• Balak: Grey Areas
    Jul 19 2024

    We are obligated to uphold the black-and-white aspects, but it is our adherence to the grey areas that will elevate us to a whole new level.

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    11 mins
  • Chukas: Getting Rocked
    Jul 12 2024

    The Cheit Mei Merivah serves as a reminder of how we approach and deal with the 'rocks' in our lives. It teaches us about the importance of faith, patience, and adherence to divine instructions when faced with challenges and obstacles. Just as Moses was instructed to speak to the rock rather than strike it, we are reminded to approach our difficulties with calmness, faith, and trust in a higher power, rather than reacting with frustration or force.

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    14 mins
  • Korach: Grand or Not, We Must Grind
    Jul 5 2024

    Moshe’s chastisement of Korach, using the phrase המעט מכם—“Is it too little from you?”—was not a grammatical error but a profound, penetrating statement. It strikes at the core of anyone who doubts the potency of their own avodah. He emphasized that wherever Hashem has placed us, whatever situation we find ourselves in, is ideal. From that very place, we are meant to serve Him.

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    15 mins
  • Shelach: Game Over from Overexertion
    Jun 28 2024

    The lesson of the Chet HaMeraglim reminds us to think twice before jumping into the driver’s seat and shifting to drive, as the repercussions aren't worth the price.

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    15 mins
  • Beha'aloscha: Flickering Flames of Influence
    Jun 21 2024

    The menorah serves as a reminder that every Jewish individual is a luminous light unto themselves, yet they also flicker and illuminate for those around them.

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    14 mins
  • Shavuos: A limping Nation
    Jun 11 2024

    The story of Rav Mendel of Viznitz and Rivka, who brought him tea while he was in exile, can serve as a parallel to our current situation and our relationship with Avinu Malkeinu and His Torah.

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    13 mins
  • Bamidbar: His Orchestra's Violinists
    Jun 7 2024

    As Yidden, we must all realize we are playing in His orchestra, and when we're not there, He realizes the missing music.

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    12 mins
  • Bechukosai: Unveiling Unprecedented Accomplishments
    May 31 2024

    The words 'אם בחקתי תלכו' ('If you walk in My statutes') reminds us as Jews that, even in the dog-eat-dog world we live in, there is another, forgotten dimension of accomplishment.

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    12 mins