• #321 Fiona Paul: Living Your Highest Potential
    Sep 27 2024
    25 mins
  • #320 Shauna Sommer: Greatness Really Is There (GRIT)
    Sep 26 2024

    Shauna Sommer

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    19 mins
  • #319 Alan Lazaros: The Mindset Behind a Top 100 Global Podcast
    Sep 25 2024

    Alan Lazaros

    Boston, USA Alan Lazaros, CEO of the globally recognized Next Level University podcast, has navigated a life shaped by profound adversity. Losing his father at just two years old and surviving a near-fatal car accident at 26, Alan’s journey from corporate America to podcasting success is a testament to resilience and personal responsibility. From an early age, Alan was acutely aware of life’s fragility. Losing his father at such a young age and later enduring the departure of a stepfather at 14, Alan’s understanding of mortality wasn’t just intellectual—it was deeply experiential. “Life has always had a profound sense of adversity for me,” Alan shared. “There was no candy-coated childhood, but rather a deep understanding that suffering is part of life. Despite this, I learned that you can create meaning from adversity.” This perspective was further solidified at age 26 when Alan narrowly survived a car accident—eerily similar to the one that took his father’s life. This second chance prompted Alan to reassess his life’s direction. “It was the wake-up call I needed,” he explained. “I realized I had to go all in on creating a legacy—something meaningful that would outlive me.” Leaving a successful corporate career to start Next Level University was a significant leap for Alan. Reflecting on this transition, he emphasized the immense challenges of entrepreneurship. “The common path—high school, college, corporate job—offers certainty and stability,” Alan said. “But entrepreneurship is a different beast. It requires an insane amount of grit, self-belief, and resilience. It’s far more difficult than most people imagine.” Alan and his business partner, Kevin, chose the path of burning the boats—committing fully to their venture without a safety net. “We worked six days a week for seven years without taking a vacation,” Alan shared. “It’s a level of dedication that’s not for everyone, and I often recommend a hybrid model for those considering entrepreneurship—balancing a stable job while building a business on the side.” One of the defining aspects of Alan’s approach to life and business is his relationship with failure. “The key question is whether you’re ignited or demoralized by failure,” Alan explained. “For me, failure is motivating. It drives me to push harder. But if failure demoralizes you, entrepreneurship might not be the right path.” Alan credits much of his success to the balance between his own optimism and Kevin’s realism. “Kevin is the productive paranoid, always anticipating potential challenges, while I’m the optimistic visionary,” he said. “This balance has been crucial in navigating the ups and downs of building a business.” Today, Next Level University has over 1,750 episodes and listeners in more than 170 countries. But what resonates most with their audience? Alan believes it’s the focus on holistic self-improvement—striving for excellence in health, wealth, and love. “We realized that our audience, predominantly women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, are seeking fulfillment in all areas of life,” Alan noted. “It’s not just about success in one area; it’s about being holistically successful.” The driving force behind the podcast is the belief that fulfilled people don’t harm others. “Self-belief and self-worth lead to fulfillment,” Alan said. “And fulfilled people contribute positively to the world. That’s the mission at the heart of what we do.” Alan Lazaros’ story is a powerful reminder that even in the face of adversity, we have the ability to shape our own lives and leave a meaningful impact on the world. #AlanLazaros #NextLevelUniversity #Entrepreneurship #PersonalResponsibility #SelfImprovement #Leadership #PodcastingSuccess #HolisticSuccess #BusinessInspiration #LegacyBuilding #PodMatch

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    17 mins
  • #318 Leslie Gaudet: Mastering Self Care & Emotional Resilience
    Sep 24 2024

    Leslie Gaudet

    Mexico/Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

    Leslie’s story began in the legal field, where she worked as a paralegal assistant for over 40 years. Despite her success, she often found herself burning out, overwhelmed by the demands of her career. “It feels like your life revolves around your job,” she recalls. The turning point came in 2017 when she realized she was on the brink of another burnout. Determined to reclaim her life, Leslie and her husband decided to leave California’s high cost of living and fast pace for a more balanced life in Las Vegas.

    This move was about more than just a change of scenery; it was about taking back control of her life. She transitioned from full-time work to an entrepreneurial venture, continuing to support a team of lawyers remotely. This newfound freedom allowed her to explore self-development, eventually leading her to become a self-care strategist.

    Leslie believes that effective self-care starts with the right mindset. She begins by helping her clients explore their past, uncovering experiences that shape their current thoughts and actions. “There are clues in our past that will teach us how we’re showing up today,” she explains. By understanding these influences, Leslie helps her clients break free from limiting beliefs and emotional triggers that keep them stuck in cycles of stress and overwhelm.

    Her approach is holistic, focusing on emotional awareness, mindset shifts, and practical systems that support a balanced life. One key strategy involves identifying what clients don’t want in their lives and guiding them to define what they do want. This process of “zooming in” on their desires helps them set clear, actionable goals aligned with their values.

    For Leslie, the key to a fulfilling life is balancing professional ambitions with personal well-being. She shared a success story of a client who was a PR manager in South Africa. Unhappy with her work-life balance, this client worked with Leslie to create a vision and mission statement that reflected her true goals. Eventually, she left her corporate job to start her own successful business, allowing her to use her skills in a way that aligned with her values.

    Another client, a business owner with multiple ventures and a family, struggled to manage her time effectively. Leslie helped her implement boundaries and structure, allowing her to balance her responsibilities without sacrificing her well-being. “Having clarity around how you use your time is important,” Leslie emphasizes. This clarity not only improves productivity but also creates space for personal fulfillment.

    Leslie introduces the concept of “sprint vs. marathon” work styles, helping clients identify whether they function best in short, intense bursts or sustained, steady efforts. This awareness allows them to structure their workday in a way that honors their natural energy levels, reducing the risk of burnout.

    Leslie is a firm believer in the power of community as a vital aspect of self-care. “We are meant to go through life together, not alone,” she says. Whether through collaboration, friendship, or networking, Leslie encourages her clients to cultivate relationships that support their growth and well-being.

    Leslie offers one final piece of advice: “Most people think that money will buy them the time they want, but really, it’s how you structure your time that’s going to allow you to have the time freedom you’re looking for.” By taking control of their time and prioritizing self-care, female entrepreneurs can create a life that is not only successful but also fulfilling.

    In a world where burnout is all too common, Leslie Gaudet’s approach to self-care offers a refreshing perspective. Her strategies empower women to take charge of their lives, find balance, and thrive in both business and beyond.

    #SelfCare #Entrepreneurship #WorkLifeBalance #WomenInBusiness #StressManagement #MindsetShift #TimeManagement #PersonalGrowth #CommunityBuilding #InspiredPodcast

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    35 mins
  • #317 Mark Collins: You are More than where you're at!
    Sep 23 2024

    Mark Collins

    California, USA

    Mark Collins is a business and life coach dedicated to helping individuals break free from living life by default and step into the lives they were meant to lead. His journey into life coaching began with a personal need for transformation. Collins found himself facing obstacles that held him back from realizing his potential. This need to overcome his struggles led to the creation of his *Life Mastery* course and the publication of his book, *Life Mastery: Living Life by Design, Not by Default*. These works were born not from a desire to teach others but as a documentation of the strategies Collins used to transform his own life.

    Collins' core message is straightforward yet profound: most people live life reactively, letting circumstances dictate their actions rather than proactively designing the life they want. This passive approach often results in dissatisfaction and unfulfilled potential. Collins encourages a radical shift in perspective, urging individuals to recognize that they are not mere bystanders in their own lives but the heroes of their stories.

    At the heart of Collins’ philosophy is the concept of identity. He believes that understanding and embracing one’s true identity is essential to a fulfilling life. When people are unclear about who they are, they often rely on external factors—such as success, titles, or societal expectations—to define them. This reliance on external validation can create a cycle of superficial achievements that fail to satisfy deeper needs.

    Collins’ ability to connect with a diverse audience is one of his strengths. Whether speaking at a large conference or coaching individuals, he tailors his message to meet the specific needs of his audience. His online *Life Mastery* course allows participants to explore his principles in depth at their own pace, while his live appearances focus on delivering actionable insights that can be immediately applied.

    The success stories that have emerged from Collins’ coaching underscore the effectiveness of his methods. For instance, Brett, a successful businessman plagued by a fear of failure, learned to separate his self-worth from his business outcomes through Collins’ guidance. This shift not only led to greater professional success but also improved his personal life. Another client, Vance, who was emotionally distant from his family, was able to break down these barriers and become more present and engaged with his loved ones. These transformations highlight the power of Collins’ approach.

    Collins draws inspiration from various personal development figures, such as Dale Carnegie and Tony Robbins, but he credits his faith as the most significant influence on his life. This spiritual foundation has shaped his work, guiding him to focus not just on success but on genuine transformation. Unlike many in the personal development space who emphasize habits and strategies to achieve external goals, Collins prioritizes deep, internal change.

    Looking ahead, Collins continues to expand his influence. He is currently working on a new book, *Life Mastery Motivation: Stories to Inspire You*, which will complement his first book by offering real-life examples of how his teachings have transformed lives. This upcoming work aims to provide both inspiration and practical guidance, further establishing Collins as a leading voice in the personal development field.

    For those ready to begin living life by design, Collins offers a free Discovery Tool on his website, freedom-life.net. This tool provides a snapshot of where individuals stand in their life mastery journey and suggests practical next steps. It’s a simple yet powerful resource for anyone looking to start living with intention.

    #LifeMastery #PersonalDevelopment #MarkCollins #SuccessMindset #SelfImprovement #LivingWithPurpose #IdentityAndMindset #LifeCoach #Inspiration #TransformYourLife

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    25 mins
  • #316 Adedayo Adeniji: The Path to Creating Impactful Poetry
    Sep 22 2024

    Adedayo Adeniji United Kingdom In a world often dominated by fleeting digital interactions, there are those whose work encourages us to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the deeper aspects of our existence. Dayo is one such individual—a spiritual poet whose words resonate deeply with readers, offering a unique blend of emotional depth and spiritual clarity. Beginning her poetic journey in her early teens, Dayo has evolved into a voice that draws inspiration from her faith, personal experiences, and the timeless wisdom of the Bible. In this exclusive conversation, Dayo shares her creative process, the sources of her inspiration, and her goals for the future. Dayo's inspiration is rooted in creation itself. Whether marveling at the intricate design of the human body or the mysteries of the universe, she finds a profound connection to the world around her. Her faith is a constant source of inspiration, particularly the teachings and love of God as depicted in the Bible. This spiritual foundation is evident in her poetry, which transforms biblical wisdom into engaging and thought-provoking verses. Dayo is also inspired by the resilience and perseverance of people, especially those who overcome significant challenges. The recent Olympics and the upcoming Paralympics, where athletes push beyond their perceived limitations, are prime examples of this. Before Dayo found her faith, she was introverted and shy, preferring to keep to herself. However, her journey within the faith community helped her open up, build confidence, and discover her voice. Figures like Nelson Mandela, who endured great suffering without seeking revenge, serve as powerful role models for Dayo. She admires individuals who make a positive impact on the world, whether in grand gestures or small, meaningful actions. Dayo’s journey into writing spiritual poetry began early in life, influenced by her observations of the natural world and the disparities she noticed around her. Her baptism marked a turning point, deepening her spiritual connection and giving her the confidence to write more profoundly about her faith. Over time, she has grown more confident in sharing her work beyond her faith community, driven by a desire to reach a broader audience with her message of love and salvation. Her poetry, often described as moving, inspiring, and thought-provoking, is deeply personal. Dayo channels her life experiences and spiritual insights into her writing, creating poems that reflect her journey with God. Her work is not just an expression of her faith but also a tool for others to find hope and encouragement in their own lives. Dayo acknowledges that she sometimes struggles with impostor syndrome, but the positive feedback she receives from readers helps her stay grounded and focused on her mission. One of the most significant influences on Dayo’s poetry is her varied life experiences, including the many places she has lived and the people she has encountered along the way. These interactions have shaped her understanding of the world and inspired her to write with compassion and empathy. Her book, *Deja Vu: God Loves You—Not Impossible*, is a testament to this. It explores themes of overcoming challenges and finding strength in weakness, urging readers to understand that with God, nothing is impossible. Dayo’s message is simple yet profound: keep persevering. She believes that God’s love is unconditional and that no matter what challenges one faces, there is always hope. She encourages her readers and listeners to build strong relationships, love their families and friends, and never stop praying. In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, Dayo’s poetry offers a beacon of light, reminding us of the power of faith, love, and resilience. #SpiritualPoetry #FaithInspiration #DayoPoetry #ChristianPoetry #Inspiration #HopeAndFaith #PoetryCommunity #CreativeWriting #SpiritualJourney #PoetInterview

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    21 mins
  • #315 Inam Inamullah: Whispers of the Flight: A Journey Through Modern Spirituality and Art
    Sep 21 2024

    Inam Inamullah

    Atlanta, GA, USA

    In an era where literature often serves as both escapism and introspection, Inam Inamullah's forthcoming book, *Whispers of the Flight*, promises to be a profound journey into the heart of transformation and self-discovery. Set for release on August 16, 2024, this novel represents a unique fusion of personal struggle, artistic expression, and timeless wisdom, embodying the very essence of what it means to seek and find one’s true purpose.

    Inam Inamullah's life story reads like a tapestry of triumph over adversity. Born with a physical challenge that could have easily derailed his dreams, Inam’s early experiences of overcoming obstacles through art and perseverance are a testament to his resilience. This determination not only shaped his career as a celebrated artist and playwright but also fueled his creative endeavors in writing. *Whispers of the Flight* is an extension of this journey, capturing the spirit of transformation that has defined Inam’s life.

    Drawing inspiration from the ancient Persian poem *The Conference of the Birds* by the Sufi mystic Fariduddin Attar, Inam reimagines this 900-year-old work in a contemporary context. The book follows two young New Yorkers on a transformative hiking expedition through Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, mirroring the allegorical seven valleys of Attar’s original poem. Through this modern lens, Inam translates ancient wisdom into a narrative that speaks to today’s readers, blending spiritual insights with relatable, modern-day experiences.

    Inam’s dual role as an artist and writer enriches *Whispers of the Flight* in unique ways. The book’s cover, a painting by Inam himself, vividly captures the essence of migration and transformation symbolized by the birds depicted in the story. This visual representation not only complements the book's themes but also underscores Inam’s commitment to creating a multi-dimensional experience for readers.

    At its core, *Whispers of the Flight* is a story of personal evolution and the quest for deeper meaning. It invites readers to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery, encouraging them to confront and transcend their inner challenges. Through the book, Inam aims to inspire readers to embrace transformation, understand their true selves, and live purposefully. His message is clear: we are all on a path towards a greater destiny, and our choices shape our journey.

    Inam Inamullah’s reach extends beyond the literary world. His experiences as an artist and playwright have taken him to stages across the globe, including prominent exhibitions in Europe and the US. His diverse background and international perspective add depth to his writing, making *Whispers of the Flight* a compelling read for a global audience.

    As the book prepares to make its debut, Inam’s message is one of hope, resilience, and the power of art to transform lives. For those seeking inspiration and a deeper understanding of themselves, *Whispers of the Flight* offers a path to enlightenment through storytelling that bridges cultures and eras.

    To explore more about Inam Inamullah’s work and to catch the latest updates on *Whispers of the Flight*, follow him on his official platforms. The book is set to be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and numerous other outlets starting August 16, 2024. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into a narrative that promises to be as transformative as it is enlightening.

    #WhispersOfTheFlight #InamInamullah #BookRelease2024 #Inspiration #Transformation #PersonalGrowth #ArtAndLiterature #ModernMythology #SelfDiscovery #LiteraryJourney #SufiWisdom #ArtisticVision

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    24 mins