• Bring your Burdens - Psalm 102 - Dave Bigler Guest Teaching at Adirondack Christian Fellowship - Sept 15th, 2024
    Sep 18 2024

    This is a recording provided by Adirondack Christian Fellowship of Dave's guest teaching on Psalm 102. Given at ACF on Sunday September 15th, 2024. Theme: Bring your Burdens This is one of the Penitential Psalms, which is a psalm in which the author shows a penitent heart, they confess their brokenness, their sin, and their need for God’s forgiveness. Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143 are all categorized as penitent psalms. Psalm 51 as you may recall is King David’s lament after being caught in his sin with Bathsheba & Uriah the hitite. This is also a Messianic psalm, and I will show you why. There are three segments to this psalm: Vv 1-11 - Personal Lament Vv 12-22 - Future hope Vv 23-28 - Eternal God Psalm 102.1-11 What do you think this writer is going through? What is his distress? Terminal cancer - June of 2023 - Steve Beck. Glioblastoma Depression. Psalm 42.3 says, “My tears have been my food day and night” The Sorrow of Unrepentant, un delt-with Sin. Psalm 102.12-22 Future hope What a turn in the text. We go from a lament in total pain and anguish to a Parise., “You Lord sit enthroned forever, your renown endures through all generations.” CONTEXT Whenever we study the Bible we must always ask about the context; WHO wrote this, WHO did they write it to? WHEN was it written? WHERE was it written from and where was it written to? Once we know these things we will be better informed to ask the Holy Spirt WHAT we are supposed to do with this information and HOW we can apply it to our lives. What is ZION? 2 Sam 5.7; Psalm 2:6; 48:2, 11-12 & 132:13; Jer 31.6; Isa 40.9; Jer 31.12; Zec 9.13 Psalm 102:13,16,21 In the midst of this poets personal lament of anguish to the Lord he calls out and says, “I am going through this pain, but you rule soverough over all, our beloved Jerusalem has fallen, and its people in Exile, but you are in charge and you will see it rebuilt, both its walls and its people.” V18, “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.” The nation of Israel is proof of God’s existence No other people group in the world’s history has been whipped out, destroyed, and come back. A language gone extinct and then come back. The Israelites are God’s people and a study of the prophecies in the Bible in conjunction with world history is the closest actual proof we can have of God’s existence. Moving on… Psalm 102.23-28 - Eternal God V23-24 - a return to a personal lament - “he broke my strength, he cut short my days.” and a plee - “do not take me away, my God, in the midst of my days.” A personal cry out followed by an acknowledgment of who God is, he is the eternal creator that will go on forever. This world is going to end, but you are not. We see here a prophetic message of what the future holds for our earth. Isa 34:4 Mat 24:35 2Pe 3:7-10 How is this a Messianic Psalm? Heb1.10-12 Heb 1.1-2; Heb 13.8 Concluding Psalm 102 Psalm 55.22 - “Cast your burden on the Lord and he shall sustain you.”

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    31 mins
  • Exodus 40 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 10 - The Glory of the Lord fills the Tabernacle
    Sep 11 2024

    In this final Bible Study in Exodus, we see the Tabernacle erected, anointed, and consecrated. We then see the Glory of the Lord fill the Tabernacle (the Lord has come to abide with his people as promised in Ex 6.6-8). We take a deep dive into“the cloud” and the “Glory of the Lord” seeing how both play out throughout scripture. As we wrap up the book of Exodus we see God’s ever-present narrative, woven throughout the Bible, of a loving God reuniting his creation to himself.


    00:57 - Overview of Exodus 40

    02:15 - Exodus 40.1-33 - the setting up of all the elements of the Tabernacle along with their anointing and consecration.

    06:25 - Exodus 40.2 - “First day of the first month” - v17 adds “the tabernacle was set up on the first day of the first month in the 2nd year.” From this, we learn that they are entering the 2nd year of their desert time. Ex 12.2 is the description of Passover. Ex 12.10 we learn that it was to take place on the 10th day of the 1st month. (So they would be celebrating Passover 9 days after consecrating the Tabernacle. We also learn from Ex 19.1 that it took less than 6 months to build and put together all the elements of the Tabernacle.

    08:21 - Exodus 40.9-16 - Anoint and consecrate the Tabernacle.

    “Aniont” occurs 10x in Exodus (5x in Ex 40). Māšaḥ (maw-shakh') מָשַׁח. “To smear, spread liquid, to consecrate.” Ex 30.22-33 gives us the recipe for the anointing oil.

    “Consecrate” occurs 16x in Exodus (4x in Ex 40). qāḏaš (Kaw-Dash) קָדַשׁ. “To consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, to be set apart.”

    10:07 - Exodus 40.16 - “As the Lord Commanded” - 8x in Ex 40, and 10x in Ex 39

    10:50 - Exodus 33 - The Tabernacle is fully set up. “And so Moses finished the work.” v33

    12:59 - Exodus 40.34-38, the Glory of the Lord fills the Tabernacle

    13:45 - “The cloud” - 49x in 44 verses. Occurs 11 times in Exodus and 14 times in Num as the text documents Israel’s wanderings in the desert. The pillar of cloud was a guide for Israel.

    Another awesome instance of the Cloud of God can be found in the New Testament, the transfiguration. Matt 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9 document the story of Jesus, Peter, James, and John on a mountaintop. Jesus is praying and he is transformed into pure light before them, then they see Moses and Elijah standing with him. Then a cloud comes and covers all of them and Luke 9.35 tells us that “a voice came from the cloud saying, ‘this is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.’”

    17:57 - The “Glory of the Lord” in the Bible. It occurs 36 times in the NIV; 6 in Exodus; In 1 Kings ch 6-8 and 2 Chronicles ch 3-7. Ezekiel 8-11 is the retelling of a vision that Ezekiel had that was a warning for the Israelites in exile in Babylon; it tells of the Glory of the Lord leaving the temple due to Israel’s idolatry. Eze 8.1, 4, 6; 9.3, 9; 10.4, 18-19; 11.23; 43.1-5. We see the Glory of the Lord return to earth in Luke 2.8-11 as well as in John 1.1, 14. No longer is the Glory in the temple, it is in Christ, walking amongst us!

    31:49 - Final point. The Tabernacle and Temple were where God dwelt with his people. Where does he dwell today? Ex 6.6-8, Ex 40.34, 2 Chr 7.1-3, 1 Cor 3.16 and 6.19.

    35:37 - conclusion.

    Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate

    Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep

    Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org

    Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD


    Dave reads from a New International Version of the Bible

    Search for "the cloud." Blue Letter Bible:


    Search for "glory of the lord." Blue Letter Bible:


    Book of Ezekiel summary by Bible Project:


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    39 mins
  • Forgiveness - Eph 4.29-52 - Dave Bigler Guest Teaching at Grace Chapel - Sept 1, 2024.
    Sep 6 2024

    Looking at Ephesians 4.29-5.2 Dave asks the question "what does it mean to grieve the Holy Spirit?" In what way do our actions bring sorrow, distress and/or sadness to our Lord? Dave uses the illustration of three children who are bickering and arguing over trivial, inconsequential things while unbeknownst to them they are surrounded by God's amazing beauty and provision. We are the same. Dave also digs deep into the question of the forgiveness that God calls for us to have for one another. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Do you need to forgive someone who does not deserve your forgiveness or has not earned it? Have you earned (or do you deserve) God’s forgiveness? In the same way that God forgave you (in Christ Jesus), you two ought to show forgiveness to others. Dave Bigler (founder Iron Sheep Ministries) was asked to guest preach, on behalf of Renew Prayer Network https://www.renewalprayer.net, at Grace Chapel in Clifton Park, New York on Sunday, September 1st. In this teaching, Dave goes through Ephesians 4.29-5.2 covering the following text: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD

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    32 mins
  • Exodus 36-39 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 9 - Construction of the Tabernacle and all its elements
    Sep 4 2024

    In this Bible study, we cover Exodus 36.8 through the end of chapter 39. In this time we see the building of the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, the Table of Showbread, the Lampstand, the Alter of Showbread, the Altar of Incense, and the Bronze Alter. Additionally, we see the completion of the Bronze Basin, and the Tabernacle courtyard. We also cover Exodus 38 verses 21-31 which includes the total quantity of gold, silver, and bronze used in the creation of the Tabernacle and all its elements. Finally, all elements completed, “just as the Lord commanded Moses,” Moses inspects everything and is pleased.


    00:42 - overview of Exodus 25-35

    02:48 - outline of Exodus 36-39 as we covered in this study:

    Ex 36.8-38 - The Tabernacle. Covered in Ex 26.1-37.

    For more watch Ex 26 video, The Tabernacle Pt 2: https://youtu.be/nZQEVpHlT6E

    Ex 37.1-9 - The Ark of the Covenant. Covered in Ex 25.10-20.

    For more watch Ex 25 video, The Tabernacle Pt 1: https://youtu.be/VDaleBggyeg

    Ex 37.10-16 - The Table of Showbread. Covered in Ex 25.23-29.

    For more watch Ex 25 video, The Tabernacle Pt 1: https://youtu.be/VDaleBggyeg

    Ex 37.17-24 - The Lampstand. Covered in Ex 25.31-39/

    For more watch Ex 25 video, The Tabernacle Pt 1: https://youtu.be/VDaleBggyeg

    Ex 37.25-28 - The Altar of Incense. Covered in Ex 30.1-5.

    For more watch Ex 30 video, The Tabernacle Pt 6: https://youtu.be/mc2OZO1ouhU

    Ex 38.1-7 - The Bronze Alter, also known as the Brazen Alter or the Altar of Burnt Offering. Covered in Ex 27.1-8.

    For more watch Ex 27 video, The Tabernacle Pt 3: https://youtu.be/QCb5fBjEdqo

    Ex 38.8 - The Bronze Basin, also known as the Brazen Lavier or simply the Basin for Washing. Covered in Ex 30.17-21.

    For more watch Ex 30 video, The Tabernacle Pt 6: https://youtu.be/mc2OZO1ouhU

    Ex 38.9-20 - The Courtyard of the Tabernacle. Covered in Ex 27.9-19.

    For more watch Ex 27 video, The Tabernacle Pt 3: https://youtu.be/QCb5fBjEdqo

    Ex 38.21-31 - The Materials Used.

    Ex 39.1-7 - The Priestly Garments - The Ephod. Covered in Ex 28.6-14.

    For more Watch Ex 28 video, The Tabernacle Pt 4: https://youtu.be/ESCe9UF-nRg

    Ex 39.8-21 - The Priestly Garments - The Breastpiece. Covered in Ex 28.15-28.

    For more Watch Ex 28 video, The Tabernacle Pt 4: https://youtu.be/ESCe9UF-nRg

    Ex 39.22-31 - other Priestly Garments. Covered in Ex 28.31-43.

    For more Watch Ex 28 video, The Tabernacle Pt 4: https://youtu.be/ESCe9UF-nRg

    Ex 39.32-41 - Moses inspects the completed work.

    Reading of Exodus 36-38:

    07:31 - Exodus 36.8-38 - The Tabernacle.

    10:55 - Exodus 37.1-9 - The Ark of the Covenant.

    11:55 - Exodus 37.10-16 - The Table of Showbread.

    12:39 - Exodus 37.17-24 - The Lampstand.

    13:37 - Exodus 37.25-28 - The Altar of Incense.

    14:11 - Exodus 38.1-7 - The Bronze Alter.

    15:05 - Exodus 38.8 - The Bronze Basin.

    15:23 - Exodus 38.9-20 - The Courtyard.

    16:52 - Exodus 38.21-31 - The Materials Used.

    17:11 - Exodus 38.21. The Tabernacle of the Covenant Law.

    18:38 - Exodus 38.21 - Under the direction of Ithamar?

    20:07 - Exodus 38.24 - Total gold used in the Tabernacle: 29 Talents and 730 Shekels: 1 metric ton or 2,204 lbs. (small car)

    21:27 - Exodus 38.25 - Total silver used in the Tabernacle: 100 talents and 1,775 shekels = 3.4 metric tons, or 7,495 lbs. (An empty flatbed semi-truck, or a male Orca whale)

    22:30 - Exodus 38.26 - 603,550 Men

    24:57 - Exodus 38.29 - Total bronze used in the Tabernacle: 70 talents and 2,400 shekels = 2.4 metric tons or 5,291 lbs. (Two small cars or a rhinoceros)

    26:59 - Exodus 39.1-31 - The Priestly Garments

    Exodus 39.1-7 - The Ephod.

    Exodus 39.8-21 - The Breastpiece.

    Exodus 39.22-31 - The Garments.

    31:27 - Exodus 39.32-41 - Moses Inspects the completed elements of the Tabernacle.

    32:58 - Conclusion.

    Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate

    Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep

    Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org

    Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD

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    36 mins
  • Exodus 35-36 Bible Study - The Tabernacle pt 8 - Materials Donated
    Aug 28 2024

    In this study, we see God reiterate the importance of keeping the Sabbath. We see the Israelites volunteer the materials needed to build the Tabernacle, all provided by God (as foretold in Genesis). And we see all the skilled workers called forward, including Bezalel and Oholiab. This brings us into our final segment of the book of Exodus, as we see the Tabernacle built and blessed by God.


    00:31 - Review and outline

    01:49 - Exodus 35.1-3 Sabbath Regulations reviewed.

    Verses: Ex 16.23; Gen 2.3; Ex 20.8-11; Ex 31:12-18; Ex 35.1-3

    Important NT passages regarding the Sabbath: Mrk 2.27; Col 2.16; Rom 14.5-6; Gal 2.15-16

    12:27 - Exodus 35.4-9 - A call to bring the elements. A repeat of Ex 25.1-7 - A command given by the Lord for the people to give.

    Question: Where did this wealth come from? Where did Israel get the gold, silver, bronze, yarn, fine linen and animal skins? From the Egyptians: Gen 15.13-14; Ex 11.1-3; Ex 12.35; Psa 105.37

    16:51 - Exodus 35.10-29 - A call for skilled workers

    • This is a listing of all the elements that were explained in Ex 25-30.

    19:51 - What is a wave offering? Verse 22: All items were brought as a WAVE offering. We are not 100% sure exactly what a wave offering was, other than that it was clearly something that was lifted and presented to the Lord as an offering to the Lord. The term is seen 21x in Ex, Lv, and Num. (5x Ex, 10x Lev, 6x Num).

    20:54 - What was a “freewill offering?” - First mention at Ex 35.29, Deut 12.5-7; Psa 54.6; Lev ch 22 & 23; 2 Cor 9.7.

    25:42 - Exodus 35:30-36.2 Bezalel, Oholiab & every skilled worker, a repeat of Ex 31.1-6

    28:54 - Exodus 36:3-7 - God Provides. The builders of the Tabernacle had so much that they had to tell people to stop giving. This was an abundance out of God’s provision (foretold in Gen 15.13-14, told of in Ex 11.1-3 and seen in Ex 12.35). As Psa 105.37, “God brought Israel out of Egypt laden w/ Silver and Gold.” APPLICATION: Phil 4.19; Matt 6.19-34

    34:12 - Recap & closing thoughts

    Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate

    Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep

    Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org

    Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD

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    36 mins
  • Exodus 34 Bible Study - God’s Glory Revealed (pt. 2) The Covenant Renewed
    Aug 21 2024

    In this Bible study, we wrap up our three-part series looking at Israel’s fall into Idolatry in Exodus 32 followed by a look at Moses’ relationship with the Lord. God tested Moses by offering to create a new nation through him (Ex 32.10), but Moses selflessly pleaded with the Lord and offered himself as an atonement for their sin (Ex 32.31-32). In Exodus 33 and 34 we see a back-and-forth conversation between God and Moses which ends with God’s renewing of the covenant promises started in Exodus 19. We also see an amazing declaration of God’s name and his character in Ex 34:6-7 which Dave spends a good deal of time discussing in this Bible study.


    01:28 - Recap

    05:16 - Exodus 34.1-4

    07:44 - Exodus 34.5-7 - God’s Glory and His name. This is a declaration that is foundational to all Jewish and Christian theology. Moses repeats these words in Numbers 14 (at Kadesh-Barna). Num 14.18; Neh 9.9-21; Jona 4.1-4, Psa 86.15; Psa 103.6-18; Rom 2.1-6; 2 Pet 3.9; Rom 3.23; 1 Jhn 4.9-10; Rom 10.9-10; Rev 3.20

    27:40 - Generational Sin

    29:46 - Exodus 34.8-9 - Moses pleads again for his people

    30:29 - Exodus 34.10-11 - God renews his covenant.

    32:31 - Exodus 34.12-28 - God reminds them of specific (important) details of the covenant.

    45:25 - Fasting - Moses fasted 40 days and 40 nights without bread or water. Matt 6

    Study on Matthew 6 (Fasting):


    47:18 - Exodus 34.29-35 - Moses radiates the glory and love of the Lord. Mat 17.1-13; Psa 34.5; 2 Cor 3.7-18

    Wiersbe said it well, “when a child of God, looks into the Word of God and sees the Son of God, he (or she) is transformed by the Spirit of God into the image of God for the glory of God.”

    God renewed his promise and showed Moses a glimpse of His Glory. God forgave the sins of the nation and Moses returned to the people with the stone tablets.

    Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate

    Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep

    Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org

    Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD

    Books/resources used or referenced:

    Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

    Barker, Kenneth L.. Kohlenberger, John R. III. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Abridged, Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994.

    Purchase: https://www.christianbook.com/expositors-bible-commentary-abridged-edition-volumes/kenneth-barker/9780310255192/pd/54975?event=ESRCG

    Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.


    Wiersbe, Warren W.. The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, The Pentateuch. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2001. https://www.christianbook.com/the-bible-exposition-commentary-6-volumes/warren-wiersbe/9786125030474/pd/030474?event=ESRCG

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Exodus 33 Bible Study - The Glory of the Lord (pt 1)
    Aug 14 2024

    In this Bible study, we look at the aftermath of the Golden Calf incident of Exodus 32. God continues to test Moses, and Moses continues to stand up for Israel selflessly. We talk about Moses' tent of meeting and unpack what it means that God spoke to Moses face to face “as one speaks to a friend.” We also ask what Moses meant when he asked God to “Show me your glory.” We conclude this study with a look at anthropomorphism and the characteristics that God puts on himself to help us be able to better understand Him.


    00:31 - own your faith

    01:40 - Recap Exodus 32

    06:34 - Exodus 33.1-6 Overview

    08:03 - Exodus 33.1-2. “leave this place and go to the place I have promised.” The promised land. Gen 12.7, Gen 15.18-20, Ex 23.27-31, Ex 32.34, Deut 1-2

    10:22 - Exodus 33.3. “I will not go with you - you are a stiff-necked people - I might destroy you.” Ex 32.9

    12:12 - Exodus 33.4-5. “Now take off your ornaments” - Gen 35.2 & 4, Gen 37.34

    14:40 - Exodus 33.7-11 Overview - “Tent of meeting.” is this the Tabernacle?

    18:00 - Tent of meeting Application - Like Moses, Jesus also escaped regularly to talk with God. Matt 14.13, Mark 1.35, Mark 6.46, Luke 5.16,

    20:43 - God spoke to Moses face-to-face. Num 12.6-8, Deut 34.9-12

    24:12 - Exodus 33.12-17 Overview

    29:42 - Exodus 33.18-23 Overview

    31:03 - Exodus 33.18 - “Show me your glory” - What is Moses asking for? Ex 16.9-10, Ex 24.15-17, Ex 40.34.

    34:15 - Exodus 33.19 - I will proclaim my NAME, THE LORD, in your presence. When was this first proclaimed? Exodus 3.13-17

    37:45 - Exodus 33.20-23 - “You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live”

    37:45 - what is Anthropopathism, “the attribution of human feelings, emotions, or passions to a non-human being, especially a deity.”

    37:45 - what is Anthropomorphism, “attributing human characteristics to nonhumans” John 1.18, 1 Tim 6.15-16, 1 John 4.12

    43:13 - Definition of seeing God’s “Back” 'āḥôr אָחוֹר - “behind, afterwards, hereafter”

    45:02 - Conclusion and application - God showed his full glory to the entire world in Jesus Christ. 1 John 4.9-10, John 3.16

    Support Iron Sheep Ministries: https://Ironsheep.org/donate

    Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep

    Contact Dave & the ISM team: info@ironsheep.org

    Be notified of each new teaching, join the email list: http://eepurl.com/g-2zAD

    Books/resources used or referenced:

    Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

    Barker, Kenneth L.. Kohlenberger, John R. III. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Abridged, Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994.

    Purchase: https://www.christianbook.com/expositors-bible-commentary-abridged-edition-volumes/kenneth-barker/9780310255192/pd/54975?event=ESRCG

    Courson, Jon. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary Old Testament Vol. 1. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2005.


    Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.


    Wiersbe, Warren W.. The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, The Pentateuch. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2001. https://www.christianbook.com/the-bible-exposition-commentary-6-volumes/warren-wiersbe/9786125030474/pd/030474?event=ESRCG

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ironsheep/support
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    49 mins
  • Exodus 32 Bible Study - The Golden Calf - Moses Tested
    Aug 7 2024

    This is a longer then usual study which covers some major topics including God's book of Life, the wrath and judgment of God and how both point to Christ. We also talk about Moses being tested by God, about Israel falling back on their old ways of idolatry, and about Anthropopathism (what the heck is that)???


    00:12 - 3-part series around Moses (Exodus 32-34)

    00:52 - Context is key for this chapter - who, what, where, and when. Ex 19.6, Ex 19.8, Ex 24.3, Ex 24.7, Ex 6.6-8

    06:16 - Exodus 32

    13:15 - Ex 32.1 - “so long” - Ex 24.18 & Dt 9.9-12

    20:17 - Ex 32.4 - why did they make a golden calf? A calf (or a bull) was a common idol in the ancient Near East; they were thought to be able to support the god on their back. As a conduit to the deity.

    22:43 - What is Aaron’s role in the Golden Calf incident? Ex 24.14 - Aaron & Hur are left in charge. Aaron does not seem to fight this at all. Ex 32.22-24, Duet 9.20

    27:43 - Where is Hur in all this? Ex 24.14 puts BOTH of them in charge. There is no account. One of two things must be true, either he is complicit or complacent in the matter. IE: either he helped or he did nothing.

    30:22 - What does Ex 24:6 mean by Revelry? NIV: “Indulge in Revelry.” NLT “indulge in pagan revelry.” AMP “to play (shamefully, without moral restraint). NASB “engage in lewd behavior.” BBE (Bible in Basic English) “they gave themselves to pleasure”

    32:02 - Ex 24.7-10 - The Lord tests Moses. God says he will destroy Israel and make a new nation out of Moses. Moses pleads with God and reminds him of the Abrahamic Covenant (that he swore on himself to fulfill). The Abrahamic covenant is covered in Gen 12, 15, 17, 22,

    36:11 - Ex 32.14 - God Relents? Can God change his mind? Num 23.19, Mal 3.6, Jas 1.17, Ex 32.14, Jonah 3.5-10, Gen 6.6.

    39:35 - Anthropopathism., “Anthropopathism is the attribution of human feelings, emotions, or passions to a non-human being, especially a deity. For example, Bible translations may use words like "regret" and "repent" to describe God's reaction to human sin, but anthropopathism doesn't mean that God actually experiences regret and repentance like humans do.” Isa 55.8-9. What is a conditional statement vs an unconditional statement? Gen 12.2-3, 2 Sam 7.16, Jer 18.1-10, Rev 1.8

    47:19 - Application - We are to be like clay in God’s hands.

    49:20 - Moses comes down off the mountain.

    50:16 - Ex 32.26-29. God’s wrath and judgment in the Old Testament. Num 16, Num 25, Gen 19, Gen 6-9, Rev 6-16, Rev 20:11-15, 2 Pt 3.09

    59:24 - Exodus 32.30-33 What is God’s book? What is the Lamb’s Book of Life? Rev 20.11-15, Rev 3.5, 13.8 & 21.27, Rom 8.35-39, Ex 32.30-33, Psa 69.28

    59:25 - Exodus 32.30-33 What is God’s book? What is the Lamb’s Book of Life? Can you be taken out of God’s Book of Life? Can you lose your salvation? Rev 20.11-15, Rev 3.5, 13.8 & 21.27, Rom 8.35-39, Ex 32.30-33, Psa 69.28

    1:05:43 - Exodus 32.30-33 - Moses offers his life in atonement for Israel’s sin!

    1:08:02 - Conclusions and application. 1 Cor 10.1-14 - Paul uses Israel’s mistakes as a warning to the Corinthians (and us today).

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    Listen to the podcast: https://anchor.fm/ironsheep

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    Books/resources used or referenced:

    Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.


    Tenney, Merrill. New International Bible Dictionary. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1987.

    Purchase: https://www.christianbook.com/niv-dictionary-of-the-bible/j-d-douglas/9780310534891/pd/0534891?event=ESRCG

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    1 hr and 16 mins