• Higher Levels of Perspective, Trauma Healing and Empowerment with Birgitta Visser
    Aug 23 2024

    On August 23, 2024 Founder of Power Soul Healing, Light Empowerment Coach, Light Language Healer, and author of the book BE-com-ing Authentically Me Birgitta Visser and I talked healing trauma by understanding and embracing our experiences; setting boundaries as an act of self-love; seeing life from higher levels by shifting perspectives; her work with channeling, past-life, akashic records, and "unemployed angels"; present moment living to help appreciate what every experience can offer; breaking free from unhelpful conditioning and embracing self-empowerment and plenty more






    About Birgitta Visser

    I am a Light Empowerment Coach, Divine channel and Light Language Healer, delivering messages from the many Master Teachers across the multiverse to aid humanity. I have been through many ‘traumatic’ life experiences, some utterly sour and distasteful, having to sweat the chillies of these created experiences, whilst others were sweeter bringing immense joy. I must have been off my rocker when signing my soul contract prior to incarnating, having checked all the tick boxes for every experience you can think of - from the abuse as a child, to the loss of my father, my stepfather, the bullying in high school incl. the workplace, to being assaulted in the superficial modelling industry, to my short stint with drugs, and having rolled into several dysfunctional relationships, all the whilst starving myself, battling my many inner demons. Yet I soldiered on, holding down many different jobs wherever I planted my feet in the world.
    I was like SpongeBob, soaking up the vibes of everyone around me as I drifted along on my journey of self-discovery. But this sponge knew it was time for some boundaries and truth. The long and winding road to finding my true self was not always easy. There were twists and turns, ups and downs, but I absorbed the lessons, good and bad. Even when progress felt slower than a snail, I kept moving forward. I inserted boundaries, and live in a far more authentic version of who I was to who I am now and ultimately am still be-com-ing. It took many years, and truth be told I’m still learning. I studied and taught many healing modalities, still making many of the same mistakes because I was a bit of a turtle.
    Life is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. We must take responsibility for who we are and who we want to become. Within each of us shines a radiant light - our true essence - that has often been dimmed by painful experiences. It is time to reclaim that inner glow and unleash our power to heal. When we come to that place of acceptance and embrace accountability, we can transform hardship into wisdom. We can shed the unnecessary baggage that weighs us down and step into a life of abundance and joy. Our light still shines, ready to illuminate the path ahead. We only need to take back the reins and steer our lives toward truth. By owning our power, we can recover the wholeness within and shine brilliantly once more. The journey begins when we choose to walk forward with courage and hope.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    41 mins
  • The Root Of Fear With Daniel Packard
    Aug 12 2024

    In conversation with trained mechanical engineer Daniel Packard on Aug 11, 2024 we talked the inefficiency of chasing joy; from managing 'the funky five' -- anxiety, people pleasing, perfectionism, procrastination and low confidence -- to being free of them; the limitations of traditional approaches; importances of results and measurements; challenging legacy thinking and innovating solutions; fear as root cause; body-mind connection with fear; shifting the narrative and embracing self-acceptance; understanding creation of fear in the body; nervous system hygiene; achieving more permeant feelings of safety; and Daniel's six-week program to eliminate fear

    Note: A healthy sense of fear of wrong doing/harming and a healthy sense of fear of dishonoring can be helpful








    To find out how to be permanently free of what holds you back go to www.danielpackard.com where you can get three things:

    More information about their innovative 6-week program with their incredible ‘No Change No Charge’ guarantee.

    Book a free quick call with Daniel, to see if their program is a good fit for you.

    Also, for innerskilled.com listeners Daniel is offering you a free quick 'Next Steps Call. On that call Daniel will listen to what you’re struggling with - and then - based on what you need specifically - Daniel will teach you one easy to apply next step you can take to move your towards being fully free of fear and anxiety permanently, so you can get back to living the life you want to be living.


    Daniel Packard is a U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer who after spending 10 years and over $100,000 trying to improve his anxiety, low confidence and procrastination, he saw that all that money and time got him was the ability to manage what he struggled with, but he was never truly free of it
    So, because Daniel was trained in engineering school to solve complex problems, he started his own research company, Full Liberation Technology, to see if it was possible to reverse engineer a way for people to not only be permanently free of what holds them back, but have it be simple and easy to do and guaranteed to work.
    After 8 years - working with 3000 people on 5 continents - and over a million dollars of research and testing - Daniel and his team succeeded in reverse engineering an innovative process that allows their clients to be completely free of what holds them, in as little as 6 weeks, with a 90% success rate.
    And because Daniel passionately believes results matter, clients don’t pay at the beginning of their program. They only pay at the end of the 6-week process, once they have clear measurable data that what they were struggling with is gone and not coming back.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Ending Autoimmune Issues With Dr David Bilstrom MD
    Aug 10 2024

    [AI assisted summary:] On August 9, 2024, Dr. David Bilstrom, a physician specializing in autoimmune diseases, and I began by explaining that autoimmune diseases involve the immune system attacking the body’s own tissues, and he highlighted that immune system disruption is a factor in nearly all chronic diseases, including conditions such as autism, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.

    He distinguished between beneficial inflammation, which supports the healing process, and excessive inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases by damaging healthy tissues and contributing to various health conditions.

    Dr. Bilstrom attributed the rise in autoimmune and chronic diseases to modern lifestyle factors that exacerbate inflammation. He discussed “civilization diseases” like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cancer, noting that even those striving for a healthy lifestyle can still encounter health issues due to these factors.

    He introduced the concept of epigenetics—the study of how environmental factors influence gene expression without altering the genetic code itself. Dr. Bilstrom explained that lifestyle factors, such as stress and diet, can turn genes on or off, impacting overall health.

    Citing a Harvard study, Dr. Bilstrom demonstrated how meditation can influence gene expression related to inflammation control, revealing significant benefits even with minimal practice over a short period.

    He emphasized that while lifestyle changes—including meditation and exposure to early morning sunlight—are powerful tools for improving health, they do not need to be perfect to be effective. Small, consistent efforts can lead to significant positive changes.

    Dr. Bilstrom also addressed the profound impact of light on health including its role in reducing the risk of various chronic diseases. He highlighted the disruptive effects of blue light from screens and artificial sources on circadian rhythms and melatonin production. Blue light suppresses melatonin, a hormone crucial for sleep and overall health, potentially leading to long-term health issues such as heart disease and cancer.

    To mitigate these effects, Dr. Bilstrom recommended using high-quality blue light blocking glasses and minimizing exposure to artificial blue light in the evening. He stressed the importance of balancing healthy light and darkness, suggesting that a dark sleeping environment supports optimal melatonin production.

    We address the role of medications in health management. While recognizing their importance in symptom management, he advocated for addressing underlying health issues to reduce reliance on medications. He discussed the risks of polypharmacy and recommended using medications as a temporary measure while working on holistic approaches to improve overall health. Other gems like TUDCA and butyrate are also mentioned

    Dr. Bilstrom concluded by emphasizing the body’s remarkable ability to heal itself when obstacles are removed and natural processes are supported. He encouraged listeners to focus on addressing the root causes of health issues to achieve long-term wellness and reduce dependency on medications.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    50 mins
  • Empowering Our Mutual Betterment With Rich Lewis
    Jul 19 2024

    In July of 2024 Rich Lewis and I touch on the topics of the impact of fear and regret, the Centering Prayer, silence, morning routine, asking for help and giving help, interconnectivity, mutuality, masterminds, gratitude, various power dynamics like abundance, collaboration, and competition. We also chat about (some other) tools of affirmation, aspiration, visualization, checks and balances, and journaling plus plenty more tidbits

    Watch this interview: https://youtu.be/IrN8EtRc5bQ

    Our past chat: https://integratingpresence.com/2022/07/20/podcast-the-centering-prayer-with-rich-lewis/ and https://www.youtu.be/rSseq3czwkQ


    Rich Lewis is an author, speaker and coach who focuses on centering prayer as a means of inner transformation. He teaches centering prayer in both his local and virtual community and offers one-on-one coaching. Rich’s newest book is titled, Sitting with God: A Journey To Your True Self Through Centering Prayer.
    He publishes a weekly meditation, book reviews, and interviews on his site, Silence Teaches. He has published articles for a number of organizations, including Contemplative Light, Abbey of the Arts, Contemplative Outreach, EerdWord, In Search of a New Eden, the Ordinary Mystic at Patheos, and the Contemplative Writer. ​
    Rich has been a daily practitioner of centering prayer since June 1, 2014. Centering prayer has been so life-giving and life-changing that he feels compelled to share his journey with others who wish to learn more. Rich resides with his family in Waxhaw, North Carolina. Learn more about him at www.SilenceTeaches.com.








    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    27 mins
  • Thought Process Thursday -- Healing (Trauma)
    Jul 12 2024

    This was today's Insight Timer live event with the description:

    Let's openly explore some thought processes in order to unwind in the evening and aide healing like perhaps the importance of inner healing and reconciliation and (if there is rebirth) why so much mass amnesia

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    19 mins
  • Body Awareness With Ann Hince
    Jun 21 2024

    After Ann's intro we talk about becoming aware of physical sensations and dissociation, intention, stories, approaches, attraction, views, techniques, EFT, nervous system, thought and feeling, emotions, identity, trauma, helpful and unhelpful perceptions of love, the relationship between tension and attention, releasing tension, pleasant/unpleasant/neither of these, triggering, shadow and light, levels of mindfulness of the body and internal awareness, critical importance of discernment, the importance of noticing, the depth of life, and plenty more





    our past chat: https://integratingpresence.com/2022/04/23/podcast-feeling-feelings-with-ann-hince

    About Ann Hince

    When I was 19, I woke one morning to find my mother dead face down in our bathroom. Twenty years later the tears from that trauma were still just under the surface.
    It took one 15 minute session with a strange technique to remove the charge from that event and be able to tell the story with no emotion. That one session set me on a journey to not only release the trauma from past memories, but to get beyond that, into the subconscious mind to release tension stored deep in my body, simply using the power of my awareness.
    Much of the time, society tells us, and therefore we tell ourselves, that we shouldn’t be feeling what we are feeling. I have found that seeking out our truth, what we truly feel, and accepting those feelings, is the key to inner peace.
    Once we change our inside, our outside changes. As within, so without.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    45 mins
  • Resilience and Vision With Joel Bouchard
    Jun 20 2024

    June 19, 2024 saw Joel Bouchard and I get philosophical. Joel hosts the From Nowhere to Nothing podcast and we probe into the concept of self, existence, perception, the subjectivity of experience, finding purpose and meaning, extremes, how does one double blind test (for) the observer effect, can randomness be proved (mathematically), consciousness, ethics and the complexity of war justification, truth, epistemology, causality, implications of our actions, and plenty more


    About Joel Bouchard

    I am a doctoral student in psychology, multi-instrumentalist record producer, author, painter, Army veteran, business leader, local government official, and fellow podcaster, who firmly believes that generalists have a place in society and can make contributions to human knowledge. While I may not be an expert in any one field, what I am is an expert learner who is well-versed in a wide array of areas. While I am philosophically minded and prefer big-picture conversations that knit together disparate concepts, I can speak to details on many topics, including music, education, psychology, the military, and much more.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    54 mins
  • An Astrological Buffet With Indra Rinzler
    Jun 14 2024

    On June 14, 2023 Vedic Astrologer Indra Rinzler and I cover a wide range of more unconventional astrological topics like an dignity of planets, the quality of energy based on location in signs, "Draupara Astrology", location astrology for mass incarnations throughout vast time periods, various cycles, cycle identification, misidentification and lack of consensus, significant inaccuracies of various Astrological systems, and the like. We also weave in Nisargadatta Maharaj, exploration of self and not-self, bliss, peace, happiness, aging, higher states and realms, self-love, etc.

    [ Video version: https://youtu.be/ZRlHLEyzLNk ]

    From this chat:

    “I’m really interested in the big life questions . . . interested in ‘I’m really stuck and I don't really understand anything and I really need help.’ The more unclear and loose and closed door you feel the better. . . I put the puzzle parts together.

    It’s about alignment. . . It’s a reading of alignment. It's about aligning people with their higher self. It's not about giving a reading in terms of prediction. I'm not interested in any predicting. I'm not interested in a better life. I'm interested in helping you wake up to who you are by making sense out of the parts of your life that make no sense but actually have an incredible patterning to it when you're able to see it.”





    My past chat with Indra: https://integratingpresence.com/2021/12/26/podcast-vedic-astrology-enneagram-of-personality-wheel-of-totality-with-indra-rinzler/ and addendum https://integratingpresence.com/2021/12/27/podcast-brief-astrology-addendum-for-indra-rinzler-podcast/

    Free offers: email indrarinzler@gmail.com with date, time and place of birth for Vedic Astrology Chart and can email requesting Enneagram test to determine your Enneagram number to find one's core story.


    For 50 years Indra Rinzler has been involved in Spirituality and Vedic Astrology. He has been studying and sharing Enneagram of Personality since 1999. He uses these modalities in Life Readings designed to help clients wake up to who they really are. Indra is an enthusiastic genuinely interestingly man who has been a world traveler for over 20 years offering sessions and classes in USA and Asia.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    45 mins