• EP137 The root cause of anxiety is not what you think
    Aug 27 2024

    Is anxiety one of the main reasons why you crave alcohol? Because drinking is the simplest way to shut down your mind?

    The problem for most high achieving women is they assume anxiety and productivity go hand in hand. So even after alcohol becomes an official problem, the idea of giving it up feels impossible.

    But before you beat yourself up for not having an off-switch when you drink, you might notice that you probably don’t have an off-switch for anything.

    Running at full speed chasing an out-of-control brain is exhausting. And treating the symptoms of anxiety might keep you going longer, but eventually leads to burnout.

    In this episode, I’ll explain how the cure for anxiety begins with understanding the cause. And despite all the worry and concern and rumination…it’s not what you think.

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent. You don't have to quit. You just need to learn how to manage your anxiety. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life.

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    57 mins
  • EP136 How to escape the downward spiral of impending burnout
    Aug 20 2024

    How do you respond when you hear yourself say, “I can’t keep doing this?”

    Most of us crack the whip and keep doing it. We beat ourselves up for being weak or undisciplined. And suppress the growing anxiety and overwhelm that’s telling us something is wrong.

    The harder we try, the more exhausted we get. The excitement and motivation that gave us the energy to keep going mutates into cynicism and hopelessness.

    But those negative emotions are your superpowers. Everything you want is on the other side of the feelings you don’t want to feel. The breakthrough you need can’t happen until you surrender to the breakdown.

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN Are you looking for a mindful drinking coach instead of a sobriety program? I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent so you don't have to quit. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of why you're struggling and what tools you need to achieve your goals.

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    52 mins
  • EP135 Change how you respond to negative self-talk and evict the bully in your brain
    Aug 13 2024

    Does your brain call bullshit on positive affirmations?

    Today’s topic was inspired by a client who is struggling with negative self-talk. Whenever she tries to tell herself, “I love you, I trust you, and I believe in you,” the voice in her head screams, “No you don’t!”

    As a hard working mother and full time professional, she runs her ass off seven days a week trying to prove that she is capable, competent and worthy of respect. But when she fails to satisfy her nasty inner critic, drinking numbs the noise.

    There may be hell to pay, but there usually is anyway. So why does it even matter?

    The battle for control of your mind is exhausting and demoralizing. And also ground zero for alcohol use disorder. In this episode, I’ll guide you through real life scenarios with step by step instructions for how to banish the bully in your brain once and for all.

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN Are you looking for a mindful drinking coach instead of a sobriety program? I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent so you don't have to quit. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of why you're struggling and what tools you need to achieve your goals.

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • EP134 Three easy habits to reduce anxiety and heal your relationship with yourself
    Aug 6 2024

    How do you respond when you’re feeling overwhelmed and worried about everything happening in your life?

    Most high-achievers think that success comes from the ability to perform under pressure. And while that’s true, the mistake that leads to burnout is thinking you can’t feel better until you get everything done (well), and everyone around you agrees with your decisions.

    But that is literally never going to happen. And the harder you push yourself and the more stress you feel, the more your cravings for alcohol (and other forms of escape) will continue to overpower you.

    Anxiety is the thinking problem that causes the drinking problem. But it’s self-induced. You need to learn new thinking skills to control the bully in your brain so that you can feel safe, calm and present in your body.

    In this episode, I’ll give you the 3 strategies I use everyday that will allow you to feel like you’re on your own team and become your own best friend so you can live in peace…no matter what’s happening around you.

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN Are you looking for a mindful drinking coach instead of a sobriety program? I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent so you don't have to quit. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of why you're struggling and what tools you need to achieve your goals.

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    55 mins
  • EP133 Control your drinking with the 7 core skills of emotional sobriety
    Jul 30 2024

    If you’re wondering whether or not it’s really possible to become someone who has no desire to overdrink and therefore trusts herself completely with alcohol, I can tell you that it is. I have gone from being trapped in a cycle of heavy daily drinking for over 15 years to being able to enjoy drinking in moderation without worrying, counting or pacing myself.

    But it’s one thing to accomplish such a radical personal transformation. And quite another to be able to communicate and guide others through the process.

    As my clients inside The Next Chapter know, my strategies are always evolving in response to their experiences and needs. And after 6000 hours of coaching experience, I have cracked the code on alcohol use disorder.

    In this special episode, you’ll get to hear a broad overview of the seven core skills of emotional sobriety that have allowed me and hundreds of my clients to permanently reduce their alcohol consumption by 80 percent.

    You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of what is required to retrain your brain to think and feel differently about alcohol so you can build a life you no longer want or need to escape.

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN Are you looking for a mindful drinking coach instead of a sobriety program? I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent so you don't have to quit. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of why you're struggling and what tools you need to achieve your goals.

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    53 mins
  • EP132 The difference between behavior-based and identity-based changed
    Jul 23 2024

    How often do you pour a drink that you wish you had the willpower to resist?

    There’s a big difference between knowing what you should do and having the motivation to follow through.

    The mistake most people make when they want to cut back on their drinking is to use an all or nothing approach. Because it seems easier to avoid alcohol than to worry about that slippery slope of temptation.

    But if you’re in the habit of overdrinking, you’ve come to see yourself as someone who likes to drink more than you should. Which means that no matter how good it feels to wake up without a hangover, you’ll eventually feel deprived or get tired of making the effort.

    In contrast, people in the habit of stopping when they’ve had enough see themselves as moderate drinkers. Turning down another drink doesn’t feel hard for them. Because they really don’t want it.

    Everything you think, feel and do is a reflection of your self-image. Trying to change how you drink before changing how you see yourself forces you to swim against a riptide of subconscious programming.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why setting behavior-based goals such as limiting yourself to two drinks is a fast-pass to failure

    • How to improve your self-image without denying you want to change

    • The four phases of neuroplasticity that explain why it’s not possible to change all at once

    • Practical strategies for how to use willpower to design processes that make it easier to drink in moderation

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN Are you looking for a mindful drinking coach instead of a sobriety program? I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent so you don't have to quit. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of why you're struggling and what tools you need to achieve your goals.

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    52 mins
  • EP131 How to use the law of attraction to manifest a healthy relationship with alcohol
    Jul 16 2024

    Are you a positive person feeling defeated by your drinking habit?

    It’s hard to feel optimistic when you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts and anxiety due to overdrinking. Worrying feels like the responsible thing to do.

    But if beating yourself up was an effective strategy against alcohol use disorder, your cravings for alcohol would disappear.

    It’s counterintuitive to let go of the shame and guilt before you have proof that you’re cured. But you can’t solve the problem using the mindset that is creating the problem. Your negative thoughts and feelings are just making it worse.

    You already know that feeling better allows you to do better. When you manage to get it right…whatever that means to you , you feel inspired and optimistic. Which means you’re going to have to learn how to cultivate those emotions even when you’re hungover.

    Michael Hunter is an acupuncturist with a master’s degree in Taoism, and the founder of UpSpiral Life, a program for people who want to learn how to use the Law of Attraction and manifestation practices to change their lives. In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • How the Law of Attraction works to expand your capacity for positive emotions (and naturally reduce your desire to use alcohol as a crutch)

    • Daily practices to decondition your brain from negative thinking habits

    • How prioritizing a sense of optimism and peace will uplevel your life in ways you can’t even imagine

    • Whether or not it’s actually possible to manifest a million bucks while you sit on the couch

    Find Michael’s website at www.UpSpiral.Life, and join him on social media @sleepfix on TikTok and @UpSpiral.Life on Instagram

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN Are you looking for a mindful drinking coach instead of a sobriety program? I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent so you don't have to quit. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of why you're struggling and what tools you need to achieve your goals.

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    58 mins
  • EP130 Three skills to manage your mind so it works for you (instead of against you)
    Jul 9 2024

    EP130 Three skills to manage your mind so it works for you (instead of against you)

    Are you tired of worrying about alcohol because no matter how hard you try to change, you always end up back in the same place?

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But most people who are serious about cutting back on their alcohol consumption have actually tried a lot of different strategies.

    You may have taken a break to reset your tolerance, tried medications that reduce cravings, used apps like Sunnyside and Reframe for accountability or switched to beverages with lower alcohol content.

    It’s impossible to have hope when you feel like a failure. The shame, guilt and frustration consume your energy and motivation, and undermine your relationships, career and mental health.

    In this episode, Colleen explains why the more you worry about alcohol, the worse it gets. Because alcohol use disorder is a thinking problem, not a drinking problem. Changing how you think will naturally and easily change how you drink. You’ll learn:

    • The difference between negative and positive goals and why setting the goal to “drink less” causes you to drink more

    • How to move from an all-or-nothing perfectionistic mindset to a growth mindset with a less-is-more attitude towards alcohol

    • The difference between identity-based and behavior-based change and how to become someone who values her relationship with herself (so you can stop worrying about your relationship with alcohol)

    Come find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer

    Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL WITH COLLEEN Are you looking for a mindful drinking coach instead of a sobriety program? I can help you reduce your drinking by 80 percent so you don't have to quit. You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of why you're struggling and what tools you need to achieve your goals.

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    45 mins