• Mark 13:14-37 "Jesus Foretells the Future, Part 3"
    Sep 16 2024

    Something that we often miss in our culture today is the use of poetic, figurative, and judgment language in the Hebrew language. When we read of the sun being darkened, the moon not giving its light, stars falling from the sky, floods, fire, and smoke—these are very standard prophetic imagery for political and social collapse. It does not mean now, nor did it mean in the OT when the prophets said these things that physical stars were going to fall out of the sky. It did not mean that the moon was not going to physically go dark forever. In fact, we absolutely know that these things did not happen. It is an absolute fact that Hebrew people understood the figurative way of a prophet saying things were about to get bad. Because we are well-educated Americans, living in the West, when we read, “sun, moon, and stars,” our mind goes to the actual physical heavenly bodies. It’s understandable. But the very first rule of proper Bible interpretation is to ask the question, “How would the original audience understand what I just read?” It’s a hard question to hold yourself to. But to be consistent and honest, we have to ask that question. It is the first rule of hermeneutics. What did the disciples understand? What did the Israelites understand? The disciples, unlike you and I today, were not steeped in Western thought, they were steeped in Hebrew thought.

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    47 mins
  • Mark 13:14-31 "Jesus Foretells the Future, Part 2"
    Sep 9 2024

    Today’s sermon is a continuation from last week’s sermon where we were discussing the Olivet Discourse. We are going to continue on today, but I am speaking specifically about what is called the “abomination of desolation”.

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    36 mins
  • Mark 13:1-31 "Jesus Foretells the Future"
    Sep 4 2024

    We live in a world which seems to be in constant turmoil. In fact, it has been stated that the 20th century was the bloodiest century of known history. From 1900 to 1988 170 million men, women, and children were shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed, or worked to death. Governments invented ways to kill people. Burning, drowning, hanging, and bombing are just a few of the ways it was done. One estimate is as high as click 203 million people now dead over the last century at the hands of governments given to wicked, godless worldviews and abuse of power. Of course we know about the constant saber rattling of governments all over the world today. There’s the ever present threat of China, the invasion at our Southern border, the war between the Jews and Hamas, the war between Russia and the Ukraine, and we just saw a little over a month ago now the assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. Then there is the crisis of the ever-weakening dollar, environmental hazards, pesticides in our food, global warming or cooling—climate change.

    There are many different conspiracy theories that abound on the internet and social media outlets or the social unrest simmering just below the surface click with groups like ANTIFA and BLM. The media now calls us "Christian Nationalists" if we appeal to God as the source of our rights. We rejoiced that Roe v. Wade click was finally over-turned, but what it has revealed in more states than not, is that people want to keep killing the fatherless in the womb. When I stand here as a Christian and say, “Jesus is King right now,” I can understand how many—even other believers might say, “That’s just not true! How can you possibly believe that Jesus is reigning right now? Don’t you know these are the signs of the end of days?”

    Today’s sermon is going to be a little bit different than my normal format. I already know that there will be at least 2 parts, and very possibly 3 parts as we look at this section of Scripture. Today, I will begin at verse 5. I am going to take each one of Jesus’ statements and give you some historical, cultural, and grammatical context. I want to present it to you because when we look at Scripture whether it is this subject or any other subject, we need to ask ourselves how the original audience would have understood what was being said or written. And, as always, I want to give you doctrinal truth so that you will be equipped to withstand false teachings.

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    36 mins
  • Mark 12:35-44 "The Son of David, The Son of God"
    Aug 28 2024

    When we left off in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus had silenced His questioners and He had told this last one in particular that he was not far from the Kingdom of God. We brought out at that time that, “To be ‘in the kingdom’ one must do more than simply approve of Jesus’ teaching; one must submit entirely to His authority and person. We are not told what became of this last questioner. So, a question which lingers in my mind is, ‘Did he make the next step and accept Jesus as the Son of David and David’s Lord?’”[1] He had the knowledge. He had some level of agreement. Did he trust Jesus as the Son of David, yet Jesus as the Lord of David? This is what we will be considering today.

    [1] David E. Garland, Mark, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996), 477.

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    37 mins
  • Mark 12:13-34 "Three Big Questions"
    Aug 9 2024

    Now, the elders, scribes, and Pharisees send the Sadducees and the Herodians to Jesus. Will they catch Jesus in a trick question this time?

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    50 mins
  • SPECIAL GUEST- Pastor Jay Nelson, Rev. 15:1-4; Ex. 15:11 The Holiness of God
    Aug 6 2024

    Pastor Jay Nelson was pulpit supply at Green Meadow Community Church. This is part of his series, "The Attributes of God". Here, he focuses on God's Holiness. May God bless the hearing and the reading of His holy word, the Bible.

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    42 mins
  • Mark 12:1-12 "The Kingdom In Crisis"
    Jul 30 2024

    Mark could be split into 2 parts. The first 10 chapters would be the Person of Jesus Christ; then beginning at chapter 11, the focus shifts to the Authority of Jesus’ Office. From Chapters 11-13 we begin to see not only the authority of our King Jesus, but we find Him dealing with the Kingdom of Israel in crisis. Our passage today will deal with the content of His judgment and the sentence brought upon Jerusalem. Jesus Christ the King gives His verdict in terms of a parable.

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    41 mins
  • Mark 11:27-33 "A Question of Authority"
    Jul 23 2024

    Spiritual blindness and pride can hinder us in our walk with Christ. We can fail to see just exactly how close He is to us. And, when we fail to see His closeness it often leads to fear and unbelief. So, I want to encourage you today, take note of His nearness. Consider what He endured for you. It is very personal. And, then, as you consider these things, reach out to Him in prayer. He has utterly destroyed every barrier in the way; the veil has been ripped in two, top to bottom, and you can now come in.

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    39 mins