• If you can't catch anything...catch lessons!
    Apr 26 2024

    Join us in our car ride back home as we laugh about the color green and realize how amateur we are at fishing...

    AND some sweet lessons, takeaways and perspectives we learned taking this trip up to the Great Smokey Mountains. There's something so rejuvenating about intentionally choosing to step away from your everyday life, allow yourself to breath in some fresh, crisp air, get a cabin off the grid and UNPLUG!

    Key Takeaways:

    [00:03:46] Finding mental water stations.

    [00:07:02] Discovering different shades of green.

    [00:09:27] Fishing lessons and patience.

    [00:15:33] Don't blink.

    [00:17:43] Finding time to recharge.

    [00:22:41] Living a meaningful life.

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    24 mins
  • Finding Drive and Overcoming Fear: Insights from Coach and Musician Colm McIntyre
    Feb 7 2024

    Kendra welcomes Colm, a results coach, speaker, singer, and songwriter. Colm shares his passion for empowering others and discusses his experience as a business trainer for Tony Robbins. Colm opens up about his love for creativity and storytelling since he was a young boy and shares how tapping into his imagination has shaped his life and multifaceted career. Developing a sense of faith and gratitude can be powerful tools in overcoming challenges and propelling personal growth. In the podcast episode, Colm shares his experiences and insights on how these two qualities have played a significant role in his own journey. 

    Colm emphasizes the importance of forgiving and letting go of past mistakes and wrongdoings. He acknowledges that everyone makes mistakes, and holding onto resentment and bitterness only weighs us down. By forgiving others, we are not letting them off the hook, but rather freeing ourselves from the negative emotions associated with the situation and can fully move forward. Colm highlights that forgiveness is a way to let go of the baggage that can hinder our personal growth and happiness.

    Tune in to this inspiring conversation about unlocking your full potential and achieving meaningful transformations.

     Key Takeaways: 

    [00:02:02] Creative Imagination and Writing

    [00:04:44] Northern Ireland's post-war conditions.

    [00:10:21] Finding Motivation and Drive.

    [00:13:19] Softeners and brutal honesty.

    [00:18:05] Dealing with negative influences.

    [00:24:29] Playing at the Bluebird Cafe.

    [00:26:14] Music's power to unite.

    [00:33:16] Developing a sense of faith.

    [00:35:35] Forgiveness and its power.

     ~If you love this show, please show your support and feedback by RATING + REVIEWING below! 


    Follow Kendra on Instagram: @kendraeisenbarth

    Email: kendra.carter941@gmail.com to be a guest on her show or share your own story 

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    38 mins
  • Top 7 Lessons Learned in 2023 & Living an Intentional Life: Finding What Really Matters to You
    Jan 22 2024

    Hello 2024 friends! Kendra reflects on her journey as a podcaster starting in 2023 and the challenges and growth it requires to keep going & block the doubt that creeps in starting anything new. She shares her experience of questioning her why and reevaluating her motivations for starting a podcast. Kendra discusses the discomfort and growth that comes with stepping outside of one's comfort zone and emphasizes the importance of NOT waiting for perfection before sharing one's work with the world. She also shares her personal journaling thoughts of the biggest lessons she learned in 2023, that will resonate deep with some listeners. This episode serves as an inspirational reminder for anyone embarking on a new venture or seeking personal growth.

    Key Takeaways: 

    [00:01:10] Stepping outside of your comfort zone.

    [00:06:00] Expanding and discovering oneself.

    [00:11:13] Shedding creative self-expression boxes.

    [00:17:12] Giving and contribution as fulfillment.

    [00:19:42] Friendships and meaningful connections.

    [00:24:53-00:25:04] Protecting your mind.

     ~If you love this show, please show your support and feedback by RATING + REVIEWING below! 


    Follow Kendra on Instagram: @kendraeisenbarth

    Email: kendra.carter941@gmail.com to be a guest on her show or share your own story 

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    27 mins
  • Navigating Risks, Taking Huge Leaps & Embracing Opportunity: Rebecca Cafiero's Journey to Building an Impactful 7-Figure Business for Women by Women
    Dec 13 2023

    In this podcast episode, Kendra interviews Rebecca Cafiero, a successful entrepreneur who shares her inspiring journey and the decision to start her own business. Rebecca initially had no interest in being an entrepreneur due to seeing the challenges faced by her parents in their businesses. However, after experiencing the instability of the corporate world and losing everything during the real estate crash, she realized that entrepreneurship could provide the security, flexibility, fulfillment, freedom, and destiny she ultimately desired most in her life.

    Rebecca's story serves as an inspiration for those who have great ideas but hesitate to take action. It also serves as a reminder that taking risks and being resourceful can lead to personal and financial success more than you could imagine.

    Key Takeaways:

    00:01:20 Entrepreneurship can provide financial security. 

    00:07:57 Reverse engineer your desired feelings.

    00:14:22 Embrace uncertainty in business growth.

    00:15:50 Embrace discomfort for business growth.

    00:21:15 Impactful feedback fuels personal growth.

    00:26:10 Importance of coaching for personal development.

    00:29:49 Know yourself for true freedom.

    00:35:00 Visibility and credibility increase profitability.

    ~If you love this show, please show your support and feedback by RATING + REVIEWING below! 


    Follow Kendra on Instagram: @kendraeisenbarth

    Email: kendra.carter941@gmail.com to be a guest on her show or share your own story 

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    39 mins
  • Breaking Free: Confronting Internal Conflict and Finding Liberation through Honesty
    Nov 1 2023

    Join Kendra in her car as she is fired up and inspired to share a raw and honest revelation she had years ago within herself that was once extremely painful and has now transformed into a gift; a gift that is brings such clarity and power to her life now. Kendra can now face the truth within herself, cut through the noise and emotional turmoil much quicker and with ease because of this past pain. Maybe you will be able to find the gift within your pain too and transform that into clarity and purpose moving forward. 

    P.S. If you want to hear my full story, listen to "Episode 1: My Story" 

    Key Takeaways:

    [00:02:09] The right decision.

    [00:06:23] The gift of pain.

    [00:11:47] Facing conflict and finding freedom.


    ~If you love this show, send your support and feedback by RATING + REVIEWING below! 


    Follow Kendra on Instagram: @kendraeisenbarth

    Email: kendra.carter941@gmail.com to be a guest on her show or share your own story 

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    14 mins
  • Change your Perception, Change Your Life
    Oct 25 2023

    "Embrace where you are, and more will come." 🌈🙌 Life has a way of unfolding exactly as it's meant to be. Instead of fighting against it, embrace the present moment and the lessons it holds for you. Trust that there is so much more ahead if you believe it, notice it, and express gratitude for what you already have. Remember, more IS coming your way!

    Feeling overwhelmed by the fast-paced society we live in? Tune in to this episode where Kendra discusses the importance of creating space for relaxation, peace, and intentionality in our busy lives. The host also shares her own perception shifts and vulnerable truths she's come to realize in creating this show, being a coach etc... the inner work never ends!

    Key Takeaways: 

    [00:01:15] The desire to slow down.

    [00:05:30] Perception and changing beliefs.

    [00:09:38] Limiting beliefs and self-worth.

    [00:17:20] Your whole life can change.

    [00:18:32] Relationships and Peace of Mind.

    [00:23:00] Life is exactly where it's supposed to be.

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    23 mins
  • What does Compatibility, Assumptions and Expectations have to do with Attracting Your Dream Relationship?
    Sep 6 2023

    Kendra is joined by her husband Daniel to discuss the difference between a lousy and an extraordinary relationship. They use examples from their marriage of their challenges and what’s worked for them. Tune in to discover how to have your own extraordinary relationship.

    Key Takeaways: 

    [00:02:26] Lousy versus extraordinary relationships.

    [00:06:47] Compatibility in relationships.

    [00:09:43] Compatibility in relationships.

    [00:11:46] Transforming lousy relationships to extraordinary

    [00:17:50] Love and relationship expectations.

    [00:19:18] The mirror of self-reflection.

    [00:21:56] Putting the relationship first.

    [00:25:22] Vulnerability and trust.

    [00:30:19] Keeping it lighthearted and fun.

    [00:33:33] The choice of dating your partner.

    [00:37:12] Why relationships end.

    [00:42:25] The direction of relationships.

    [00:43:19] Keeping passion alive in relationships.

    [00:47:32] Why relationships end.

    [00:49:22] Blending logical and emotional brains.

    [00:53:00] Expectations and time management.

    [00:57:26] Men need respect.

    [01:01:18] An assumption is the mark of a lazy communicator.

    [01:04:25] Improving relationships and communication.

    [01:08:17] Becoming the person of your dreams.

    [01:12:24] Impact of divorce on children.

    [01:14:50] Free strategy sessions and feedback.

    -If you love this show, send your support and feedback by RATING + REVIEWING below! 


    Follow Kendra on Instagram: @kendraeisenbarth

    Email: kendra.carter941@gmail.com to be a guest on her show or have a meaningful conversation with her & Danny! 

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Finding Contentment in the "What's Next" Hamster Wheel Mindset
    Aug 30 2023

    In today's episode you'll hear Kendra's thoughts of discontentment and asking that "What's Next" question to God. She shares that she has been seeking perspective through listening to sermons, talking to people she loves & trusts and praying. 

    Reflecting on her past experiences, the host acknowledges moments of contentment and fulfillment, as well as times when she felt constantly on the go and hustle culture. Now that she has moved and settled into a new place, she has more space and time to nurture and cultivate aspects of her life. She wonders about God's plan for her next phase in life and expresses her readiness for the transition or path, while also acknowledging that there are lessons and growth to be experienced in her current season.

    Overall, this episode delves into the host's personal journey of discontentment and the quest for clarity in this moment of life. It emphasizes the importance of embracing and understanding these feelings without judgment or guilt, while trusting in God's timing and plan for the future for your life as it is already done!

    The host also explores the common feeling of being behind and trying to catch up to others timelines. Kendra acknowledges that many people experience this sense of being late to their own lives. It can be challenging when we perceive others as being ahead or further along in their journeys. This can lead to a constant sense of trying to catch up or even forcing things to happen in our own lives. Instead, the host suggests trusting in the timing of things and allowing them to unfold naturally.

    Inspiring words from Kendra in the show: 

    "God's delays are not God's denials."

    "Don't miss all the love + beauty + magic that is in the here and the right now!"

    “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" Hebrews 12: 1-3. 

    Key Takeaways:

    [00:02:00] Trusting the timing of life.

    [00:05:16] Life conditions and blueprints.

    [00:10:50] Trusting the unknown path.

    [00:17:56] Healing through speaking it out.

    [00:21:02] Being true to yourself.

    [00:26:13] Discontentment and our forever home.

    [00:29:13] Surrendering and finding comfort.

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    29 mins