcast will explore some of the issues facing men and some solutions that could address the problems.

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    24 mins