• Chapter 13: The Final Countdown
    Apr 24 2024

    Welcome to the final episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    This is it...the final countdown! After a grueling year of inter-departmental clashes and executive clashes, while constantly calibrating complex software intricacies against compliance concerns, Michelle’s vision still remains controversial! Can a climactic boardroom showdown secure urgently needed autonomy and resources? Or will Tim and Jada’s old guard muscle in, fatally undermining fragile progress so far? Long nights now loom for our legion of irregular technologists - stay tuned for the final nail-biting episode of Investments Unlimited!

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    35 mins
  • Chapter 12: Audit to the Rescue?
    Apr 17 2024

    Welcome to the twelfth episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    Last time, our hero Michelle rebounded from executive roasting to rally her exhausted but willing Turbo Eureka crew! But after initial triumphs taming IUI’s vast, unwieldy governance beast, progress has stalled! With the deadline in sight but some applications still unaccounted for, can Michelle spur her squad towards one final foolproof push past the plateau? Or will the bumpy road towards modernization throw stubborn obstacles still, foiling even Michelle’s sterling track record of skill, passion and grit? Stay tuned as the future of reform at Investments Unlimited hangs delicately in the balance!

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    35 mins
  • Chapter 11: Boardroom Showdown
    Apr 10 2024

    Welcome to the eleventh episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    Down but not out! Our inimitable reform ringleader, Michelle, remains locked in a labyrinthine governance puzzle, perplexed by laggard legacy apps flouting newly installed enterprise pipelines! But with a boardroom showdown looming against skeptical execs, a breakthrough beckons spurred by an unlikely Five Lines Model? Could a revolutionary new Risk Code write automated governance rules minimizing red tape? Or is this precarious proposal to upend the compliance status quo doomed to be this project's last hurrah? Buckle up for a pivotal pole position in the race toward modernization as the pressure dial spins up to eleven!

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    37 mins
  • Chapter 10: SBOMs and Catch-22s
    Apr 3 2024

    Welcome to the tenth episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    With a world-class software bill of materials tracker under their toolbelt, can Michelle finally shift focus back to her critical MRIA modernization mission? Hold-ups and headaches have dogged her band of pioneering engineers, who failed to meet specifications at every turn! Now, yet ANOTHER roadblock looms, with some applications still failing to sync up with the new Turbo Eureka system! Have deadlines and executive doubts bred an unsolvable Catch-22? Or might Michelle’s mentality somehow still rally the troops towards governance glory?

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    22 mins
  • Chapter 9: Attack of the Supply Chain
    Mar 27 2024

    Welcome to the ninth episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    With the regulatory reckoning nearing and prototypes piled high, a supply chain cyberattack pulls Michelle’s engineers off-track again! In crisis talks, auditor Lucy prompts provocative ideas around “dependency” risks, but will impatient Omar or pragmatic Michelle connect these dots in time?

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    25 mins
  • Chapter 8: The Three Lines Model
    Mar 20 2024

    Welcome to the eighth episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    A disastrous data center outage sidetracks our team just as vision crystallization beckoned! Persnickety higher-ups now clamor louder for outside saviors while Michelle fights to keep her exhausted, drained-dry Turbo Eureka afloat. Is an engineering mutiny next, with the deadline fast approaching?

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    33 mins
  • Chapter 7: Shifting Left
    Mar 13 2024

    Welcome to the seventh episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    The last episode brought heavy executive heat as hand-wringing honchos warned outside aids may “rescue” the flailing Turbo Eureka system! But Michelle’s mavericks rally behind an ingenious badge prototype! Can they demo compliance evidence creatively before meddling management muscles in?

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    23 mins
  • Chapter 6: Turbo Eureka Is Born!
    Mar 6 2024

    Welcome to the sixth episode of IT Revolution’s limited series podcast based on the book Investments Unlimited: A Novel about DevOps, Security, Audit Compliance, and Thriving in the Digital Age, written by Helen Beal, Bill Bensing, Jason Cox, Michael Edenzon, Tapbrata Pal, Caleb Queern, John Rzeszotarski, Andres Vega, and John Willis. The book is narrated by Rachel Fulginiti. The podcast is hosted by Bill Bensing.

    Omar’s demo dazzles but leaves auditor Andrea uneasy—what’s missing? The crew must sell their vision past wary execs, so Michelle attempts an ingenious “Three Lines” model to bring security seamlessly in-house! But will this unprecedented plan fly?

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    24 mins