• Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of July 17 to 24
    Jul 17 2024
    A lot is moving over this next week with powerful turning point energies over the weekend through a big Capricorn Full Moon at 29 deg on July 21 and strong Pluto interactions with the Sun in Leo for the first time in our lives on July 22. Personal and collective evolutionary energies are activating at new levels of our being as the Universe is requiring more multidimensional awareness within us. It’s time to face fears and trust the initiation into more of yourself. Mars enters Gemini on July 20, where daily life gets busier and there is more energy connecting our minds and bodies to move forward with in July. Mars trining Pluto offers transformational growth through the power of bigger thoughts, communications, options, ideas, and your life path. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode. ~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart – Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now! https://www.mollymccord.online/solar-return-course .
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    42 mins
  • Channeled Message: Establishing Your 5D Values For Stability and Strength
    Jul 15 2024
    The global evolution is underway, offering opportunities to expand into new potentials as you further define your 5D values. Opportunities to bring together internal and external division is strong. Stay curious and mindful of when judgment arrives as we're also deconditioning centuries of programming that has created division, fear, control, and power dynamics. More to share in this channeled message. Universal Spiritual Laws Online Course - Every month, you'll tap into conscious choices you can make in the Real World as you elevate your energy to higher states of peace, abundance, bliss, and success with practical steps and actions that lead to real results. Course content includes channeled messages, astrology connections, Real World examples, and a weekly guidebook. Check out more here: https://www.mollymccord.online/universal-spiritual-laws-course . .
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    32 mins
  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of July 10 to 17
    Jul 10 2024
    Heightened tensions, intensity, and sensitivities are all in the mix this week with high impact transits moving through the cosmos. Venus enters Leo on July 11 and immediately opposes Pluto RX in Aquarius, picking up themes that started on Feb 16 and 17 when Venus was conjunct Pluto. The other side of love, friendship, beauty, creativity, and Venusian themes are deeply challenged, and a permanent ending is likely. Yet the Universe is inviting new creative potentials to arrive, too. The Sun in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on July 15, which could involve emotionally reacting from a wounded place, that may reveal where your needs are not being honored or heard. Then Mars makes the last conjunction to Uranus transiting through Taurus at 26 degrees on July 15, which unleashes what has been stored up or held back for too long. Unexpected aggression, shocks, awakenings, and surprises stir up this typically patient and calm Mars, which is also breaking you out of a timeline that you’re ready to move on from. Much more to share in this week’s podcast. SHINE Your Success Frequency Biz Development Retreat - 11 high-value business development workshops based on greater understanding of your natal astrology chart and human design chart energies, and how you are energetically designed to be successful with your professional energy. October 3 to 6, 2024 in Boone, NC. All details here: https://www.mollymccord.online/shine-your-success-frequency-retreat-october .
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    50 mins
  • Black Moon Lilith Astronomy, Mythology, and Astrology
    Jul 8 2024
    Black Moon Lilith is a fictional point found at the lunar apogee, where the Moon is the darkest, as well as the most primal, instinctual, and wild. This Lilith point (one of 4) is most commonly referenced in natal astrology charts, yet Black Moon Lilith holds many energies connected to her astronomy, mythology, and astrology, which all overlap to create a powerful archetype. BML entered Libra in late June 2024 and immediately creates powerful connections to Pluto RX in Aquarius at 1 deg, Super Galactic Center at 2 deg Libra, and Sedna in Gemini at 0 deg in July and August 2024. Strong cosmic activations are occurring in relationships, friendships, family dynamics, and connection patterns that we're outgrowing by facing our own truths, fears, and unconscious needs. Then she moves on to make a conjunction to the South Node in Libra in August and September 2024, which signifies big completions, ending, and karmic closures. Much more to share in this podcast episode. Black Moon Lilith = h12 (mean calculation) Black Moon Lilith = h13 (oscillating or true calculation) Asteroid Lilith = 1181 Dark Moon (Waldemath) Lilith = h58 "The Modern Heroine's Journey of Consciousness" ~ https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Heroines-Journey-Consciousness-Awakening-ebook/dp/B00H1FC8KW
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    47 mins
  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of July 3 to 10
    Jul 3 2024
    This week offers flows, support, and lightness that may feel right on time after the ongoing intensity of 2024. The Cancer New Moon on July 5 is a powerful emotional reset on July 5, as we move into a higher sense of what we need that feels true and pure now. This may be especially timely after Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto RX in Aquarius on July 3rd, which is a power struggle, challenge, or removal of what is on your mind. The better day for communications will be July 8 when Mercury in Leo sextiles Jupiter in Gemini at 9 degrees, which also brings in joy, play, and better options. More to share in this podcast episode. How To Read Your Progressed Astrology Chart – Discover the main astrology milestones and soul growth in this lifetime as Molly teaches you how to interpret your progressed astrology chart over a series of online classes. 50% off for a limited time with no coupon code required: https://www.mollymccord.online/progressed-astrology-course
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    29 mins
  • Major Astrological Energies of July 2024
    Jul 1 2024
    July begins with Neptune stationing retrograde at 29 deg Pisces, only a few days after Saturn stationed retrograde in Pisces as well, adding a need for quiet, peace, and calm. 3 planets in Leo will oppose Pluto RX in Aquarius, resulting in significant endings that are meant to invite in more cosmic consciousness that was blocked by pride, ego, or resistance to change. The Cancer New Moon on July 5 begins a new lunar cycle, and builds up to the Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 at 29 degrees. The Universe is highlighting an important task, soul lesson, and area of responsibility with this Capricorn Full Moon that Pluto will be continuing to work through from September to November. You may be especially exhausted from this area of your life, but the energy is related to other timelines and soul experiences that are completing now, too. Much more to share in this podcast episode. ~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart – Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now! https://www.mollymccord.online/solar-return-course
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    45 mins
  • Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of June 26 to July 3
    Jun 26 2024
    5 planets in water signs flow us into July, as the Universe asks us to trust that a bigger force is carrying us forward into the second half of 2024. Both Saturn and Neptune station retrograde in Pisces within days of each other, bringing your energetic awareness to what is closing out and ending for your best and highest good. Mercury is active in Cancer as the Messenger planet interacts with 6 planets this week, making each day more active as well as unpredictable, so trust what you're feeling in the moment for the best answers and decisions. Don't overthinkg things right now. Trust what feels best, and know that is the Universe speaking through you with love and support. More to share in this week's show. The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course. https://www.mollymccord.online/store/HxG5JyDy
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    43 mins
  • Lunar Cycle Reset - Return To Natural Flow, Trust, Manifestation Powers
    Jun 24 2024
    In July 2024, the lunar cycle returns to its natural state as we have a New Moon in Cancer followed by a second Full Moon in Capricorn that resets how the moon naturally ebbs and flows. We have been in a lunar reversal cycle since April 2023, where the Full Moon preceded the New Moon, which was a switch in the energies that could have created heightened emotional responses, protection, and feeling like there was a crisis to manage or guard against. Now we return to a natural manifestation cycle as the New Moon reveals what we can grow and build to the Full Moon. More to share in this podcast episode. Learn more about your natal Moon expressions in “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”- https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Astrology-Planetary-Energies-Transformation/dp/1950253236/
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    24 mins