
  • Setbacks aren't Failures
    Jun 3 2024

    In the 12th episode of Jada's Advocacy we catch up on Jada's current mental health and why they took a two month break away from making podcast episodes. We also discuss some of the green and red flags when it comes to coping through trauma, and we hear that the host is training to become a certified peer counselor.

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    17 mins
  • Myth vs Fact
    Mar 1 2024

    In today’s episode we spend time tackling some of the harmful myths around child sexual abuse and other forms of child abuse. We touch on a wide variety of different myths like how we believe strangers are the most likely to abuse children, that boys can’t be sexually abused, and that children false reporting CSA is happening at high rates. By us continuing as a society to treat these myths as fact we in turn leave many children and survivors of child abuse with detrimental lifelong suffering and adds to the continued stigmatization of abuse survivors and their experiences.

    Trigger Warning: Topics include child sexual abuse, physical child abuse, emotional abuse, victim blaming, and possibly other sensitive topics.








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    28 mins
  • About Me Q&A
    Feb 1 2024
    In the 10th episode of Jada's Advocacy we change up the pace with a Q&A! I go over 20+ questions about myself ranging from basic questions like my favorite color, to what my morning routine looks like. I also touch on a few deeper questions like what I want to be remembered by when I'm no longer here, and an accomplishment that I am most proud of. This episodes goal is to demonstrate that survivors are more than their trauma and abuse, and to show other survivors there is hope for brighter days if they are currently going through a hard time. Survivors are people with hobbies, passions, and favorite colors, just like anyone else. Our trauma doesn't define us, but it is and always will be a huge part of most of our lives.
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    22 mins
  • Going No Contact Part 2
    Feb 1 2024

    Today's episode is the continuation of E7. We take a deeper dive into how and why I decided to go no contact with my bio mother, we hear how my issue with anger leads me to reach out to my abusers and break no contact over and over. I discuss how many of my family members made the choice to abandon me with my abusers and remain in no contact. Instead of offering me the support all CSA survivors desperately need and deserve from their loved ones. We also briefly hear me talk about the relationship I have today with my bio dad.

    Trigger Warning- Topics include, child sexual abuse, child death, emotional abuse, child abuse, cps, incarceration, sex, victim blaming, and possibly other sensitive topics.

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    35 mins
  • Let's Chat!
    Jan 23 2024

    Let's chat about life, grief, bad parents, going back to therapy, being scared of reporting and so much more! Today we talk more about what life looked like while having extremely abusive parents. We also find out.....SURPRISE.....I reported my parents for child sexual abuse about two months ago. I touch on my feelings of anger, and how because of the stress and anxiety after reporting, I ultimately decided I needed to commit to weekly therapy.

    PSA: My step dad never "broke his hip", he had hip surgery!! Silly brain!

    Trigger Warning: topics in today's episode may include sensitive topics for some viewers such as child sexual abuse, mental health struggles, and more.

    What is COPD?:


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    47 mins
  • Going No Contact Part 1
    Jan 2 2024

    Today's episode we talk about what no contact is, what it looks like and how going no contact from abusive parents, partners, and friends can sometimes help us heal the relationship.

    The host shares a little about their personal experience going no contact with their bio mom and stepdad. Catch our next episode to take a deeper dive into how they were able to cut contact for good despite having strong trauma bonds.

    Trigger Warning- Briefly mentions CSA and Molestation




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    22 mins
  • Surviving Human Trafficking
    Dec 1 2023
    Today we learn what human trafficking is, we find out the difference between human trafficking vs human smuggling, we discuss the many myths and misconceptions and talk about some of the indicators and ways we can help fight against human trafficking. We end the episode hearing about my own personal experience surviving human sex trafficking as a 14 year old child, at the hands of my own biological mother and a man she had known for years prior. Trigger Warning: Topics include, child sexual abuse, grooming, forced drug use, rape, animal sexual abuse, sex trafficking, human trafficking, and possibly other triggering topics. References and Resources: USA Anti Trafficking Hotline: (888)-373-7888 or 911 https://www.state.gov/20-ways-you-can-help-fight-human-trafficking/ https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/what-human-trafficking https://polarisproject.org/myths-facts-and-statistics/ https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/orr/traffickingservices_0.pdf https://kidshelpphone.ca/get-info/what-human-trafficking/ UK: Anti Trafficking Hotline: (0800)-121-700 or 999 or 112 https://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/what-we-do/crime-threats/modern-slavery-and human-trafficking#:~:text=If%20you%20suspect%20modern%20slavery,an%20emergency%20always%20call%20999. https://www.humantraffickingfoundation.org/ https://www.antislavery.org/what-we-do/uk/anti-trafficking-monitoring-group/ Canada: Anti Trafficking Hotline (833)-900-1010 or 911 https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/hmn-trffckng/spprt-vctms-srvvrs-en.aspx https://www.canadiancentretoendhumantrafficking.ca/ https://www.canadianhumantraffickinghotline.ca/ https://www.ontario.ca/page/anti-human-trafficking-services-and-supports Belgium: Anti Trafficking Hotline 078.055.800. or 101 https://pag-asa.be/#:~:text=PAG%2DASA%20provides%20support%20to,human%20trafficking%20no%20longer%20exists. https://www.stophumantrafficking.be/#:~:text=In%20case%20of%20emergency%2C%20we,800. https://trafficking.help/be/
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    43 mins
  • P Stands for Predator
    Nov 1 2023

    In Episode 5 we hear a little bit about a traumatic sexual assault I survived at age 17 at the hands of my best friends 27 year old boyfriend. Listen to how I decided 5 years after the assault I was ready to report the man to the police, and how the age of consent laws kept me confused and silent as a teenager.

    TRIGGER WARNING- Explicit details involving rape and sexual violence, mention of drinking and driving, underage drug use, and other topics that may be triggering for some listeners. Keep this episode away from small ears.

    For legal purposes I will be censoring the legal names of the predator throughout the episode, if you live or have lived in Oregon specifically in the Gresham, Portland, Beaverton areas. I will gladly send you his legal name. Please reach out on TikTok @jadas.advocacy





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    25 mins