
  • Unbreakable: The Final Part
    Sep 23 2020

    SEASON FINALE! Will our protagonists arise from their hypnotic slumber? Will New Orleans be saved? And what drinks are available for consumption aboard the invisible zeppelin? All these questions and more, admittedly some rhetorical, will be answered on this. Starring Allison Gertler, Ben Gertler, and Nat Gertler, with special guests S. Krystal McCauley and the mighty Maggie Thompson!

    Invisible Zeppelin is copyright 2020 About Comics.

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    15 mins
  • Unbreakable: Interlude
    Sep 16 2020

    What happens after the previous episode but before the next episode? This episode! With some of your old favorites and some new favorites as well! Guest voices include Dave Bradt, Devon the Adventurer, Tim Bevan. Judy Meschel, Avi Ezor, J.J. Gertler, Tim Maloney, Pam Noles, and S. Krystal McCauley.

    Invisible Zeppelin is copyright by About Comics, publishers of things that oughta be published.

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    12 mins
  • Unbreakable Part One
    Sep 9 2020

    In the first part of our first multi-part story: Bruce has a premonition, Mabel has a pizza order, the pilot has a problem, and there are bad things afoot in New Orleans again! And knock-knock. Who's there? New heroes! What more can you ask for in a sitcom about those who answer the phones for super-powered heroes

    Returning guest voices Karen Green, Avi Ezor, and Ivy Ratafia as well as first-timer Dave Bradt join the usual gang of Gertlers.

    Invisible Zeppelin is copyright 2020 by About Comics, and is a bargain at twice the price!

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    12 mins
  • Line of Death!
    Sep 2 2020

    In this mini-episode: What is that that just whooshed by??

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    3 mins
  • Fan Club Newsletter
    Aug 26 2020

    Mabel learns about the Star Sentries fan club newsletter. Blasphemous Badger discusses past defeats. Bruce is surly.

    Starring the usual cast of Gertlers, plus one less-common Gertler. Guest starring Pam Noles as Lava Lady, Tim Maloney as Doc Zap and Ivy Ratafia as Viola Pendergast.

    Copyright 2020 About Comics.

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    16 mins
  • Downtime
    Aug 19 2020

    Mabel and Bruce work the call center for the Earth's most powerful band of heroes... but when the phone system goes down, what are they going to do? This episode will answer that and many other questions, including "why is Blasphemous Badger a badger-themed villain?" You probably weren't actually wondering that, but now we have you thinking about it, right? In the next fifteen minutes, we will sate that thirst for knowledge we just induced. You're welcome!

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    16 mins
  • Old Heroes
    Aug 12 2020

    This episode adds two never-before-on-the-show heroes: Mister U.S. (who has been previously seen in comics from Image Comics and About Comics, among others) and Blacktop. Plus, the world's richest kid, and there's some problem with lunch. And as usual, your favorite hero team call center workers! Guest voices: Jeremiah Dobles, Ben Bradt, and especially Melvin Ishmael Johnson. Written by Nat Gertler. Invisible Zeppelin is a production of About Comics.

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    24 mins
  • Insidious Zeppelin
    Aug 5 2020

    What effect will it have on our heroes (well, our protagonists, who answer the phones for our heroes) when the zeppelin passes through a field of negative energy? Find out in this rather hectic episode! With our usual regulars, plus Judy Meschel, Lori Sunshine, Avi Ezor, and S. Krystal McCauley. 

    A production of About Comics, and have we ever steered you wrong?

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    14 mins